Yeppau, a Toydarian character, functioned as a minion for Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He was a companion to Graballa on his mission to locate the Kyber Saber crystals.
Yeppau was in the service of Graballa, the Hutt crime lord who managed an ore mine situated in the Belgaroth asteroid field. Following the Battle of Hoth, Yeppau displayed a poster while Graballa communicated with his wealthy relative Jabba using a hologram, attempting to secure initial funding for his beachside resort and bufffet. Jabba declined to support his relative's business idea. Yeppau was on board Graballa's flagship, the Rancor's Fist, when Graballa had a meeting with Rowan Freemaker, the Force-sensitive boy, and his B1-series battle droid, Roger. Rowan possessed the second Kyber Saber crystal from the Belgaroth mine but refused to assist Graballa in acquiring more. Yeppau observed the successful rescue attempt of Rowan and Roger by Rowan's older siblings, Kordi and Zander, along with Naare, the undercover Sith agent.
Yeppau later presented another poster while Graballa made a second effort to persuade Jabba to provide funds for his beachside resort and buffet. However, Jabba once again rejected his proposition. When Graballa inquired about the quality of his presentation and potential improvements, the Toydarian simply responded with "yep." After the bounty hunters Dengar, Baash, and Raam gave information regarding Rowan and his family, Graballa set up a trap for the Freemakers on Tatooine. Yeppau went with Graballa's henchmen when they confronted the Freemakers at a wrecked sandcrawler located in the Dune Sea.
Yeppau went with his master to the Freemaker Garage, only to find that the Freemakers had already left. They instead encountered Naare, the Sith agent, who agreed to assist Graballa in finding the Freemakers in exchange for a share of the Kyber Saber crystals. Yeppau was on the Rancor's Fist when Naare stole the fifth Kyber Saber crystal from Rowan on the ocean planet of Ningoth. During the chase, the fleeing Freemakers' ship, the StarScavenger, created a wave that caused seawater to flood the ship's engines.
Yeppau was on the Rancor's Fist as Graballa and Naare waited for a signal from the Freemakers. The Freemakers had discovered that Naare was tracking them using Roger's transmission pack and had turned it off. After Roger reattached the transmission pack while trying to save the Freemakers and Jek-14 on the junkyard planet Zoh, Graballa and Naare traveled there. They then raced the Freemakers to the ice planet of Hoth, where the seventh Kyber Saber crystal was hidden.
After the Rancor's Fist crash landed on Hoth, Yeppau helped Baash and Raam to dig the massive starship out of the snow. Yeppau was later present when Graballa and Naare confronted Rowan, who agreed to surrender the seventh Kyber Saber crystal in return for safe passage for his family. However, Rowan had swapped the crystal with an ice shard. As a result, Naare was unable to reforge the Kyber Saber.
Following the debacle on Hoth, Yeppau agreed with his master Graballa's remarks that they should give an angry Naare some time to herself. Yeppau kept Graballa informed about the efforts of his spies to find the Freemakers. After the Kubaz Garindan reported Zander and Kordi's presence on Tatooine, Yeppau informed Graballa. The Hutt was initially upset that Garindan had not sighted Rowan. However, Naare then came up with a plan to lure Rowan out of hiding by hurting his family. While this plan worked, Naare then turned on Graballa and his henchmen and used the Force to drive them out. Later, Graballa captured Naare and froze her in carbonite as punishment for her treachery. He was seen helping Baash and Raam to erect Naare's frozen body.
When Graballa visited the Mygeeto Auction House to find wealthy investors for his beachside resort and buffet, Yeppau, along with Baash and Raam, accompanied the Hutt crime lord. While Baash and Raam mingled in the food court, Yeppau went with Graballa to the luxury terrace. Yeppau and Graballa soon encountered Kordi, who was pretending to be Alo Kortessi, the Clawdite princess.
While Yeppau held up a datapad, Graballa tried to convince "Kortessi" to invest in his resort. Kordi took the opportunity to slip away. When Graballa asked if she was not coming back, Yeppau indicated this was so and Graballa tried to sell his beachside venture to the other nobles. Yeppau presumably returned with Graballa and his entourage to the Rancor's Fist after Baash and Raam accidentally bought a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle.
Later, Yeppau was with Graballa and his other minions as they mined a planet to obtain kyber crystals for the Empire's second Death Star. After Darth Vader confronted Graballa for his lack of progress, Graballa confided about his parlous state with Yeppau, telling him that they needed a new scheme. Yeppau then passed Graballa the Freemakers' business card, giving the Hutt the idea to use Rowan to lead them to more kyber crystals.
After receiving information from Furlac, Graballa captured the Freemakers at the Wheel, seeking to collect an Imperial bounty on Rowan. Yeppau accompanied Graballa and his minions, which included the bounty hunters Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, and 4-LOM. However, the Freemakers managed to escape after Kordi engineered a fight between the organic and droid bounty hunters.
Before the Battle of Endor, Yeppau was with Graballa when the Hutt delivered a shipment of kyber crystals from Baird Kantoo, a Jedi Master's crystal planet, to Lord Vader on the second Death Star. When Graballa tried to entice Lord Vader to invest in his beachside resort, Yeppau presented pictures of the hologram. However, Lord Vader hurled Graballa against the wall.
Yeppau, identified by his green skin, orange eyes, and wings, was a male Toydarian. He was always with his master, and his tasks included holding up posters. Yeppau was known to only say "Yep." He also dug the Rancor's Fist out of the snow on Hoth and helped Baash and Raaam to erect Naare's frozen body onto Graballa's throne room wall.
Yeppau displayed loyalty to his master, accompanying him to an auction on Mygeeto, the Wheel, and the second Death Star. During a difficult time for Graballa, Yeppau suggested that Graballa hunt down Rowan.
Danny Jacobs provided the voice for Yeppau in LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. He also voiced Raam in the same series.