The Bestine system existed within the Inner Rim region. It was the home of the planet known as Bestine IV, and also included the trading hub called Kestic Station. This star system, found in grid square M-14, was situated along the Corellian Trade Spine hyperspace route.
Located in the Inner Rim, the Bestine system encompassed the planet Bestine IV, which occupied the fourth orbital position. Both were situated within grid square M-14 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Also present within the star system's vicinity was the trading post Kestic Station, close to Bestine. The Corellian Trade Spine hyperspace route traversed the Bestine system, linking Bestine IV to numerous other planets.
During the later years of the Galactic Republic, lommite shipments were conducted from the planet Eriadu to the Core Worlds. The ships that transported the ore navigated around Bestine on their way to their destination. At some point during the Imperial Era, Jek Porkins, a trader hailing from Bestine IV, was compelled to abandon his homeworld and joined the fight against the Galactic Empire as a member of the Rebel Alliance. In 3 ABY of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance's Twenty-First traveled to Bestine IV as part of the Alliance Fleet's withdrawal from the Mid Rim. Yipsit, a Shahkirin mechanic, spent his formative years on Bestine IV before departing to enlist in the Resistance during their war against the First Order.
The Bestine system received its initial mention within the new Star Wars canon through the 2015 digital card trading application known as Star Wars: Card Trader. The first visual representation of the system was provided in the article titled "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?," authored by Mark Newbold and released on January 29, 2016.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Bestine system was first referenced in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, a roleplaying game supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. This book was penned by Grant S. Boucher and made available in 1989.