Syndulla residence

The Syndulla residence, alternatively referred to as the Syndulla house or Syndulla estate, functioned as the domicile for the Syndulla clan and was situated within the Tann Province on the planet of Ryloth. This dwelling was constructed within the confines of a mountain, featuring a front entrance that led to a gated courtyard, complemented by a pair of balconies positioned above. The house also encompassed storage cellars in addition to an office utilized by Cham Syndulla. As a consequence of Cham's opposition to the Galactic Empire, Imperial forces commandeered the residence on at least a couple of distinct occasions during the Imperial Era. Hera, Cham's daughter, ultimately detonated the residence after she was captured by Grand Admiral Thrawn during an attempt to recover the family's Kalikori.


The Syndulla residence, the family home of the Syndulla clan, was situated on the Outer Rim planet Ryloth. Located in the region called the Tann Province, the dwelling was built into the side of a substantial mountain that appeared to rise above the surrounding desert plains. The primary entrance opened into a spacious courtyard, whose stone base was adorned with a complex circular design. A sturdy stone wall encircled the courtyard, punctuated by vertical stone posts positioned at regular intervals. Access to the courtyard was provided via two arched openings in the wall, each accompanied by a pair of barred windows. The remains of a Republic Y-wing starfighter were present in the courtyard, situated some distance from the entryway.

The exterior of the house included two balconies. The lower balcony was supported by brown, square columns, a design choice mirrored in the low stone posts that formed the balcony railings. Intricate carvings were visible on each balcony from the outside. The main entrance, reached by ascending seven steps, consisted of a pair of brown sliding doors positioned beneath an arch.

Inside the Syndulla residence, the primary entry room presented as an open, rectangular area featuring a central section situated two steps lower than the rest of the floor. The floor's design was geometrically divided into ornamented squares. A pair of brown sliding doors were positioned across the room, aligned with the entry doors, creating a symmetrical layout. Both sets of doors were flanked by tall potted plants, and several slender columns were placed around the room's perimeter. Two groups of four tall screens bordered the lower section of the room, emitting a gentle blue light that diffused across nearby surfaces. In addition to this, the space was dimly illuminated by overhead lights from the high ceiling.

