Cikatro Vizago

Cikatro Vizago was a male Devaronian crime lord. He led the Broken Horn Syndicate on the planet Lothal during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Vizago's illicit activities encompassed both smuggling and extortion. His power was enforced by formidable IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droids. On multiple occasions, Vizago engaged the services of the rebel crew of the starship Ghost, tasking them with various smuggling operations in return for either credits or valuable Imperial intelligence.

The Devaronian crime figure was also associated with various individuals, including fellow crime boss Azmorigan and the human smuggler Lando Calrissian. Despite his unethical dealings, Vizago provided assistance to Ezra Bridger in the rescue of his master, Kanan Jarrus, from Imperial custody after Kanan identified himself as a Jedi. Vizago and Calrissian subsequently abandoned Lothal following a clash with Imperial stormtroopers in the run-down settlement known as "Tarkintown." Later, Vizago briefly lost command of his own vessel to the pirate Hondo Ohnaka, compelling him to call upon Bridger's previously promised favor to regain control.

Later, the Specters sought Vizago's aid to be smuggled back onto Lothal. As a consequence, Vizago was condemned to forced labor on the Mining Guild ore crawler Crawler 413-24. Vizago encountered the Spectres, who then liberated him and the other enslaved individuals. In gratitude, Vizago aligned himself with the Rebellion. He played a role in the Liberation of Lothal by assisting Mart Mattin and Wolffe in summoning a group of purrgil to assault Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet.


Vizago encountered the Graf siblings and lost a horn to them.

Cikatro Vizago was born in 45 BBY. He later found employment at Twin Horns Storage, named after his own horns, which operated as a front for illicit activities overseen by Rask Odai. He crossed paths with Lina Graf, Milo Graf, and CR-8R as they were being harassed by a thug. After learning of their need to locate a transmission, he directed them to Odai. Odai seized CR-8R's head for his collection as payment for the transmission. The Graf siblings, along with their new acquaintance Shalla Mondatha, devised a scheme to retrieve CR-8R's head. Mondatha smuggled them past Vizago and another henchman named Rom within the storage facility by concealing them in a beetle-filled crate to mask their life signs. The Graf twins successfully stole back CR-8R's head, but Mondatha proceeded to break into the storage building regardless. Mondatha revealed herself to be 'The Shade', a bounty hunter pursuing the Graf siblings, and shot Rom and Odai's bodyguard IG-70. She also shot off one of Vizago's horns while inquiring about the Graf children's whereabouts. Following the loss of his horn, Vizago rebranded and restructured Twin Horn Storage into the Broken Horn Syndicate.

Trip to Seylott

Vizago came across the Smuggler's Guide after purchasing a weapons shipment from Ephant Mon. Driven by a desire to increase his wealth, he resolved to pursue one of Maz Kanata's treasure caches on Seylott. He formed an alliance with Azmorigan and Lando Calrissian. Upon their arrival on the planet, Vizago discovered that it was under Black Sun lockdown. He attempted to disguise his group as wandering nomadic surveyors while searching for the treasure trove, but they were confronted by Black Sun thugs. Unfortunately for Azamorigan and Vizago, the Black Sun saw through their disguise and drove them away with vibroaxes.

Dealing with the Spectres

Vizago inspects a stolen Imperial Blaster

After the Spectres committed the theft of Imperial blasters, Vizago shared information with the crew of the Ghost regarding the location of Wookiees held captive by the Empire. Later, Vizago offered the rebels payment once more, provided they could steal a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles for him. However, the Empire disrupted their transaction, and the crime lord, along with his droids, absconded with half of the shipment without providing payment.

Rescuing Kanan

Following the Empire's capture of Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Garazeb Orrelios later approached Vizago, seeking information on Kanan's whereabouts in Imperial custody. Vizago confessed his ignorance of Kanan's location and expressed skepticism about providing information that might lead to increased Imperial security on Lothal, which would significantly impact his operations. Ezra then inquired if he knew the reason for the Empire's relentless pursuit of the Ghost's crew or the arrival of an Inquisitor on Lothal, revealing that he and Kanan were both Jedi. Disbelieving his claim, Vizago initially dismissed it with laughter until he witnessed Ezra's use of the Force.

Vizago informed Ezra that the Empire was using courier droids.

Upon realizing the seriousness of Ezra's intentions, Vizago extracted a promise for a future favor and invited him aboard his ship, the Broken Horn, where they formalized their agreement with mutual bows. The Devaronian then explained that, due to the Empire's destruction of Lothal's Imperial Communications Center, they were compelled to rely on courier droids for message transmission. By intercepting the communication logs carried by these droids, the rebels might uncover Kanan's location. Vizago then dispatched Ezra, reminding him that he would collect on his favor at a later time.

Trouble with Hondo Ohnaka

Subsequently, Vizago undertook a mission to deliver five power generators to the Jablogian crime lord Azmorigan on the frigid planet of Nixus. En route, Vizago encountered the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who stunned him and imprisoned him on his own vessel. Ohnaka also seized Vizago's ship, the Broken Horn, and disabled his droids. Before losing consciousness, Vizago managed to send a distress signal that was intercepted by the rebels Ezra and Chopper. When the two rebels confronted Ohnaka, the Weequay pirate falsely claimed that Vizago had lost the Broken Horn in a sabacc game.

Ohnaka then persuaded Ezra and Chopper to assist him in a mission to sell the power generators to Azmorigan. After escaping Azmorigan, Ezra and Chopper discovered Vizago confined in a holding cell within the Broken Horn's brig. Vizago revealed the truth and enlisted Ezra and Chopper's assistance in reclaiming his ship. After retrieving his master controller from Ezra, Vizago used his droids to attack Ohnaka, Ezra, and Chopper. Ohnaka managed to escape on the rebels' shuttle, the Phantom. Enraged by the loss of both his profits and merchandise, Vizago dispatched Ezra and Chopper back to the planet Garel in an escape pod. Unbeknownst to Vizago, the Phantom had been programmed to return to its mothership, the Ghost. The rebels allowed Ohnaka to retain his ill-gotten gains but confiscated the power generators.

Smuggling the Spectres

In need of returning to Lothal, the Spectres contracted Vizago to smuggle them through the Imperial blockade aboard his ship, the Broken Horn, in exchange for a supply of puffer pigs. Although Vizago initially believed that his permits and credentials would ensure passage through the blockade, the Imperial Navy detected unauthorized lifeforms on board Vizago's ship. Upon landing at Capital City spaceport, Vizago's ship was secured with gravity locks and subjected to a search by a squad of stormtroopers. However, the Spectres managed to escape by releasing Vizago's puffer pigs. Anxious to prevent the loss of his livestock, Vizago attempted to grab one of his pigs, but ended up startling it, trapping himself aboard.

Vizago in the mining guild.

As punishment for smuggling rebels on his ship, Vizago was sentenced to forced servitude aboard the Mining Guild ore crawler Crawler 413-24. Vizago and other prisoners were compelled to work under the whip of the Trandoshan foreman Proach and captain Seevor. Despite his predicament, Vizago remained confident that the rebels would come to their rescue. Vizago's hopes were realized when the Spectres and local rebel leader Ryder Azadi boarded the ore crawler. After a prolonged struggle, the Spectres succeeded in killing Proach and Seevor while narrowly evading an Imperial patrol. Vizago boasted to the other prisoners that he knew his rebel friends would come to rescue him, and even though Jarrus initially went along with it despite having no idea that Vizago was aboard, the Devaronian eventually learned that they hadn't come to save him after all. He was initially displeased by this revelation, but in the end was thankful that they rescued him at all. Following their liberation, Vizago claimed the captured mining crawler as his own, while the other former prisoners enlisted in the Rebel Alliance.

Joining the Rebellion

Vizago joined the Spectres to liberate Lothal.

Following his liberation, Vizago allied himself with the Spectres and their Lothal resistance group allies, who had established a base in a cliff dwelling. Before the Liberation of Lothal, Vizago informed Ezra that General Hera Syndulla wished to speak with him. Vizago was privy to Ezra and Ryder's discussions regarding the liberation of Lothal from Imperial control. Ryder's strategy involved feigning betrayal of the rebels to lure Governor Arihnda Pryce and her forces into a trap at the rebel cliff dwelling.

Subsequently, Pryce launched an assault on the Lothal rebel base with a fleet of patrol transports, stormtroopers, and jumptroopers. During the battle, Vizago expressed regret at having met Ezra as the Imperials encircled the rebel forces atop the ore crawler. Vizago survived the destruction of the ore crawler, but he and the other rebels were captured by Pryce's forces. However, Pryce's forces were defeated by Hera's reinforcements and a pack of loth-wolves. Following Pryce's capture, the rebels proceeded with the next stage of their plan.

Liberation of Lothal

While the main rebel force departed to attack the Dome, Vizago remained behind with the former Clone Commander Wolffe and Mart Mattin, tasked by Hera with evacuating the team after they completed their mission to lure the Imperial garrison aboard and launch the Dome. However, the three were attacked by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Noghri assassin Rukh, who knocked Vizago to the ground before knocking Wolffe and Mart unconscious. Despite being driven off by the White Loth-wolf, Rukh managed to steal their patrol transport and attempted to sabotage the rebels' plan.

Vizago flying with Wolffe and Mart in the Ghost, leading a pod pf purrgil.

After the three awoke, Mart informed Vizago and Wolffe about Ezra's secret contingency plan in the event that Thrawn had discovered their plan to launch the Dome. The three departed aboard the Spectres' ship Ghost to fulfill that mission, which involved transmitting a coded transmission to a pod of purrgil. The purrgil annihilated Thrawn's Seventh Fleet and then followed the Ghost to Capital City. After the purrgil pod carried Ezra, Thrawn, and the Chimaera into unknown space, Vizago and his comrades aboard the Ghost evacuated their rebel comrades from the Dome. Sabine then detonated the Dome, wiping out the Imperial garrison and ending Imperial rule on Lothal.

Personality and traits

Vizago's primary motivation was financial gain and, according to Hera Syndulla, he would "sell his mother to Jawas for a couple of credits." As a firm believer in business principles, he adhered to a few, albeit somewhat warped, professional standards that seemed solely to benefit himself. When compensating the Ghost's crew for a bounty, he withheld half in exchange for a small piece of information disclosing the location of a group of Wookiee captives. Vizago once fled an attacking Imperial force after receiving half a shipment of disruptors, stiffing the Ghost Crew and stating he never paid for half a shipment. He furthermore expressed his hope that they would survive to continue bargaining with him, while cynically expressing they would nonetheless be no great loss. His sense of humor was good, if somewhat dark.

Vizago with his IG-RM bodyguard droids

As an information broker, he valued information and knew how to negotiate to gain an advantage over his clients. Among the Ghost's crew, he seemed to respect Ezra the most, acknowledging his cunning. Despite his strong connections to the underworld and inherent self-interest, he displayed a small measure of compassion, expressing genuine regret for his inability to assist Ezra in finding Kanan. He carried a powerful Vilmarh's Revenge blaster pistol and piloted a ship named the Broken Horn after his syndicate. Although he lost his Vilmarh's Revenge when he got taken into custody, he later regained possession of it and also used a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.

Considering himself a businessman, Vizago was willing to smuggle the Spectres into Lothal in return for a payment of puffer pigs. Despite being imprisoned and forced to work aboard a Mining Guild ore crawler, Vizago remained optimistic that his rebel friends would rescue him. Vizago's hopes were fulfilled when the Spectres boarded the ore crawler, killed the Trandoshan overseers, and liberated the prisoners.

Though Vizago expressed regret joining the rebels when Governor Pryce's forces overwhelmed the rebel base, he remained loyal and contributed to Ezra's plan to ending Imperial rule on Lothal. Vizago quipped that Ezra's contingency plan to use purrgil to defeat Thrawn's fleet would work because "it had Ezra written all over it."

Behind the scenes

Cikatro Vizago is a character in the Star Wars Rebels series, voiced by Keith Szarabajka. Cikatro's physical appearance and attire are inspired by Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for Chewbacca in Episode IV.

Non-canon history

In Angry Birds Star Wars II, he betrayed the team of rebels he was working with to the Empire. He then fought against the Empire.

In the LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales episode "Mission to Mos Eisley," he was depicted purchasing the T-7 ion disruptor rifles from the Spectres. He then fled as Agent Kallus arrived in an AT-DP walker.

