White Loth-wolf

A Force-sensitive Loth-wolf with white fur, known as the White Loth-wolf, originated from the planet of Lothal. This creature, who was the leader of a Loth-wolf pack, possessed the unique ability to traverse through both time and space. During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the White Loth-wolf and his pack formed a bond with Ezra Bridger, a Lothalite Jedi Padawan, and his rebel cell, the Spectres. Their efforts played a key role in the success of the Spectres and the Lothal resistance group in removing the Empire from Lothal in 1 BBY.


Crossing paths

The White Loth-wolf brought Ezra and Sabine back to their camp.

During the Imperial Era, the White Loth-wolf served as the alpha of a Loth-wolf pack that inhabited the grassy plains of the planet Lothal. The White Loth-wolf began observing the Jedi rebel Ezra Bridger in 1 BBY, as Ezra infiltrated an Imperial testing facility with the intention of stealing a prototype TIE/D Defender Elite. The white loth-wolf met the two rebels after Ezra and his Mandalorian ally Sabine Wren were forced to crash-land the starfighter in Lothal's wilderness.

The White Loth-wolf used a power to put Sabine to sleep, which startled Ezra. A White Loth-cat then appeared on the wolf's back, reassuring Ezra that the wolf meant no harm. Ezra, noticing an approaching Imperial patrol transport, expressed his dislike for the Empire to the loth-wolf and loth-cat. Subsequently, the white loth-wolf transported Ezra and Sabine back to the rebel camp, where the other Spectres and Ryder Azadi had gathered. Before departing, Ezra inquired about the Loth-wolf's motives for helping them. The wolf responded with the mysterious word "Dume" (referencing Ezra's Jedi master Kanan Jarrus) before disappearing into the fog. Ezra later shared his encounter with Kanan, who, while uncertain about the Loth-wolf, believed that their paths were converging.

Helping the Rebels

Kanan communes with the white Loth-wolf in the cave.

After recovering the hyperdrive from the TIE Defender Elite, Ezra's Spectres rebel cell and Ryder Azadi's Lothal resistance group sought refuge in a network of caves. There, they came across three Loth-wolves, including the White Loth-wolf. When Ezra asked the White Loth-wolf if it knew the way out, the creature looked at Kanan. The White Loth-wolf and its pack then guided the rebels through a tunnel decorated with cave paintings depicting people following wolves. As the wolves led the rebels into a cave, they mysteriously vanished into the walls, having used a tunnel to access the World Between Worlds, a mystical realm beyond time and space.

Later, Ezra discovered his master Kanan spending time with the White Loth-wolf inside the cave. Ezra interpreted the cave paintings as a story of Jedi arriving from space and being guided by the wolves. When Kanan questioned the White Loth-wolf about its motives, the wolf simply replied "Dume." Through this encounter, Ezra learned that his master Kanan was once known as Caleb Dume. Kanan confided in Ezra, expressing his belief that the wolves were connected to the Force and that the Empire was inflicting something "terrible" upon Lothal. The White Loth-wolf then disappeared into the wall.

Shadowing Kanan

The white Loth-wolf stopped Kanan from rushing off to rescue Hera.

During General Hera Syndulla's unsuccessful raid on the TIE/D Defender factory situated in Capital City, the white loth-wolf encountered Kanan as he rode a speeder bike towards Lothal's capital. Kanan was forced to stop and fell off his bike when the White Loth-wolf appeared. When the wolf disappeared, Kanan angrily told the wolf to stay out of his way if he was not there to help. The White Loth-wolf then materialized in front of him. When Kanan asked the wolf what he wanted, the creature growled "Dume" and was joined by two other Loth-wolves. Realizing that he needed to act like the Jedi he was, Kanan rescued Mart Mattin and retreated to the Rebel camp.

Before Kanan's death during the mission to rescue Hera, the White Loth-wolf watched Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine as they departed from the Lothal rebel base aboard three loth-bat gliders.

Communing with Ezra

Ezra is brought before "Dume."

After Kanan's passing, the White Loth-wolf, accompanied by two smaller black wolves, approached Ezra while he grieved over his master's death. When Ezra attempted to flee, one of the black wolves knocked him to the ground. As Ezra began to lose consciousness, he saw the white loth-wolf gazing down at him.

The wolves escorted Ezra to their leader, "Dume," an unusually large gray loth-wolf distinguished by white markings on its head. "Dume" represented the Cosmic Force, carrying out the will of Jarrus. "Dume" informed Ezra that the Empire was threatening the Lothal Jedi Temple and provided him with a key stone necessary to unlock the Painting of the Mortis gods and gain entry to the mystical World Between Worlds.

Journey to the Lothal Jedi Temple

The wolf and his pack took the Spectres to the Lothal Jedi Temple.

The following day, the White Loth-wolf and his pack gathered with Ezra and the other Spectres outside the Lothal cliff dwelling. Ezra affirmed their readiness to the White Loth-wolf and inquired if he could transport them. The White Loth-wolf then lowered himself, allowing Ezra to climb onto his back. The other Spectres also mounted the other Loth-wolves, with one wolf carrying Chopper in its mouth.

The White Loth-wolf and his pack then created a hyper tunnel, allowing them to quickly travel to the Lothal Jedi Temple, located in the planet's northern hemisphere. The Loth-wolves dropped the rebels off near a cliff overlooking the Jedi Temple. The wolves informed Ezra that the Jedi Temple was nearby but that they would have to walk there themselves before departing.

The Spectres successfully prevented the Empire from accessing the World Between Worlds, a mystical realm that granted control over time and the universe. However, by sealing the portal to that realm, they caused the Lothal Jedi Temple to sink into the earth. Following the mission to the Jedi Temple, Ezra caught a glimpse of the white loth-wolf. Associating the wolf with Kanan, Ezra said "goodbye" to his master before rejoining his rebel comrades aboard a stolen Mining Guild excavation driller.

Liberation of Lothal

The White Loth-wolf and his pack assisted Ezra and the Lothal rebels when Governor Arihnda Pryce's forces attacked the Lothal cliff-dwelling. After Ezra lured the Imperial Noghri assassin Rukh and several stormtroopers into a cave, the White Loth-wolf and two other wolves attacked the stormtroopers, killing and mauling several. The White Loth-wolf also personally flung Rukh down a cliff.

A captured and struggling Governor Pryce is carried by the white Loth-wolf.

While the surviving stormtroopers surrendered, the White Loth-wolf carried Governor Pryce in its jaws and dropped her in front of the rebels Ryder Azadi, Rex, and Alexsandr Kallus. Ezra then accepted Pryce's surrender and took her prisoner.

Ezra later manipulated the White Loth-wolf to intimidate Pryce into aiding the rebels' plan to infiltrate the "Dome", with the goal of driving the Empire from Lothal and demonstrating to the galaxy that the Empire could be defeated.

Later, the White Loth-wolf came to the aid of the rebels Mart Mattin, Wolffe, and Cikatro Vizago when they were attacked by Rukh. He stopped Rukh from shooting Mart and forced him to leave on an Imperial patrol transport. By saving Mart and his comrades, the white loth-wolf helped them to carry out Ezra's plan to summon a pod of purrgil to wipe out Grand Admiral Thrawn's blockading fleet and carry Thrawn and Ezra away into the depths of uncharted space.


The white loth-wolf in Sabine's mural

In recognition of his contribution to the Liberation of Lothal, the Mandalorian artist Sabine Wren created a mural featuring the White Loth-wolf and another loth-wolf positioned alongside the Spectres, including the deceased Kanan Jarrus and several loth-cats.

Personality and traits

The White Loth-wolf was a large male canine creature that led a pack of loth-wolves. He possessed the ability to speak and comprehend language, as well as traverse time and space to teleport to other locations. The White Loth-wolf served the will of the Force, and seemingly by extension of the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus after his death.

The wolf protected Mart Mattin and Vizago from Rukh.

The White Loth-wolf also shared a special connection with the Jedi Ezra Bridger, assisting him on numerous occasions, including reuniting him and Sabine with his rebel comrades; transporting him and his fellow Spectres to the Lothal Jedi Temple; defeating Governor Pryce and her stormtroopers; and preventing Rukh from killing Mart Mattin, thus enabling him to execute Ezra's contingency plan to summon a pod of purrgil to Lothal.

The Jedi Knight Kanan was also able to make contact with the White loth-wolf due to his Force sensitivity. As a result, Kanan realized that the White Loth-wolf served the will of the Force. The White Loth-wolf also once protected Kanan by convincing him to turn back from Lothal's Capital City following Hera's failed attack on the TIE Defender factory. Despite its alpha status, the White Loth-wolf once allowed "Dume", an incarnation of Kanan's will in the Cosmic Force to take leadership of his pack out of respect for Kanan.

Skills and abilities

The White Loth-wolf, like other members of his species, was larger than most sentient beings including humans. He had the ability to put beings such as Sabine Wren to sleep, when he wished to conceal events. The White Loth-wolf and other members of his species were also capable of teleporting through space and time by generating hyper tunnels. As a Loth-wolf, he was capable of inflicting considerable damage with his large jaws and teeth. The White Loth-wolf's jaws were big enough to carry an adult human like Governor Pryce.

Behind the scenes

According to slide 10 of the episode gallery for "A World Between Worlds," the white Loth-wolf is named Dume. In an interview, Dave Filoni, the series' supervising director and writer, mentioned that the gray wolves were likely the only "real" ones, while the White Loth-wolf served more as a guide.

