Ebla beer

Ebla beer, also known by the single name Ebla, was an alcoholic drink that could be purchased at the Zero Angle, which was a bar situated at the Imperial Bright Jewel Oversector Flight Base on the moon of Axxila III. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Huck Trompo and Sully Olvar, who were two TIE fighter pilots belonging to the Imperial Army's Nashtah Squadron, were drinking Ebla at the aforementioned bar. After Captain Sax Hastur, the squadron's leader, stopped the two pilots from singing in order to provoke Navy personnel, he ordered the bartender Florn to bring Trompo and Olvar another Ebla each. Ebla beer was also available on the planet Lothal.

Behind the scenes

Brian Daley originated Ebla for the Star Wars Legends novel titled Han Solo's Revenge, which was released in 1978; subsequently, Ebla beer appeared in numerous other Legends stories. The drink's initial appearance in canon occurred in "Last Call at the Zero Angle," a short story penned by Jason Fry and featured in Star Wars Insider 156 in 2015.

