A human female who held the rank of captain within the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy, Brunson was in command of an Arquitens-class command cruiser. In 2 BBY, responding to an activated proximity sensor, she deployed to Geonosis, which formerly hosted the construction of the Death Star. It was there that she encountered the rebel starship known as the Ghost, which was on that planet. With the hope of securing promotions for herself and her crew, she tried to eliminate the rebels, first with TIE bombers, then rocket troopers, and eventually by attempting to entomb them within an underground cavern. When she positioned her cruiser to impede their departure, the Ghost fired two proton torpedoes, leading to the destruction of Brunson's vessel.

Brunson, a youthful captain in the Imperial Navy, was the commanding officer of an Arquitens-class command cruiser. Approximately two years prior to the Battle of Yavin, she reacted to a proximity warning on Geonosis. This alert was triggered by the Spectres rebel cell, who were on a mission to locate Saw Gerrera and investigate the disappearance of the Geonosian species. After a crew member informed her of life-sign readings on Geonosis, Captain Brunson sent out a pair of TIE bombers for scouting purposes.
The TIE bombers quickly found the rebel ship, the Ghost, and proceeded to strafe it. After the bomber crew sent a holographic image of the Ghost, Brunson identified the vessel as belonging to the Phoenix Cell, a component of the rebellion. The Ghost was successful in destroying the bombers. Consequently, Captain Brunson instructed her crew to determine the last known coordinates of the rebel ship, deducing that they had retreated into Geonosis's depths. Brunson's assessment proved accurate when they discovered that the Ghost had descended into a deep air shaft to meet with their allies, Saw, and the Geonosian Klik-Klak.
Brunson's light cruiser succeeded in trapping the Ghost inside the air shaft. Subsequently, she deployed a rocket troopers squad to board the rebel ship. However, the rebels successfully fought off the boarders and eliminated the entire squad. In response, Brunson gave the order to fire on the rebel ship and collapse the air shaft upon them. Despite her best efforts, the Spectres outmaneuvered Brunson, utilizing their laser cannons and proton torpedoes to blast through the Imperial light cruiser, setting it ablaze before escaping into space. Captain Brunson survived the explosion, but her light cruiser was completely destroyed.

As a consequence, the Spectres and Saw managed to escape off-world with visual evidence of the poison canisters used by the Empire to exterminate the Geonosians. Furthermore, they acquired a deflector core and assisted Klik-Klak in escaping with the last Geonosian queen egg into the deepest regions of Geonosis.
Brunson was later observed being escorted from Grand Admiral Thrawn's office aboard his flagship, the Chimaera, by two stormtroopers, along with Commander Brom Titus and Captain Slavin. The Grand Admiral had interviewed the three as part of his investigation to find a rebel spy within the local Imperial ranks. Lieutenant Yogar Lyste and Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus passed by the group. The former referred to the trio as officers of the Sector Command.
Brunson attained the high rank of captain at a relatively young age, showcasing her talent but also her inexperience as a commanding officer. Driven by ambition, she viewed her assignment on Geonosis with contempt and was determined to destroy the Ghost in hopes of a promotion. This proved to be a mistake, as she underestimated the Ghost's formidable reputation. Her attempt to trap the Ghost by using her ship to block their escape resulted in her own ship being torn apart by two proton torpedoes. The Ghost's pilot, Hera Syndulla, commented on the captain's lack of experience.
Unlike many Imperial officers, she exhibited a degree of camaraderie toward her subordinates, expressing her desire for their advancement. However, she could also be overbearing and petty, as shown when she responded to an officer's report of losing their rocket troopers by striking him on the head.
Brunson, voiced by Leslie L. Miller, made her debut in "Ghosts of Geonosis," which were the tenth and eleventh episodes of the third season of Star Wars Rebels. These episodes were broadcast on January 7, 2017. Jessica Brunson, the look development production coordinator for the series, inspired the character's name, Jessica Brunson.