Unit Aurek

Unit Aurek was a group of Imperial cadets that belonged to squad LRC077 while they were at the Academy for Young Imperials located on Lothal. Initially, the members of this unit were Jai Kell, Zare Leonis, Nazhros Oleg, and Pandak Symes. However, Symes didn't make it through the initial training and subsequently left the academy. For a short time, Ezra Bridger, using the fake name "Dev Morgan", took his place. Bridger was secretly a member of the Spectres and was there on a secret assignment. Following Morgan and Kell's escape, Morgan's true rebellious nature was exposed. Kabak and Rykoff then took their places in the squad. Later, Zare Leonis was transferred to the Arkanis Academy and therefore departed from the unit, and around the same time, Oleg was kicked out. Unit Aurek, along with Unit Besh, gained a reputation as one of the top units during their time at the Academy for Young Imperials. With the exception of Symes, all of its cadets were seen as having the potential to become officers.

