
Vaneé ( pronounced /vəneɪ/) was a human male aide in service to Darth Vader, residing within the Sith Lord's castle situated on the planet Mustafar. Formerly an Imperial Inspector, lava fumes drove him insane, transforming him into a devoted servant of the Dark Lord. Alongside his master, he bore witness to numerous assaults by Mustafarians, including attacks led by Criakan and Mother Sssl. In 1 BBY, Vaneé approached Vader—who was in a meditative state inside a rejuvenation chamber—with the news that Director Orson Krennic had arrived to discuss the Death Star. He was later present when a rebel group, headed by Lina Graf, infiltrated the fortress. While they managed to escape, Vader apprehended Thom Hudd, who then endured months of relentless torture at Vaneé's hands. Lina Graf's return facilitated Hudd's escape from Fortress Vader, resulting in Vaneé's punishment by Vader through confinement on the torture web. Subsequently, between 3 and 4 ABY, Vaneé observed the Knights of Ren's assault on the castle, promptly informing Vader about the intruders. At some point, Vaneé severely angered Vader, leading to his imprisonment in a pit, from which he eventually escaped following the Battle of Endor. Upon learning of his master's demise, Vaneé became distressed, only to hear Vader's voice addressing him. In an attempt to resurrect his master, Vaneé inflicted nightmares upon the galaxy. Ultimately, Vaneé's adversaries converged, and he attempted to sacrifice Lina Graf as a new vessel for Vader's spirit. This entire sequence was revealed to be a hallucination induced by lava fumes, leading to Vaneé's capture by his enemies and his indefinite confinement with his nightmares. Sometime later, Vaneé escaped his prison and somehow was reduced to a floating head controlling a cyborg body, living in the decaying castle. In 34 ABY, Vaneé remained within Fortress Vader, encountering Supreme Leader Kylo Ren of the First Order, the grandson of his former master. Noticing Kylo Ren's internal conflict regarding his late-grandfather Vader, Vaneé offered to guide Ren in exploring Vader's past to help him achieve greater power, an offer Kylo Ren accepted.


Sinister origins

Inspector Vaneé

According to a narrative recounted by the Mustafarians, around 12 BBY, shortly after Fortress Vader's construction, an Imperial inspector from Imperial Command was dispatched by Moff Seward to Mustafar alongside his droid, See-Seven. Their mission was to investigate the cause of insanity among several stormtroopers within the garrison. He and See-Seven scrutinized a trooper from the castle's garrison who had succumbed to lava fumes, resulting in lunacy. During interrogation, the trooper attacked the Inspector, cautioning him against entering the castle, but he dismissed the trooper as weak-minded. The inspector proceeded into the castle, exploring and searching for the Sith Lord Darth Vader, ultimately discovering him within a bacta tank.

He informed Lord Vader that the castle's safety was compromised, advocating for evacuation and the installation of environmental filters. While acknowledging the possibility of installing filters eventually, Vader refused for the time being, prompting the old man to argue against it until the fumes began to affect him. Experiencing hallucinations, Vader offered him a position as his attendant. The inspector heard the hallucinations telling him what Vader needed. The inspector tried to convince himself that the hallucinations were not real and tried to laugh at them. He laughed for days until his laughter became real, thus. Vaneé consented to serve as Lord Vader's attendant within the castle and revealed his name.

Mustafarian raid

Vaneé, captured by a horde of Mustafarians

After assuming his role as attendant for Lord Vader at Fortress Vader, Vaneé was taken prisoner by a swarm of Mustafarians who had invaded the fortress aiming to destroy it and its master. Vaneé began to say mercy but was interrupted by the Mustafarian leader, who grabbed him by his robe and mocked his pleas of mercy. However, with a dark smile, Vaneé informed the Mustafarian that he was not speaking to him as Darth Vader materialized behind the Mustafarians with his lightsaber drawn and proceeded to kill the invading Mustafarians.

Mustafarian plague

Vaneé was positioned on the lower level of an audience chamber inside Fortress Vader, near Imperial advisor Rersey, while his master stood on the upper level observing the room's window with two Imperial Royal Guards stationed below. Rersey demanded an explanation from Vader, which angered Vaneé due to the advisor's lack of respect towards his master. Vaneé reminded Rersey that he was a guest in his master's residence and would act accordingly, which Rersey rebuffed. Vader halted the pair's squabbling as he felt a disturbance in the Force moments before a chilling scream echoed in the chamber, startling all but Vader.

Vader pretended to be mind-controlled

Vaneé and Rersey trailed Vader and the two guards as they investigated the scream's origin. Rersey commented on the fortress's supposed security, prompting Vaneé to quietly suggest Rersey secure his own mouth. A resounding, heavy boom reverberated through the corridor. Upon reaching the fortress's entrance, Rersey demanded to know the situation. Vaneé responded that the castle was under attack as a horde of plague-infested Mustafarians and a lava flea breached the doors. Vaneé watched in shock as his master and the guards engaged the rampaging horde, which included an infected lava trooper. After Vader was bitten by the infected trooper, Vaneé cried out in horror to Rersey that they had to escape, only to look on in horror as the horde and Vader slowly advanced on them until he was halted by Mother Sssl of Clan Rrrt.

As Rersey confronted Sssl, Vaneé cautiously advised him to be careful, as she controlled the infected. After the advisor snidely asked Sssl what secrets she was protecting, Vaneé pointed out to Rersey that Sssl would not tell them. Vaneé and Rersey recoiled in fear as Sssl commanded Vader to kill the both of them as Vaneé cried out in fear. Rersey shoved Vaneé to the floor between him and Vader as he told the Dark Lord he needed to resist Sssl's power over him. As Vader advanced towards them, Vaneé cowered in fear on the floor until the Dark Lord revealed he was not under Sssl's power by levitating her off the ground.

Vaneé and Rersey

Rising from the floor, Vaneé revealed to Sssl that it had all been a trap to lure her into attacking the castle. As Sssl struggled in Vader's grip, Vaneé gleefully told her that she was no match for his master's ingenuity and power. Vaneé watched as Vader willed Sssl to order her horde to drag her into the lava and followed his master and Rersey outside as they watched Sssl and her infected horde burn in the lava. Once the ordeal was over, Vaneé congratulated his master, stating how all Mustafarians would tremble at the very mention of his name. Vader informed Vaneé that it was of no importance before telling Advisor Rersey that his shuttle was waiting for him to take him back to the Emperor. Vaneé looked on Rersey with an expression of exasperation as the traumatized advisor continually recounted the sight of Mother Sssl being dragged into the lava.

Krennic's visit

Vaneé was present on the castle's landing platform when Director Orson Krennic disembarked his shuttle upon arriving on Mustafar in 1 BBY. Without uttering a word, Vaneé escorted Krennic into the castle, leading him deep into the facility until they reached a rotunda overlooking Mustafar's landscape. He signaled for the Director to wait, which irritated Krennic, before exiting through a door on the chamber's opposite side.

Vaneé, approaching Vader's private chamber

Vaneé proceeded to Vader's private rejuvenation chamber, entering through the chamber's two sets of security doors. Approaching the bacta tank centered in the middle of the chamber, Vaneé knelt with his head bowed. As he stated that Krennic had arrived at the castle, Vaneé looked up directly to the tank to see Vader's form emerge from within the bacta. Vaneé bowed his head as the tank started to drain.

Krennic leaving Mustafar

Moments later, Vaneé returned to the rotunda and made his way past Krennic without speaking to him, which Krennic barely noticed. He then disappeared into the corridor. After Vader's meeting with Krennic, Vaneé met Krennic as the man stumbled out from the rotunda. Silently tipping his head, he motioned for the Director to follow him as he led Krennic back down the same path they had taken before. After a few moments as they walked, Vaneé spoke for the first time, telling Krennic that he was one of the few individuals who had had the honor of seeing Vader in his sanctum. Upon reaching the door of the landing pad, Vaneé advised that the Director tell nobody about what he saw.

Rebels in the fortress

Vaneé is discovered by XM-G3

Vaneé, tasked with safeguarding Fortress Vader from intrusions, was in an upper-floor control room informing Vader via comlink about the detection of rebel forces within the castle by spy droids. At that moment, Gee-Three and Skritt encountered him. Alarmed upon seeing Gee-Three aiming at him, Vaneé promptly alerted his master that the rebels had located him. After Gee-Three demanded to know what the Empire was doing on Mustafar, Vaneé merely chuckled and replied he would like to see him try to shoot him just before the droid was lifted off the floor. Vaneé laughed after Gee-Three asked he was lifting him and responded that it was his master's doing. With a sadistic smile, Vaneé watched as Gee-Three was ripped apart and fell to the floor in pieces.

Shortly thereafter, Vaneé, brandishing an ax, confronted rebel Commander Lina Graf and Skritt in one of the castle's corridors after the pair had been surrounded by the castle's security droids. He asked Graf if she was sure ghosts did not exist as he ominously claimed that the lost souls of his master's victims roam the castle's hallways included that of their comrade, the thief. After Graf identified the supposed thief as their colleague Thom Hudd, Vaneé revealed that Hudd had paid the price for trying to take something that was not his and he had not been the first to meet that fate. Vaneé then told Graf and Skritt the story of the first Mustafarian raid on the fortress and how the forces were eventually slaughtered by his master. Even after Vaneé told the rebels such would be their fate, Graf replied that he did not frighten them as she pulled her blaster on him, stating she had faced real monsters. Vaneé informed Graf that she would know fear as he introduced her to his master, Darth Vader, who had appeared behind her. Vaneé smiled as he watched Vader deflect Graf's blaster shot and hurl the bisected torso of her droid Crater at her.

Vaneé is knocked into Vader

The Sith Lord approached Vaneé and voiced his disappointment in his attendant by chiding his fear of the rebels. Cowering, Vaneé replied how the rebels had tried to steal Vader's treasures after breaking into the castle. Vaneé watched as his master used the Force to lift Graf but was suddenly shoved by Crater, knocking him against Vader, giving the rebels a chance to escape. A short time later, Vaneé informed Vader that the castle was under attack by an AT-ST Skritt had commandeered.

Torturous storyteller and imprisonment

Vaneé leered before Lieutenant Hudd, who was restrained by shackles upright. Holding an ax, the servant expressed his glee that Hudd had regained conscious and remarked on his stamina to resist pain unlike previous prisoners. Asking Hudd if he knew why he was restrained, Vaneé stated how he was looking forward to what was in store for the captured rebel. Vaneé went on to explain that he knew how others thought of him but that he did not care; he lived to serve his master and he had his stories. Pressing a button on a nearby control panel, Vaneé projected five distorted holograms of frightening figures including one of his master and stated that he knew stories that were true nightmares. With dark glee, the servant asked Hudd if he would like to hear one of his stories and proceeded to tell him the tale of the horned devil on the planet of Lotho Minor. As he finished his tale, Vaneé commented on the nature of greed as he deactivated the hologram and concluded how it never ended well before pointing an accusing figure at the restrained Lieutenant Hudd, who knew this as he tried to steal from his master.

Thom Hudd being shocked by a torture web

With sadistic joy, Vaneé watched as Hudd continued to be shocked within the torture web. Turning the device off, Vaneé thanked the captured rebel for being able to inform his master that the torture web was still operational before subjecting Hudd to another round of electric torture. Vaneé's habit of telling nightmarish stories made Hudd recall a story told to him by Commander Cremp. Hearing Hudd speak quietly to himself after recalling the tale, Vaneé asked him if he had anything to say. Receiving no answer, Vaneé activated the torture web but heard no reaction from the captured rebel. Turing, Vaneé was shocked to see Hudd had escaped from his shackles. Vaneé pursued Hudd, promising the lieutenant that he could not hide from him and would experience new levels of pain.

With ax in hand, Vaneé made his way down a corridor where Hudd was hiding behind a curtain. Hearing the man behind the curtain, Vaneé sliced through it, driving Hudd from hiding. Hudd the threw the curtain at Vaneé as a distraction, giving him time to make a run for it. After pulling the curtain off, Vaneé stood motionless and informed Hudd that he was fooling himself trying to escape and how he would never give up hunting him. Stalking down the hall, Vaneé told Hudd that the lieutenant's suggestions of hobbies made him laugh but that one's nature did not allow them to change. This prompted Vaneé to ask Hudd if he had told him the tale of the assassin who became a bounty hunter as he continued his hunt. As he finished his tale, Vaneé concluded that the dark side always wins in the end just as he came upon Hudd in a control room trying to find a way out of the castle, who accidentally activated two Imperial training droids.

Lina Graf impersonating an inquisitor

Vaneé commanded that the droids stop attacking Hudd, as Vaneé considered it his job to hurt Hudd. While Vaneé brought Hudd back to the torture web, Hudd told Vaneé about the story of the Hutt Crakka. Vaneé expressed boredom upon hearing the story, and said that he wanted to hear Hudd scream. While Hudd pleaded, Vaneé was interrupted by Lina Graf, who was impersonating the inquisitor the Fourth Sister, who claimed that the Emperor wanted Hudd transported to Coruscant.

Vaneé shouted that the Inquisitorius had no authority over Fortress Vader, attacking Graf with his axe. Graf defended herself with her force pike, claiming that the Emperor's elite have authority everywhere. Graf easily disarmed Vaneé, referring to him as a mere servant. He responded by suggesting that they were all servants of the Galactic Empire, and told Graf about Rersey's visit years prior. He then knocked Graf into the torture web with his axe, electrifying her and revealing who she really was. Graf asked how Vaneé knew she was a fake, to which Vaneé responded by pointing out that Graf didn't have a lightsaber. As the two of them dueled, Hudd reactivated Vaneé's distorted holograms, distracting Vaneé long enough for them to escape in a Sentinel-class landing craft. Despite not wanting his master to find out what happened, Vader was angered by Vaneé's failure and attached him to the torture web.

The Night of Ren

Vaneé taunting the Knights of Ren that they should flee

At some point later, Fortress Vader was infiltrated by Ren and his knights, who were there to steal a device called the Screaming Key for Crimson Dawn. Vaneé confronted the knights and informed them that his master would learn of their visit. When the knights fired upon him, he was protected by a shield, allowing him to sound an alarm which summoned the castle's security. Vaneé then retreated as the knights were chased from the fortress by Vader and his troops.


Vaneé hears Vader's voice

At some point before Darth Vader's death and redemption in 4 ABY, Vaneé again angered Vader, although the servant insisted the incident was not his fault. As punishment, Vader locked him in a pit in the bowels of the castle, where Vaneé remained with only spark-roaches for company and food for some time. Still trapped even after Vader's death, he was finally freed when two young Mustafarians named Tuttel and Giggek arrived at the castle and planned to blow up the fortress. Vaneé, pretending to be a poor old man, convinced Giggek to help him. He expressed surprise upon finding out that Vader had died, and told the Mustafarians about Restin's attempted assassination of Vader.

As the Mustafarian reached down for his hand, Vaneé pulled him down the pit and climbed up to take care of Tuttel. Giggek, however, was still alive and told his friend to run away as far as possible and tell everybody of what they did before detonating the bombs, blowing up the bottom of the castle. Vaneé escaped the explosion, and as he limped from the fire, a voice came to him that sounded like Vader's. Asking who he was, the apparent ghost of Vader told Vaneé that he knew him and was the same voice who was speaking to him at the bottom of the pit. The voice told Vaneé that Vader would come back to life out of the lava river and become more powerful than ever. In truth, the supposed voice of Vader was merely Vaneé again going mad from the unfiltered lava flumes.

Serving Ghost Vader

Vaneé with his seemingly alive master

Between 4 ABY and 5 ABY, Vaneé was preparing a ritual. Before he started, he told Vader that all in the galaxy believe that he was dead. Vader replied that the Sith could never be defeated because it was the will of the dark side. Vaneé then called upon the Immortal Gods of the Sith to summon vengeance on everyone in and imprinted illusion nightmares on everyone across the galaxy. A dream was planted on the mind of Milo Graf, of a bunch of zombified droids. After explaining the dream to Crater, he told him he would never think of him the same way. Crater, who was somehow controlled by Vaneé, stunned Milo, explaining that it indeed was a dream and that he wouldn't hurt anybody, but would do so if his master commanded it. A controlled Crater took an unconscious Milo to Mustafar. Upon arriving on the fiery planet, Crater handed Milo to Vaneé, who said that soon all of the people who wronged him would come and experience real fear.

Trapped in a nightmare

Vaneé, telling Lina Graf that she is to become Vader's new host

Those whom Vaneé had invited finally made their appearance. As they traversed the castle's interior, Crater, still under Vaneé's control and disguised as Vader, launched an assault. They managed to knock off his helmet, which reverted him to his original state. Crater then guided them into the chamber, where they discovered Milo encased within a bacta tank. Jaxxon, who had accompanied Lina on her journey, attempted to extract Milo from the tank. However, they were instead met with an electrical shock, and Vaneé subsequently restrained Lina to a chair. Upon inquiring about her location and Vaneé's intentions, he revealed that it was her destiny and his master's vengeance.

Lina demanded her freedom, but Vaneé retorted that it would not occur until the completion of the ritual, with all of Lina's comrades held captive behind him. Milo expressed remorse, attributing the situation to his own fault, to which Lina countered that Vaneé was responsible, having manipulated Crater and exploited Milo as bait. Vaneé chuckled maniacally, informing his master that they believed he solely controlled the droid, while in reality, they were all mere puppets whom he had manipulated to return to the castle. As Vaneé commenced the ritual, Lina declared that Darth Vader was deceased, to which Vaneé responded that as they were present at his demise, they would also witness his resurrection. Vaneé proclaimed aloud that he could perceive his master's voice. He then assured his master that he would release the vapors precisely as he had been instructed.

Vaneé, trapped with his hallucination

Fumes of lava emanated from the pit situated before the crew. Lina exclaimed that it was utter madness. Vaneé assured his master that she doubted him, but she would soon recognize his true power as the fumes enveloped her. Vaneé then declared that Vader had been reborn. Vaneé perceived Vader's voice, affirming that he could hear him and that he existed as illusions within the minds of the prisoners. Overjoyed, Vaneé rejoiced at Vader's return. Lina attempted to dissuade him, asserting that Vader would not return, before she inhaled the lava fumes. Assuming the persona of Vader, Lina demanded her release. A flustered Vaneé released Lina, and then inquired about the terror they would unleash upon the galaxy. Lina, still impersonating Vader, instructed him to first deal with the prisoners.

Lina liberated all her companions, informing Vaneé that he had succumbed to madness over the years, and that his master, who had seemingly risen from the dead, was nothing more than an illusion. Milo pushed Vaneé back onto the chair, trapping him as the others fled the castle. Abandoned, Vaneé pleaded for release, while the illusion of Vader declared that they would remain together for eternity, causing Vaneé to cry out in horror. Unbeknownst to the servant, his master, having embraced the light side of the Force before his passing, manifested as a Force spirit to guide the visitors out of the castle once and for all.

Subsequent life and meeting with Kylo Ren

Despite his second confinement, Vaneé managed to escape once more and continued to inhabit the ruins of his master's fortress. However, by 34 ABY — three decades following his master's death — his physical form had apparently deteriorated, leaving only his head, which was subsequently supported by an artificial body.

Character and Attributes

Driven mad by lava fumes, Vaneé submitted himself as the servant of Darth Vader.

Vaneé was a male human distinguished by white hair, fair skin, and a corpse-like pallor. Initially, Vaneé's eyes were black, but they later shifted to red and then green. Subsequently, Vaneé's eyes reverted to red. His sanity had been compromised due to the inhalation of lava fumes. He exhibited a sadistic nature, deriving pleasure from the suffering of others. He professed contentment in serving as Vader's servant.

Production Notes

Development and Origins

Vaneé was going to appear in Star Wars Rebels, but was replaced by Veris Hydan.

The character of Vaneé was brought to life by British actor Martin Gordon in the 2016 Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. He was originally intended to appear in Star Wars Rebels Season Four, but as the narrative evolved, he was replaced by Veris Hydan. Pablo Hidalgo has mentioned that the name Vaneé was conceived for Rebels.

A character bearing a resemblance to Vaneé is featured in Darth Vader (2017) 8, where he informs Vader on Coruscant that the Imperial Security Bureau has uncovered evidence of a Jedi Knight within Galactic City. However, according to a story recounted by Lellis in Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle, Vaneé did not commence his service to Vader until after the construction of Fortress Vader, implying that the servant in Dark Lord of the Sith 8 cannot be him. When Cavan Scott was questioned about this on Twitter, he simply stated that the unidentified Sith assistant belongs to the same semi-religious order as Vaneé and that the robes worn by the servant are the attire of that order.

Appearances in LEGO media

Within the non-canonical animated special LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales, Vaneé assumes the role of the primary antagonist and is voiced by Tony Hale. At the episode's outset, Vaneé startles and frightens Emperor Palpatine with a burst of lightning. Vader's servant informs him that his "bath" (bacta tank) is prepared and presents Vader with a rubber duck. Palpatine informs Vader that they have more pressing matters to attend to and instructs Vaneé (sarcastically addressing him as "Darth Hideous") to oversee the castle, a task he embraces with glee. In contrast to the canon, Vaneé remains stationed at Vader's fortress, which still stands in 35 ABY. Resistance pilot Poe Dameron and droid BB-8 crash-land on Mustafar and find themselves within Castle Vader. Graballa the Hutt is in the process of converting the castle into a hotel and has installed a lava fountain at the entrance. Vaneé's protocol droid assistant NI-L8 informs him of Poe's arrival, to which Vaneé responds that he may be the one to fulfill the Prophecy of Mustafar, which foretells the arrival of a fearless pilot with the strength to unlock the treasures of Fortress Vader. Poe and a boy named Dean are about to depart the castle but are intercepted by Vaneé and his droid NI-L8, who adopts a friendly demeanor. Graballa cautions Vaneé against startling people and apologizes for the servant, whom he describes as the "creepy caretaker of the castle." Vaneé sniffs Poe and informs him that he has something to show the Resistance pilot. Dameron explains to Vaneé that he is pressed for time, but Vaneé has NI-L8 display the helmet of Ren, the former leader of the Knights of Ren before Kylo Ren rose to prominence, who was responsible for the creation of Kylo, which piqued Poe's interest, and asked Poe if he would like to hear its tale. Graballa reminds him that Dameron is in a hurry, but Poe becomes intrigued and asks Vaneé to recount its tale. Vaneé replies that it is the story of a boy who yearned for more. After completing the story, Poe Dameron inquires if the story was intended to frighten him. Vaneé informs him that the story was meant to remind him that there is much to be gained by those who are not afraid to seize it. He returns the helmet to NI-L8. Vaneé guides his guests to a large door, asserting that Sith artifacts lie behind it. He states that the Prophecy of Mustafar predicts the arrival of a fearless stranger with the strength to open it. The gate bears the symbol of the Old Empire. Vaneé suggests that a courageous pilot who has fought in numerous battles is worthy of opening the gate. When Dean reminds Poe about the X-wing, Poe responds that if Vaneé is being truthful, he is unwilling to allow a Hutt to acquire Sith artifacts.

Poe enlists Dean's assistance in unlocking the gate. Vaneé leads them into the chamber. Graballa's Iktotchi minions Raam and Baash are startled by a shadow that turns out to be a mouse droid. Graballa informs Raam and Baash that they could incorporate a business center and gym into these expansive chambers. Meanwhile, Poe converses with Dean about the latter's aspirations to become a pilot. When Poe inquires about how Dean came to work for Graballa, Dean explains that he is saving money for his family. His mother operated a shop on Arkanis. However, the First Order accused her of aiding the Resistance and destroyed it. People became fearful and refused to hire her, leaving him as the primary provider. Dean fears that if he loses his job, his family will be destitute.

Poe comforts Dean, acknowledging that the boy had a difficult childhood. He adds that the galaxy is vast and that one cannot allow fear to dominate them. They are surprised by Graballa, who is fixated on transforming the chamber into luxurious suites. Vaneé guides his guests into the lightsaber repository, stating that they are searching for something exceptional. He locates the Saber of Scardont, which he describes as a Sith lightsaber of unusual power. To Vaneé's dismay, Graballa plays with it and breaks the hilt. Graballa demands that Dean repair it, but Poe reminds Dean that it is a Sith lightsaber, and Dean responds that he must retain his job. While Dean repairs the damaged Saber, Vaneé asks if they are interested in hearing the Tale of the Saber of Scardont. Poe is unsurprised by Vaneé's offer. Vaneé claims that it is a tale of two monstrosities (referring to Darth Maul and General Grievous), which causes lightning to crackle within the chamber, startling Baash, Raam, and Poe. After concluding the tale, Dean finishes repairing the lightsaber but becomes intrigued by the dark-side artifact. Vaneé explains that Maul learned that power originates not from serving others but from serving oneself. Dean appears to grasp the message, and Vaneé instructs him to follow where the saber leads him. Dean uses the Saber of Scardont to unlock a second chamber. Vaneé suggests to NI-L8 that he placed his hopes in the wrong pilot, a sentiment with which the droid agrees.

The possessed Dean leads the others to the first Temple of Mustafar. Poe expresses a sense of foreboding, but BB-8 rolls in. Vaneé explains that the Temple of Mustafar was constructed generations ago as a repository of ancient lore. The temple is filled with treasure. Graballa instructs Baash and Raam to pack it up. Graballa seizes the Saber of Scardont, claiming it as the property of "Graballa the Hutt Enterprises, LLC." Poe informs Graballa that they need to converse, but the Hutt believes that he no longer requires a spokesman with all the Sith treasure they have discovered.

Poe attempts to warn about the dangers of the Sith treasure, but Graballa is solely concerned with generating revenue. Dean hears Maul's voice beckoning him from a Sith holocron within a pillar, urging him to seize the power to liberate his mother. Vaneé is pleased that Dean has discovered the holocron. He informs Dean that this holocron possesses the power to fulfill any dream. Graballa dismisses the notion that the holocron has the power to grant wishes. Dean counters that a Wookiee's paw can achieve that.

Vaneé infers that the child is familiar with the Wookiee's paw. Dean explains that the pilots who frequented his mother's shop would share stories. Poe confirms that he has heard those stories but believes them to be fabricated. Addressing Dean, Vaneé recounts the tale of a boy searching for a better life, much like him. After narrating the story, Dean asks if that is truly what transpired. Poe asserts that it is not true, prompting Graballa to inquire if he means that Luke did not destroy the Death Star. Poe clarifies that Luke destroyed the Death Star but not in the manner that Vaneé described. Vaneé contends that just as the Wookiee's paw granted Skywalker all that he desired, he claims that the holocron will grant him his desires. Poe cautions Dean that the story serves as a warning to be cautious about what one wishes for.

Vaneé assures Dean that he understands the boy's desire to ensure his family's safety. He instructs the boy to open it, and he will no longer have to worry about them. Poe attempts to reason with Dean, but he is accosted by NI-L8. Vaneé instructs Dean to open the holocron with his heart. The boy unlocks the holocron, but nothing occurs. When Dean confronts Vaneé, the Sith servant reveals that it makes his dreams come true before snatching it out of the boy's hand. Vaneé reveals that his plan was to manipulate Dean into unlocking the holocron and tells the boy that he is strong with the Force.

Vaneé uses the holocron to summon various objects from the Sith chamber, including Ren's mask and the Saber of Scardont, to construct a colossal armored suit. Poe, Dean, and BB-8 realize that the three stories that Vaneé told were for himself. Vaneé vows to instill fear in the galaxy. When Poe inquires about his army, NI-L8 arms herself. Poe dismisses the droid, but NI-N8 activates an army of B1-series battle droids. Vaneé orders NI-L8 and her droids to annihilate his enemies. Poe resolves to fight back and instructs Dean to remove Vaneé's holocron from his armor. Poe shoots the holocron off Vaneé's armor and flees with Dean and BB-8. Vaneé orders NI-L8 to retrieve the holocron, as his power is contingent upon it. He commands his droid army to capture them. Vaneé eventually catches up to Dean and Poe down the hallway and beheads the Darth Vader puppet, which proclaims that he "finds his lack of souvenirs disturbing." As Dean and Poe flee through the Iron Tree forest, Poe is determined to escape offworld with the Sith holocron. Dean blames himself for repairing the lightsaber and opening the holocron, citing his fear as the reason. Poe reassures him that everyone experiences fear. Dean counters that Poe does not, but the fighter pilot disagrees, admitting that he does feel fear. He explains to Dean that they cannot control fear, but they can choose how to respond to it. He asserts that without fear, there can be no courage. BB-8 warns that the battle droids are approaching their X-wing.

BB-8 deploys his grappling cable to swing himself around the rampaging battle droids, incapacitating several. Poe and Dean climb into the starfighter only to discover that the X-wing has not been repaired. While Poe grumbles, Dean volunteers to repair the starship. Poe decides to buy Dean time to fix the starfighter. He returns to Castle Vader, where Vaneé is growing increasingly enraged by the loss of the holocron. Poe attacks Vaneé's battle droids with a parked AT-ST walker. Graballa, Baash, and Raam cower while Poe's AT-ST engages with NI-L8's AT-AT walker, pushing it to the edge of the walkway.

Vaneé attacks Poe's walker from behind, severing one of its joints. Both walkers plummet over the edge into the lava below, where they are destroyed. Poe survives and climbs to the top only to be confronted by battle droids. Dean arrives in Poe's X-wing and strafes the battle droids. He lands the starfighter nearby. Vowing to rule the galaxy, Vaneé seizes Poe with his metallic body. He threatens to hurl Poe into the lava below unless Dean surrenders the holocron. Poe instructs Dean to fly away, as Vaneé is weakening in his armored body. As Vaneé threatened to throw Poe over the edge. Dean considers the ultimatum but recalls the moral of the story of the Wookiee's paw, which is to be careful what you wish for. He throws the holocron over the edge of the walkway into the lava below. Vaneé jumps after the holocron and is consumed by the lava, seemingly killing him. However, this was not the end for Vaneé: as NI-L8 was dragging herself out of the lava, she expressed regret that she failed him, to which Vaneé responds by gripping on to her hand out of the lava, laughing.

Tony Hale fully embraced his role. During recordings, Hale physically embodied Vaneé's actions, which greatly influenced the animation of the character. The producers intentionally had Vaneé tell stories spanning all eras of Star Wars to ensure that there would be something for everyone to enjoy. Vaneé introduces the story "The Wookiee's Paw" by saying "Submitted for your approval," echoing an iconic line from The Twilight Zone. Vaneé's leap to retrieve the Sith holocron and subsequent dive into the lava is a reference to when Gollum attempted to recover the One Ring in the 2003 film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

