The Tierfon Yellow Aces, alternatively called the Yellow Aces Squadron, were a starfighter squadron within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, commanded by Captain Dosmit Ræh. Stationed at the Tierfon Launch Base, a number of its pilots, including Ræh, Lieutenant Zal Dinnes, and Jek Tono Porkins, piloted T-65B X-wing starfighters. Ultimately, due to increasing Imperial patrols, the base was destroyed and the squadron disbanded, with its personnel reassigned to various other posts; four pilots (Dinnes, Porkins, Vangos Grek, and Robich Duggsin) were dispatched to Base One located on Yavin 4. Despite this, former members of the squadron continued to display its emblem on their flight helmets well into their service with different flight groups.
By 5 ABY, the squadron was reformed to serve in the New Republic Starfighter Corps. The Yellow Aces participated in combat during the Battle of Jakku, where two of their Y-wings confronted a captured Imperial shuttle being flown by Norra Wexley.
Sometime following the Galactic Civil War, Rey, a scavenger residing on the desert planet of Jakku, recovered Ræh's flight helmet bearing the Tierfon symbol. Jessika "Testor" Pava, a Resistance pilot, also wore a helmet displaying the Yellow Aces' insignia.