Lina Graf was a human female of youthful age, whose mother and father were frontier exploration specialists. One day, agents working for the Galactic Empire abducted Graf's parents, leaving her and her sibling Milo alone on a far-flung planet. Subsequently, the brother and sister made the decision to embark on a perilous voyage across Wild Space with the goal of rescuing their parents. During their adventures, the Graf siblings at one point sought out allies on an old frontier world, but instead they were ensnared in a trap set by Captain Visler Korda, an officer of the Empire. Later, Graf and her brother followed their parents' most recent lead to a secluded jungle planet that was home to a terrifying creature.
In time, Lina achieved the rank of commander within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's division of Intelligence. On one occasion, she and her team experienced a crash landing on the planet of Mustafar, situated not far from Darth Vader's stronghold. After managing to escape from the stronghold, she later revisited it with the intention of rescuing a member of her team, by impersonating the Fourth Sister.
Some years afterwards, Lina became the great-aunt of Emil Graf. On at least one occasion, she recounted to him a tale of a petty criminal who repeatedly pilfered items from Dex's Diner, only to be apprehended by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and made to return the stolen goods.
Lina Graf's birth took place around 28 BBY as the Galactic Republic was nearing its end, to mapmakers Auric and Rhyssa Graf aboard the family's Mu-class shuttle, known as the Whisper Bird. The Grafs welcomed a son, Milo Graf, into the world a year after Lina's birth. Given the profession of their parents, Lina and Milo spent their formative years journeying across Wild Space as Auric and his spouse charted unexplored star systems and subsequently sold the data to various purchasers.

Lina's mother and father's travels, while primarily focused on Wild Space, also extended to the Outer Rim Territories and even reached the Core Worlds. During a visit to the planet Coruscant, Lina dined at Dex's Diner and developed a fondness for the nerfburgers served there. On one occasion, she found herself seated next to Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi at Dex's Diner and witnessed the commencement of his pursuit of the Pa'lowick criminal Tri Tellon. Early in their exploratory endeavors, before the start of the Clone Wars, the Grafs paid a visit to the oceanic planet of Mon Cala, where Auric forged numerous friendships with the Mon Calamari people. These travels were not without their perils, as evidenced by an incident that took Lina to a mining facility on Cedonne, where she narrowly avoided being crushed by a load lifter. In another instance on Chankin, the Grafs were ambushed by marauders, and Lina and Milo watched as their father employed the Whisper Bird's weapons system to disable the pirates' weaponry. During an outing to the planet Indoumodo, the Graf siblings engaged in a game of speeder tag with their parents on speeder bikes through the Termite forests of Northern Indoumodo, with the younger Grafs ultimately losing after colliding with a massive greddleback termite mound. The family's android, CR-8R, documented the game using holo-drones for future remembrance. Around 20 BBY, when Lina was eight, her father took her to explore the ice caves of Orto Plutonia, where he instructed her on how to scale the steep cave walls and utilize an ice pick. A year later, around 19 BBY, Lina visited a settlement on Ikari, where she encountered a tribal leader whose sensor mask amplified his senses of sight, hearing, and smell, enabling him to be a more effective hunter than the rest of his tribe.
Around 18 BBY, the Graf family was in the process of mapping an uncharted swamp planet located on the fringe of Wild Space, a planet for which the Grafs held exclusive mapping rights thanks to the efforts of their agent, Dil Pexton. While on the planet, Lina received a holo-message from her brother requesting her assistance, as he had wandered into the swamplands with the family's pet Kowakian monkey-lizard, Morq, despite his parents' warnings. Lina and the family droid, CR-8R, set out on a landspeeder to locate the younger Graf, using a tracker that their mother had placed on his speeder bike, and eventually found him along with his damaged vehicle. Milo had discovered and was attempting to capture a species of animal that he described as resembling a Sullustan ash-rabbit, although the creature proved too elusive for him, which led him to seek Lina's help.
The group eventually got close enough for Milo to aim his father's wrist-mounted net launcher at the creature, but before he could take the shot, a creepervine seized Lina by her ankles, intending to devour her. Despite her struggles, the young Graf girl was unable to break free from the vines, so she reached for her fusion cutter in her toolbelt, but it had fallen out as she was lifted into the air. Fortunately, Morq managed to retrieve the tool and deliver it to Lina, allowing her to cut through the vines and crash to the swampy floor, injuring her shoulder in the process.
After ensuring Lina was alright, CR-8R received an impromptu data load from an unknown source that was encrypted in an ancient dialect, which he began to decrypt. The group then returned to camp, as Lina and her brother were concerned they would be in trouble for wandering too far. Upon arriving back at camp, their parents were nowhere to be found, and all the equipment they had brought was also missing; only the tents remained. After some investigation, the children located their mother's necklace and a holo recorder buried under the mud, which Lina was able to clean up and review the footage stored on it. The group watched a recording showing a squadron of stormtroopers led by Captain Korda confronting Auric and Rhyssa, demanding they hand over their maps and other data for free in service of the Empire. To avoid any trouble, Lina's mother used her datapad to transfer some of their data to the Imperials, although this was not enough. Korda informed the couple that Darth Vader himself had tasked him with capturing the cartographers so that they could personally serve the needs of the Empire, and when they resisted, the stormtroopers beat and arrested them, explaining why Rhyssa's necklace was left behind. In the struggle, the couple let slip that their children were nearby, so Korda ordered his men to destroy the family's ship, the Whisper Bird, and to track down and eliminate Lina and her brother.
After witnessing the recording, the two children decided to try and reach their family's ship before the stormtroopers by using their landspeeder, taking advantage of the fact that the troopers were on foot. When they arrived, they realized they were too late and hid while the stormtroopers exited the cavern where the Whisper Bird was waiting. As they hid, they overheard the troopers and discovered they had rigged the cavern to explode. Using his net launcher, Milo provoked a creepervine to attack the stormtroopers, allowing him, Lina, Morq, and CR-8R to dart past them up towards the cave. However, the soldiers noticed them, and the subsequent gunfire caused the cave entrance to collapse after the Grafs were inside. Thinking there was no way out, the stormtroopers left, assuming the children would be killed in the upcoming explosion.
To escape, the children used the Whisper Bird to conduct a pulse scan, allowing them to get a complete map of the cave, enabling Lina to pilot the ship through the cavern to an alternative exit. Due to the narrow walls of the cave, Lina couldn't extend the wings of the ship and therefore relied on the ship's landing thrusters to fly, causing the ship to be badly damaged during the escape.

In the end, Graf became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and advanced to the rank of commander within the Intelligence Service. On one occasion, she and her team of rebel operatives embarked on a fact-finding mission to the Outer Rim, although during the mission they suffered a crash landing on Mustafar. While exploring Fortress Vader, Lieutenant Thom Hudd was captured and held as a prisoner, where he was subjected to torture by Vaneé, Darth Vader's assistant. Graf, however, managed to escape.
At some point, Graf acquired the armor of the Fourth Sister, and while impersonating her, she infiltrated the fortress to rescue Hudd. After engaging in conversation and combat with Vaneé, the aide declared that Graf was not an Inquisitor, revealing that he knew it was Graf because she was not carrying a lightsaber. After briefly being defeated by the aide, Graf regained the advantage and, along with Hudd, escaped Mustafar.
Graf participated in the Battle of Endor and witnessed from the ground the explosion of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, which Graf interpreted as proof of Vader's death. Following the Battle of Endor, the Alliance reorganized into the New Republic. In an attempt to resurrect Vader, whom he believed was surviving as a spirit he could hear, Vaneé lured Graf, her brother, and their allies to the remains of Fortress Vader on Mustafar. However, Lina realized that Vaneé was merely hallucinating Vader's voice due to the unfiltered lava fumes. Pretending to be the restored Vader, Graf trapped Vaneé in a chair and freed her allies, escaping the fortress. Although they were separated from Lina during the escape, her allies also escaped, having secretly been led out of the fortress by the Force ghost of the redeemed Anakin Skywalker. Graf, her brother, and their allies then departed Mustafar on the Rabbit's Foot.

Eventually, Graf became acquainted with Lor San Tekka, an explorer and follower of the Church of the Force, who in turn introduced her to Luke Skywalker. Together, the three of them embarked on an expedition to search for Jedi artifacts that took them across the Galactic Core, traveling aboard Graf's long-range experimental scout ship, the Star Herald. Graf promised Skywalker that she would lend him the Star Herald should he require it.
By 21 ABY, she had risen to the position of senior officer in New Republic Intelligence, stationed at the New Republic staging outpost at Adelphi when Skywalker requested the favor of using her ship to locate the assassin Ochi of Bestoon.
Lina Graf made her debut appearance in the 2016 junior novel Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape by Cavan Scott, which served as the prelude to the junior novel series Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space. In Scott's initial draft for what became the Adventure in Wild Space series, Graf was envisioned as a Twi'lek rather than a human.