Nazhros Oleg was a student at the Academy for Young Imperials located on Lothal. He was a member of Unit Aurek and was assigned to squad LRC077. Oleg's selfish and competitive nature prevented him from understanding the value of teamwork, which frequently led to conflicts with his fellow squad members. He maintained a strong rivalry with Zare Leonis, another cadet in his unit who was secretly working as an undercover rebel.
Nazhros Oleg was a human male who was born around 18 BBY on Eufornis Minor, a remote planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories. He was raised by his two uncles, who worked as freight haulers, after the deaths of his parents. His uncles decided to move to Lothal after learning about new business opportunities created by Imperial investments there, and they took an unhappy Oleg with them.
Nazhros hated his life on Lothal and wanted to serve the Empire, so he applied to become a cadet at the Academy for Young Imperials on the planet. His goal was to be sent off-world to attend a senior academy after graduating. Oleg was accepted and placed in squad LRC077. He became a member of Unit Aurek, which also included cadets Jai Kell, Zare Leonis, and Pandak Symes. During the initial two-week orientation period, Oleg quickly gained a reputation for being a bully and frequently targeted Symes, whom he saw as weak. Oleg also disliked Zare, a fair-minded cadet who had secretly infiltrated the Academy to find his missing sister, Dhara Leonis, who had disappeared the previous year.
One morning, while Sergeant Currahee was reprimanding Symes, Oleg smirked at him. As a result, Currahee punished the entire squad by ordering a locker inspection. After inspecting Oleg's locker, she confiscated his flimsi as contraband and gave Unit Aurek three demerits. Following a drill run in the Easthills, Oleg tried to force Symes to give him his fruit bar and taunted him by saying he was going home. Zare defended Symes and knocked Oleg's fork out of his hand. When Oleg threatened Zare publicly in the mess hall, Lieutenant Chiron issued him two demerits and ordered him to sit down.
During his time at the Academy for Young Imperials, Oleg was disliked by his fellow Unit Aurek members due to his selfish and cruel nature. After their two-week orientation, Oleg and his fellow cadets were given white cadet helmets and told to wear them all day, except during breaks. Oleg, who was unfamiliar with using the helmet's audio pickups, muttered that he would have stayed home if he had wanted to study math. However, Lieutenant Chiron heard his remark and lectured him that the speakers in his helmet did not have a volume setting. He then gave the cadet a demerit.
Several days later, Oleg and the rest of Unit Aurek participated in a military exercise that involved deploying from a Sentinel-class landing craft into a lake. After getting out, the cadets had to reassemble their E-11 medium blaster rifles and reach a new rendezvous point on foot within an hour. When Zare stopped to help Symes, Oleg mocked Zare for being a "babysitter." Leonis responded that they would be better off as a unit of four. They then took part in an obstacle course that involved running through rough terrain while Imperial troops fired blasters at them on trainer setting.
When Oleg demanded the right to lead Unit Aurek, the other three members voted for Zare. When Leonis ordered his squad to advance in file formation to avoid being detected by the snipers, Oleg dismissed it as a stupid plan. While crawling to their rendezvous point, Pandak had a nervous breakdown. While Oleg demanded that they move on, Zare insisted on helping their fellow comrade. Later, Zare reluctantly joined Oleg and Kell as they proceeded forward, only to be intercepted by a trainer. After the exercise, Pandak volunteered to leave the Academy. To prove that he had been right about Pandak, Oleg lay in the former cadet's bunk. After learning that Unit Aurek would be receiving a transfer trainee, Oleg vowed to bully the new recruit.
After surviving the first field exercises, Oleg and the other remaining cadets began a series of exercises around the Well, a large training pit with various obstacles and challenges. Their first training exercise involved climbing onto a structure called the Pillar. During the exercise, Oleg showed his selfish nature by refusing to cooperate with his fellow squad members. Oleg and Zare managed to climb the Pillar with difficulty, but they were beaten by Cadets de Grom, Wheeler, and Jai Kell. These trainees were rewarded with an extra dessert ration and a free period. Oleg's dislike of teamwork caused conflicts with the other cadets, especially Zare and Jai. During a second training session, Oleg took advantage of Zare and Jai's efforts to help him by reaching the top of the Pillar before them. On a third occasion, Oleg complained about being paired with another cadet named Lomus. As punishment, Sergeant Currahee gave him two demerits.
Nazhros Oleg immediately disliked Unit Aurek's new transfer cadet, Dev Morgan, whom he called a "moisture farmer." Unbeknownst to Oleg and his fellow cadets, Morgan was actually Ezra Bridger, a young Force-sensitive rebel using a pseudonym. Ezra was part of a rebel cell led by former Padawan Kanan Jarrus and Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla. Morgan's mission was to steal a decoder for Kanan and Hera, so they could intercept an Imperial cruiser rumored to be carrying a massive Kyber crystal.
Shortly after Dev's arrival, Sergeant Currahee informed the cadets that Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko would be supervising them for a week of assessments to test their physical and combat skills. During these assessments, Oleg and his fellow cadets were lowered into the Well and told to race each other to the top using floating repulsorlifts. The top three cadets would be allowed to work at the Imperial Headquarters, while the losers would have to serve Taskmaster Myles Grint. During the first exercise, Oleg tried to sabotage Ezra and Jai. Ezra, using The Force, sensed Oleg and moved Jai and himself out of Oleg's path. Ezra, Jai, and Zare completed the course, but Oleg did not finish in the top three, which made him hate Ezra even more.
During the second trial, Oleg took Grint's lesson to heart. After Ezra moved Jai away from the bolts, Ezra pushed Jai off the platform so he could complete the mission. Because of this, Oleg finished in the top three, along with Zare and Ezra. For their last training session, the first three cadets to finish would be able to pilot an AT-DP with the help of an Imperial combat driver.
Oleg was determined to eliminate Ezra and Jai from the competition and made sure to shoot at them whenever they were ahead of him. However, Jai had made a truce with Ezra and Zare to escape from the academy. Ezra also discovered that the Grand Inquisitor was going to take Ezra and Jai into custody because they were identified as Force-sensitive after passing the first two trials. Unbeknownst to Oleg, he inadvertently helped Jai escape the Inquisitor for a time because he started firing at Ezra and Jai, who were already close to the top, when the final trial began. He, along with Jai and Zare, finished first and were able to pilot the AT-DP. During the rebel attack on the academy, Jai stunned the pilot to take control of the walker and also stunned Oleg when he tried to interfere with the plan. This attack allowed Dev and Jai to escape with their rebel companions, who were waiting outside the Academy in a landspeeder. However, Zare chose to stay behind to find his sister Dhara. To maintain the appearance of being a loyal Imperial citizen, Leonis pretended to fire on the rebels and received a commendation for his efforts. While the Imperial authorities believed Leonis' story, Oleg was the only one who knew that he was a "traitor" working with the rebels. As a result, Oleg's relationship with Cadet Leonis became even more strained and hostile.
As Oleg continued his training at the Imperial Academy, he became more aggressive and trigger-happy. An Imperial Captain named Piers Roddance took over the cadets' training, which had progressed to live-fire exercises. One of Captain Roddance's training sessions involved the cadets advancing on a position held by low-value targets—old droids that were scheduled to be decommissioned. During the training exercise, Oleg mocked Leonis for his reluctance to destroy droids. When Unit Aurek took a decommissioned nanny droid into custody, Oleg fired on the droid with his blaster without being provoked, effectively destroying it. While Leonis was disgusted by Oleg's desire for violence, Captain Roddance praised the cadet for saving him the trouble of issuing a disassembly order.
After Commandant Aresko announced that the Academy would be screening its cadets for potential traitors due to the growing insurgency on Lothal, Oleg taunted Leonis by saying that the Empire would now discover his "secret." On one occasion, Oleg provoked a fight with Zare by taunting him about his sister. During the fight, Zare gave Oleg a bruised eye and a bloody nose. When Sergeant Currahee arrived in their barracks to investigate the commotion, Oleg tried to get Leonis into trouble by claiming that he had attacked him. However, the other cadets, including Kabak and Rykoff, refused to support him and claimed that Oleg had slipped. Even Currahee was unsympathetic and remarked that he had slipped on his own tongue. After Currahee left, Oleg warned Leonis that he knew his true loyalties.
During the winter break, the Imperial authorities launched a crackdown. When Oleg returned from the winter break, Captain Roddance assembled the cadets and informed them that all training exercises had been canceled in favor of fieldwork. The cadets were assigned to help the Imperial authorities enforce law and order on Lothal by participating in street patrols. Roddance also informed the cadets that civilians questioning the need for Imperial operations was a violation of Imperial law that needed to be recorded and reported. In an attempt to trap Cadet Leonis in the act of breaking Imperial law, Captain Roddance personally arranged for Oleg to be paired up with Leonis, much to the dismay of the two boys, who hated each other.
On one street patrol, Oleg reluctantly agreed to the two cadets taking turns questioning local residents in Capital City. The two boys also argued about lowering their faceplates. Oleg argued that people would not respect kids, while Leonis countered that people would trust them more if they could see their faces. The two cadets visited a Sullustan household. When Zare allowed the mother to finish serving breakfast before attending to them, Oleg complained that the woman was treating them like salesmen. When the Sullustan woman came out, Zare politely introduced himself and Cadet Oleg and asked her if she knew about any illegal activities in her neighborhood. When the woman reported that her neighborhood was a quiet block and that her neighbors seemed "good enough," Leonis politely thanked her for her time and left.
Oleg openly criticized Cadet Leonis' methods and insisted on doing things his "own way" when they searched the second house. The second home was occupied by a family where the father worked for Sienar Fleet Systems. Oleg abused his power and treated the man harshly, reprimanding him for not registering his wife and son, who also worked for Sienar Fleet Systems. He threatened to report the man for this minor discretion unless the man provided him with information about treasonous activities in his neighborhood. In his view, any criticism or questioning of the Empire's policies was equivalent to treason. When pressed by Oleg, the man reported that there was a bar nearby whose barrels of ebla did not have tax stamps. Oleg released the man after issuing a warning that the Empire would check on his family's registrations.
When Cadet Leonis confronted Oleg about his bullying methods, Oleg argued that the man was breaking the law. He also claimed that his methods were successful since he had uncovered a tax violation and three possibly "treasonous" statements. Oleg claimed that the Empire was interested in results. When Cadet Oleg reported his findings to Captain Roddance and Lieutenant Chiron, Roddance praised Oleg's bullying methods for obtaining results. When Chiron expressed concerns that the Lothalian people were still unfamiliar with the Empire's tax policies, Roddance defended Oleg by implying that the Lieutenant was condoning tax evasion. Oleg was also present when Leonis expressed concerns about the harsh and punitive nature of the Empire's enforcement policies, which earned him a rebuke from Captain Roddance. The Captain then reminded the assembled cadets that the Empire expected absolute loyalty to Emperor Palpatine and unquestioned devotion to the Imperial cause.
While Nazhros Oleg claimed to be devoted to the Empire, he also enjoyed using his new powers as an Imperial Cadet to push people around. On the second day of the Imperial crackdown, Cadet Oleg and Cadet Leonis participated in an Imperial operation that involved placing the children of fugitives into protective custody to force the fugitives to surrender themselves to the authorities. While the children were frightened and their guardians were frantic, most of the subjects cooperated. However, the Imperials were forced to arrest a few of the guardians who resisted. During the operation, Oleg insisted on keeping his faceplate down while issuing orders. In contrast, Leonis tried a gentler approach by allowing the children to play with his helmet and take turns riding an Imperial Troop Transport. This incident only widened the gap between the two cadets.
Later, Supply Master Yogar Lyste received intelligence that a group of smugglers were stockpiling goods at a warehouse in Capital City. Captain Roddance assigned Cadet Oleg to lead a squad of stormtroopers in the raid, while Cadet Leonis was tasked with assisting him. Roddance placed Oleg in charge of the mission as a reward for his ruthless methods, which he considered hallmarks of a good Imperial officer. When Zare asked if the smuggled goods were dangerous, Oleg lectured that they were serving a "fair system" where everyone was equal before the law without any fear or favor. Leonis retorted that Captain Roddance couldn't have said it better himself, hoping to rattle Oleg by showing that he was aware that Roddance was monitoring their communications.
They proceeded with their operation and found that none of the goods in the warehouse had the required tax stamps. Oleg ordered the arrest of everyone inside, only to be shocked. Two of the men in the warehouse were his uncles. Upon seeing this, he said there was a mistake and ordered the stormtroopers to release them and reseal their barrel. Confused, they turned to Zare Leonis, who lowered his faceplate and issued his own order. He told them that the men had broken Imperial law and were to be taken into custody, and he relieved Oleg of his duty. By attempting to protect his uncles from prosecution, Oleg had broken Imperial law and was expelled from the Imperial Academy, ending his dreams of leaving Lothal and advancing through the ranks of the Imperial Military.
After the customs compliance raid, Oleg was expelled from the Academy and returned to the streets of Capital City. Captain Roddance was personally disappointed that his favorite cadet had failed the test by associating with lawbreakers. In his view, the Empire had no room for liars or traitors since lying and treason were the same thing. When Cadet Leonis tried to defend his former tormentor by suggesting that Oleg was unaware of his uncles' illegal activities, Roddance was unmoved and argued that Oleg's criminal associations were a weakness that the Empire's enemies would have eventually exploited. He even considered compassion a sign of weakness. As a supposed reward for Zare's devotion to the Empire, Cadet Leonis was immediately reassigned to the Arkanis Academy. Unknown to Leonis, this was a trap to uncover his own anti-Imperial activities.
Later, Oleg happened to see Zare meeting with Dev Morgan, the former cadet who was actually a rebel cell member. While hiding under a barrel, Oleg watched as Leonis informed Dev that Agent Kallus was planning a major operation at the Lothal City Capitol Building. Zare also told Morgan that he was being assigned offworld. Before Dev could tell Zare his real name, they were interrupted by a stormtrooper patrol. Dev fled and elbowed Leonis in the chest. Zare then claimed that he had caught Dev selling black-market goods and stayed behind while the stormtroopers pursued Dev. Once the stormtroopers had left, Oleg revealed himself and denounced Zare as a traitor.
In response, Leonis retorted that Oleg was a "washout cadet" and that nobody would believe him. Enraged, Oleg lunged at Leonis, who ducked and threw him over his shoulders. Oleg landed on his back and tried to attack Leonis. However, Zare grabbed him by the neck and threw him against a building. Oleg tried to free himself but couldn't break Leonis' grip. Zare then told Oleg that he had created his own predicament and warned him that he would not be so fortunate if they met again. Leonis released Oleg, and the disgraced former cadet fled into the night. When a Stormtrooper Commander approached the scene of the fight, Leonis informed him that there were criminals in the marketplace and recommended that he launch a full sweep.
Nazhros Oleg was a rash and quick-tempered young man who saw the Academy for Young Imperials as a way to improve his life. He disliked Lothal, considering it a primitive backwater, and longed to leave the planet. During his time at the Imperial Academy, Oleg showed his selfish nature by disregarding teamwork and bullying the other cadets. His arrogant attitude and overly competitive behavior made him unpopular with many of his fellow cadets, especially Zare Leonis. Oleg did not handle failure well and became visibly upset when he didn't come in first during a training exercise in the Well.
As an opportunist, Nazhros Oleg constantly looked for ways to expose Zare Leonis' disloyalty to the Empire, but he was unsuccessful because Leonis managed to maintain the appearance of being a loyal and exemplary cadet. Oleg was involved in physical fights with Leonis on several occasions but was unable to match his strength and combat skills. While serving the Empire, Oleg took every opportunity to abuse his new powers by bullying Imperial citizens in the name of achieving results. While Oleg saw himself as an enforcer of Imperial justice, he failed to meet the Empire's standards when he discovered that his uncles were involved in smuggling unstamped goods. When faced with that situation, Oleg showed favoritism towards his relatives by trying to shield them from justice. After being expelled from the Academy, Oleg harbored a great deal of anger, hatred, and bitterness towards Leonis for ruining his career ambitions. Oleg was further angered that the disloyal cadet had seemingly escaped justice.
Nazhros Oleg made his first appearance as a minor antagonist in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Breaking Ranks," which premiered on October 27, 2014. Eric Lopez provided the voice for his character. Oleg's backstory and character development were further explored in two novels by Jason Fry, Rebel in the Ranks and Imperial Justice, which were part of the young adult tie-in series Servants of the Empire. The series is set in the same universe as Star Wars Rebels but primarily focuses on Zare Leonis' story.
In his blog on Tumblr, Jason Fry's Dorkery, Jason Fry stated that he neither knows nor considers important what happened to Oleg after the events of the series, as he has "no character arc," being a "little jerk" throughout the series. He conjectured, however, that Oleg might have lived a mean existence as a brutal Capital City cop, robbed of his chance for Imperial glory.