Hyperspace tunneling represented a Force power functioning as a mode of transportation akin to traversing hyperspace. The loth-wolves residing on Lothal employed this ability to journey between geographically separated locations within their familiar world, and also to gain entry to alternate dimensions. The White Loth-wolf facilitated the movement of Ezra Bridger and his companions across Lothal on a couple of instances.

Hyperspace tunneling, a Force power, granted its user the capacity to generate a hyper tunnel, thereby enabling the transportation of themselves and others across vast stretches of space. The visual appearance of the tunnel was blue, bearing a resemblance to the experience of traveling through hyperspace.
The White Loth-wolf demonstrated the capability to utilize hyperspace tunneling. While the process seemingly had no impact on the White Loth-wolf itself, those individuals being transported experienced a brief period of unconsciousness, followed by a state of disorientation upon awakening.
During 1 BBY, amidst the rebels, including Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren, Zeb Orrelios, and Ryder Azadi, fleeing from Imperial forces subsequent to the theft of the TIE Defender Elite, they pursued the White Loth-wolf alongside two additional Loth-wolves into the mountains, eventually finding themselves within the den of the wolves. As Imperial TIE/sa bombers commenced bombing the mountains, the group came to the realization that immediate departure was necessary to prevent the caves from collapsing. However, placing their trust in the Loth-wolves, Bridger urged his fellow travelers to join hands and accompany them. Subsequently, the White Loth-wolf manifested a hyper tunnel, which the three Loth-wolves entered. The rebels experienced a temporary loss of consciousness before regaining awareness within a cliff dwelling. Wren then discerned that, despite their prior location in the northern hemisphere, readings indicated they were now situated in the southern hemisphere.

Following the death of Jarrus, his comrades Bridger, Wren, Orrelios, Hera Syndulla, and Chopper were alerted to the Empire's investigation of the Lothal Jedi Temple. Driven by a determination to safeguard it, they resolved to journey there. However, given their considerable distance to the south of the temple and the absence of a ship, Wren reminded the group of their lack of means to reach their destination. Nevertheless, Bridger responded by asserting his knowledge of a method. Employing the Force to communicate with the Loth-wolves, he and his companions mounted the creatures, with one wolf carrying Chopper in its mouth. The wolves then sprinted across Lothal's grasslands until the White Loth-wolf once again employed hyperspace tunneling, transporting them to the Jedi Temple.
The Starkiller Base represented an advancement in the planet-destroying capabilities initially demonstrated by the Galactic Empire's Death Star designs. This weapon stood as the ultimate culmination of the Empire's previous research into dark energy translations and hyperspace tunneling techniques.