A human male rebel pilot named Zev Senesca was a founding member of Rogue Squadron, fighting for the Rebel Alliance. While stationed on Hoth, Senesca took to the skies in a snowspeeder, identified by the callsign Rogue Two. As a pilot, he played a crucial role in locating the missing Alliance members, Captain Han Solo and Commander Luke Skywalker, and later participated in the Battle of Hoth. Tragically, during that battle, Senesca and his gunner met their end when an AT-AT brought down their snowspeeder.

Senesca, a human male, first came into existence on Kestic Station, situated near the Bestine system. Eventually, he departed Kestic Station and established a life on Uthura, where he engaged in the practice of hunting starwhales. By the period known as the Galactic Civil War, Senesca had enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, serving within the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps. Following his integration into the Alliance, he encountered Wedge Antilles and Hobbie during a training exercise led by General Hera Syndulla.
In 1 ABY, Senesca was present at the Mako-Ta Space Docks when the Galactic Empire initiated an attack on the Alliance's base. While confined to the Star Cruiser Republic, Senesca conveyed to Klivian his awareness and acceptance of the inherent dangers of opposing the Empire. Ultimately, thanks to Han Solo's intervention, the Rebel starfighters managed to launch. Senesca, as an original member of Rogue Squadron, piloted an X-wing in the ensuing conflict.
In 3 ABY, Senesca was among the Rebel forces stationed at Echo Base on the ice-covered planet Hoth, piloting a T-47 airspeeder under the callsign Rogue Two. Senesca started a betting pool concerning the worst aspect of their new base, with pilot Dak Ralter winning for his prediction of "too damn cold." Senesca and his fellow pilots enjoyed flying the airspeeders, but their operation was initially hampered by the frigid conditions, forcing the squadron to rely on tauntauns until the engineers could adapt their equipment.

When Rogue Leader Luke Skywalker disappeared during a patrol, Captain Han Solo set out to find him. As word of their missing leader spread, Senesca, now in command of Rogue Squadron, gathered the pilots in the barracks and initiated a new betting pool, declaring that the first Rogue pilot to locate Skywalker would win a week's worth of wages from their squadronmates. Ralter and Wedge Antilles added their names to the board, but when Derek "Hobbie" Klivian deemed it morbid, Leia Organa entered and expressed her belief that it was a gesture of hope and confidence in their ability to find him. Subsequently, the entire squadron joined the pool. The following morning, Senesca led Rogue Squadron and successfully located the two missing officers. Reflecting on Organa's words, Senesca smiled as he approached Solo and Skywalker, also mindful of the extra flight pay he had earned.
Shortly thereafter, the Galactic Empire discovered Echo Base, prompting the Rebel Alliance to begin an evacuation. During the ensuing Battle of Hoth, Senesca piloted his snowspeeder, with Kit Valent serving as his gunner. While defending Echo Base, Senesca's snowspeeder sustained two hits from an Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport. The initial shot inflicted sufficient damage to slow the snowspeeder, setting the stage for the second, fatal strike that resulted in the deaths of both Senesca and Valent.
Senesca was a courageous rebel pilot who served with distinction in numerous engagements throughout the Galactic Civil War. He disliked life on Hoth, finding the snow and cold winds unpleasant, but he remained dedicated to his duty. Senesca frequently organized betting pools for his squadron, including one concerning how long it would take General Organa to tire of Captain Solo's attempts to flirt and impress her. Senesca did not have a particularly high opinion of Solo, considering him a "blowhard" with more luck than skill. However, he ultimately respected Solo for his heroism and willingness to risk his life in the search for Skywalker.
Zev Senesca was conceived for the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, where he was brought to life by actor Christopher Malcolm. The film's credits identified the character as "Zev (Rogue 2)," and the surname "Senesca" was later officially recognized in Ultimate Star Wars, a 2015 reference book.
According to Ultimate Star Wars, Senesca originated from Kestic Station. However, the 2015 junior novel The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? asserts that Uthura is his planet of origin, and a definitive timeline from Lucasfilm has not yet been established.
The helmet worn by Zev in the film was subsequently used by an unidentified pilot in the Home One briefing room scene in Return of the Jedi.