The VCX-100 light freighter represents one of the many freighter designs originating from the Corellian Engineering Corporation. A particularly well-known example of this model is the Ghost, a VCX-100 that had been modified and was under the ownership of Hera Syndulla.

Internally, the VCX-100 featured sleeping quarters, a galley for food preparation, and a communal space. Regarding weaponry, it was equipped with both a dorsal turret and a frontal turret. The frontal turret could be operated either by a dedicated gunner seated within it or remotely from the cockpit. The cargo hold and the primary access ramp of the VCX-100 were primarily situated at the front of the freighter, positioned underneath the forward turret. Furthermore, VCX-100s incorporated a specialized docking slot located between their main engines, designed to accommodate a VCX-series auxiliary starfighter. The VCX-100 also included a magnetic clamp installed on its ventral side, allowing it to secure and transport numerous large cargo containers.
Back in 10 BBY, prior to [Han Solo](/article/han_solo]'s acquisition of the Millennium Falcon, Solo engaged in a Sabacc game with Lando Calrissian, hoping to win Calrissian's starship. Solo attempted to capture Calrissian's attention by falsely claiming ownership of a VCX-100 as collateral.

In 5 BBY, a VCX-100 light freighter was located at a shipyard that was on Ferrix.
The Ghost, flown by Hera Syndulla, was a particularly noteworthy VCX-100. During 0 BBY, the Ghost was involved in the Battle of Scarif, and it also saw action in the Battle of Endor during 4 ABY.
By 35 ABY, a minimum of three VCX-100 light freighters, including the Ghost, were part of a fleet that Lando Calrissian had assembled. This fleet was intended to support the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above the planet Exegol.