Raam, a male Iktotchi bounty hunter, was in the employ of Graballa the Hutt. He worked alongside his partner Baash. These two bounty hunters teamed up with Dengar to pursue Rowan Freemaker, their objective being to locate the Kyber Saber crystals. Subsequently, Graballa and his crew allied themselves with Naare, a Sith agent, until her eventual betrayal.

After the Battle of Hoth, Raam, the Iktotchi bounty hunter, found himself working for Graballa, the Hutt crime lord. The pair of them functioned as Graballa's advisors. While on patrol at Graballa's ore mine within the Belgaroth asteroid field, the two hunters stumbled upon Rowan Freemaker and Roger, a B1-series battle droid. These two had acquired the second Kyber Saber crystal. After questioning their presence, Raam and Baash became engrossed in a discussion about the entertainment value of watching mining droids detonate things, before resolving their differences.
This distraction gave Rowan the opportunity to put on a helmet and falsely claim he was the galaxy's most dangerous Ugnaught bounty hunter, and that his droid companion "IG-89" was superior to IG-88. Raam and Baash believed Rowan's fabrication and escorted them to Graballa aboard his flagship, the Rancor's Fist, for an audience. Although Graballa already employed Dengar, he agreed to give Rowan and "IG-89" a chance if they could defeat Dengar in a fight. However, Dengar easily defeated the two imposters.
Graballa quickly learned about the Kyber Saber crystals from Rowan and Roger. Deciding that these crystals could finance his beachfront resort and buffet, he demanded Rowan reveal the location of more crystals. When Rowan refused, Graballa ordered them to be fed to his pet Nexu, Smiley. However, Rowan's siblings, Kordi and Zander Freemaker, intervened, distracting Graballa by attempting to sell him a Z-wing.
This allowed Naare, the false Jedi and Sith agent, to free Rowan and Roger. Noticing her presence, Baash and Raam were subjected to a mind trick that made them fall asleep. The Freemakers and Naare then escaped in the Z-wing into the Belgaroth asteroid field. Believing the Kyber Saber crystals would make him richer than his cousin Jabba, Graballa dispatched Raam, along with Baash and Dengar, to find Rowan.

Raam, accompanied by Baash and Dengar, journeyed to the Wheel space station situated in the Abrion system in their pursuit of Rowan. While there, Raam and Baash attended a bounty hunter meeting in the Lower Ring. This meeting was called by Lando Calrissian, a rebel, who sought to hire bounty hunters to recover his "lost treasure" from Imperial-occupied Cloud City. After the bounty hunters declined the job, Rowan offered his family's services.
Later, while Raam and Baash discussed lunch plans, they encountered an annoyed Dengar. When Dengar inquired about rumors circulating about him, one of the Iktotchi mentioned that no one was calling him "diaper head." Before Dengar could inform Graballa, Raam and Baash told him about Lando's "special job." The trio then traveled to Bespin, where they bribed stormtroopers for entry. Raam and his companions proceeded to the Carbon-freezing chamber, where they encountered the Freemakers and Naare.
Following an altercation, Raam and his companions stole the "lost treasure" from Kordi. Recognizing Rowan frozen in carbonite, they also kidnapped him. They attempted to escape aboard their ship. However, Zander damaged the cable connecting the repulsorlift generator, causing Cloud City to descend into Bespin's atmosphere. After a skirmish in the hallways of Cloud City with the Freemakers and Naare, Raam and his companions lost Lando's "lost treasure" and Rowan. They ended up in a prison cell, while the Freemakers and Naare returned to the Wheel. While Raam and Baash indulged in hamburgers, Dengar discovered the Freemakers' business card and learned the identity of the mysterious boy and his family.

Prompted by Dengar, Raam and his fellow bounty hunters escaped their Cloud City jail by hijacking a passing cloud car. They returned to Graballa's flagship, the Rancor's Fist, where the Hutt was furious over Jabba's repeated denial of a loan for his beachfront resort and buffet. Despite Dengar's annoyance that Graballa hadn't responded to their calls, he informed Jabba that they had discovered the boy's name was Rowan Freemaker. This pleased Graballa, who decided to set a trap for the Freemakers on Tatooine.
Graballa coerced Ben Quadinaros, a podracing pilot, into inviting the Freemakers to his Mos Espa Garage to service his podracer. Raam, Baash, and Dengar accompanied Graballa when he confronted the Freemakers. Before Graballa could question Rowan, they were interrupted by Jabba, his Gamorrean guards, and Boba Fett. While Raam, Baash, and Dengar conversed with Fett, the Freemakers seized the opportunity to escape. Discovering the Freemakers' escape, Graballa ordered Raam and his colleagues to pursue them on speeder bikes.
During the second leg of the 29th Annual Bricklayers' Classic, Raam and Baash caught up to the Freemakers' podracer and attempted to ram it. However, Zander accelerated the podracer's engines, causing the two bikes to crash into each other. Dengar continued the pursuit, but the Freemakers managed to win the race and flee into the Dune Sea. Raam, along with Graballa's henchmen, pursued the fugitives and cornered them at an abandoned Jawa sandcrawler. During the siege, Graballa apologized to Raam and his colleagues for hurting their feelings by trying to hire Boba Fett due to their perceived incompetence.
The Freemakers managed to fend off Graballa's henchmen with thermal detonators long enough for Naare, the false Jedi, to rescue them. During the struggle, Raam and Baash managed to capture Zander but were driven off by Naare's lightsaber skills and Force powers. After rescuing the Freemakers, Naare departed in her ship, the Eclipse Fighter. Raam and his fellow henchmen were left stranded in the desert when Naare destroyed Graballa's skiff.

Raam and his fellow bounty hunters accompanied Graballa to the Freemaker Garage on the Wheel space station. However, the Freemakers had already fled into space. Instead, they encountered Naare, the Sith agent, who proposed an alliance with Graballa. In exchange for half of the Kyber Saber crystals, she agreed to help them hunt down the Freemakers. Using Roger's transmission pack to locate the fugitives, Naare managed to steal the fourth, fifth, and sixth Kyber Saber crystals from Rowan on Takodana, Ningoth, and Naboo. Following a skirmish on Zoh, Graballa and Naare raced the Freemakers to the icy planet of Hoth, where the seventh kyber crystal was hidden.
Raam, Baash, and Dengar pursued the Freemakers to Hoth in their starfighter. Upon entering the planet's atmosphere, an atmospheric snowstorm blinded Dengar, Graballa, and Naare's ship, causing them to crash into a mountain. Raam and his fellow hunters survived the crash, but the Freemakers managed to escape into hiding. Raam, Baash, the Toydarian Yeppau, and several other henchmen then began digging the Rancor's Fist out of the snow. Later, Naare and Graballa learned that the Freemakers were hiding at the former rebel base, Echo Base.
During the assault, Raam and his fellow bounty hunters flew in their starfighter but were quickly taken out of the fight when Rowan and Zander's snowspeeder ripped off their ship's canopy. Naare, however, used the Force to summon an avalanche that toppled Kordi and Roger's AT-AT walker. Naare then issued an ultimatum, offering to let the Freemakers leave if Rowan surrendered the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. Rowan surrendered an ice crystal instead and then fled offworld with his family. Raam was present when Naare tried to reforge the Kyber Saber, only for it to shatter into pieces.

Raam was aboard the Rancor's Fist when a frustrated Naare threw a tantrum, hurling Graballa and his entourage against a wall. Later, Raam and his fellow henchmen accompanied Graballa and Naare to the Freemaker Garage, where they trapped Kordi and Zander. Unable to get Rowan's location from Kordi and Zander, Naare tortured them psychologically by destroying their prized possessions. This drew Rowan and Roger out of hiding, but the young Jedi put up a fierce fight against Naare and managed to free his siblings.
During the skirmish, Raam and Baash exchanged fire with Kordi, only to be trapped by a magnetizer. Graballa pleaded with them to let go of their blasters, but they refused. Zander then fired a gas canister at Graballa, causing the Hutt to slam into the two Iktotchi bounty hunters. Naare gained the upper hand over the Freemakers after Roger accidentally revealed that he knew the location of the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. Raam and his fellow henchmen rejoiced when Naare defeated the Freemakers. However, Naare then turned on her former allies and reneged on her deal with Graballa. She used the Force to summon debris and hurl Raam, along with Graballa's forces, out of the Freemaker Garage.
Raam, Baash, Dengar, and Graballa later traveled to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, where they cornered Naare. While Naare had reforged the Kyber Saber, her bid for power failed when she tried to overthrow the Emperor. However, Rowan stole the Kyber Saber from her and fled offworld with his family. After placing chains on Naare, Graballa had her frozen in carbonite as punishment for her treachery. Raam, Baash, and Yeppau then struggled to erect the frozen Naare while Graballa reminisced over his loss in his throne room aboard the Rancor's Fist.
Later, Raam, along with Baash and Yeppau, accompanied Graballa to the Mygeeto Auction House. Graballa wanted to recruit investors for his proposed beachside resort and buffet. While Graballa and Yeppau headed to the luxury terrace, Baash and Raam visited the buffet and helped themselves to Mygeeto burritos. The pair later entered the auction hall, where Raam accidentally bid for a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle. This enraged Graballa, who had failed to find investors for his resort and was forced to pay 75,000 Credits for the Jedi starfighter. Graballa berated the two bounty hunters back at the Rancor's Fist and scolded Dengar for not supervising them. Raam tried to offer a cornetto as an apology, but Graballa tossed it aside in a fit of rage.
Shortly after, Kordi, disguised as Alo Kortessi, the Clawdite princess, visited the Rancor's Fist and attempted to trade the Theta shuttle for an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. The Freemakers were on a mission to obtain embersteel wings to build a starship known as the Arrowhead. Graballa took "Princess Kortessi" hostage, intending to collect a ransom from the Clawdite royal family. Raam and Baash remained aboard the Rancor's Fist while Dengar led a squadron of starfighters in a dogfight against her brothers, Zander and Rowan. Posing as a business consultant, "Kortessi" convinced Graballa to designate Baash and Raam as liabilities and dependents. Kordi led Graballa to the ship's hangar bay, where she was joined by her brothers.
Kordi managed to chain Graballa. When Graballa ordered Baash and Raam to seize the Freemakers, Baash reminded the Hutt crime lord that he had thrown the other employees out through the airlock. Raam and Baash charged at the Freemakers, but Zander hurled a container at them. The Freemakers escaped after a brief skirmish with Dengar. When Graballa ordered his minions to pursue the Freemakers, Raam and Baash went on strike, demanding that Graballa discuss a compensation settlement. They were joined by Dengar, who complained about the work environment.
Raam and Baash later assisted Graballa's mining operation, using explosives to clear a rock-face for several DLC-13 mining droids to enter the mine. When Graballa requested a report, Raam stated that they found no kyber crystals. Seeking to use Rowan to locate more kyber crystals, Graballa attempted to capture Rowan at the Wheel, but the Freemakers escaped Graballa's grasp.

Raam and Baash, the Iktotchi bounty hunter duo, enjoyed making jokes and were susceptible to mind tricks. They were easily distracted and enjoyed discussing trivial matters like mining droids and lunch. Raam and Baash were also friendly and gullible. They easily believed Rowan's disguise and fabricated story to explain his presence at Graballa's ore mine. Raam and Baash enjoyed eating hamburgers and had a subordinate relationship with Dengar, who served as their leader.
Raam could ride a speeder bike and, with Baash's help, was able to physically overpower Zander. However, he was no match for Naare's Force powers. Raam also had some co-pilot experience flying with Dengar in his starfighter but had difficulty seeing in stormy conditions. Raam knew how to wield a blaster and was unwilling to let go of it when it got stuck on a magnetizer.
Like Baash, Raam was considered unintelligent and incompetent. He once accidentally bid for a Theta-class shuttle. Raam and Baash were also dissatisfied with their boss, Graballa, and once demanded a compensation package.
Raam was created for LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, a 2016 animated television series on Disney XD. Danny Jacobs provided his voice, and also voiced Yeppau in the same series.