Auction on Mygeeto

In 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire organized a sale at the Mygeeto Auction House, offering starships confiscated from individuals sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance. Among the vessels put up for sale were a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle, an E-wing escort fighter, a Koro-2 all-environment Exodrive airspeeder, and an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. Attendees at the sale included figures such as Ignacio Wortan, Wick Cooper, Graballa the Hutt, and the Freemakers. The Freemakers' objective was a mission to acquire the embersteel wings from the Theta shuttle, essential for them to build the Arrowhead, a starship with the potential to shift the balance in the Galactic Civil War. To achieve this, Kordi adopted the disguise of the Clawdite princess Alo Kortessi.


In 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire conducted a sale on Mygeeto to liquidate starships seized from supporters of the Rebel Alliance. The items for sale included a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle, an E-wing escort fighter, a Koro-2 all-environment Exodrive airspeeder, and an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. Since they needed embersteel wings to build the Arrowhead, Kordi Freemaker successfully persuaded the Alliance leadership to give them 75,000 credits to purchase a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle with embersteel wings.

The auction

Notable individuals attended the auction on Mygeeto including Ignacio Wortan, Wick Cooper, and Graballa the Hutt. Graballa's motivation for attending was to find investors for his planned beachside resort and buffet. The Clawdite princess Alo Kortessi was another attendee. Using the Clawdite's ability to change shape, Kordi disguised herself as the princess, while her brothers Rowan and Zander Freemaker acted as her servants. Kordi used her supposed royal status to convince the stormtrooper guards to let her and her group enter. When the actual Kortessi arrived, the stormtroopers thought she was an imposter and took her into custody.

According to custom, the nobles relaxed in the luxury terrace while their servants handled the bidding process. A Cerean manager oversaw the auction. With Kordi occupied, Zander was given responsibility for the mission. Zander gave in to his desires and bid on the Jedi light interceptor, thinking the ship was worth 30 credits. Much to his disappointment, Zander discovered that the ship was actually valued at 30,000 credits, which left them without enough money to buy the Theta-class shuttle. Meanwhile, Kordi was forced to fend off Graballa's advances. Graballa mistook her for "Kortessi" and tried to get her to invest in his beachside resort.

Because they were unable to return the light interceptor, the Freemakers' situation became more complicated when Raam, one of Graballa's bounty hunters, mistakenly bid on the Theta-class shuttle. Kordi was angry with Zander, while Graballa was angry with Raam and Baash for their incompetence. Kordi later went to Graballa's starship Rancor's Fist to try to exchange the Jedi light interceptor for the shuttle. Graballa, assuming that Princess Kortessi's parents were wealthy, kidnapped her instead. This led Zander and Rowan to start a rescue mission. Kordi managed to free herself by pretending to be Graballa's business advisor and escaped with her brothers' help. The Freemakers also managed to get the shuttle, but the Jedi interceptor was lost during a fight with Dengar, Graballa's main bounty hunter.

Behind the scenes

The Auction on Mygeeto was first shown as a part of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two episode "The Embersteel Blade," which premiered on August 1, 2017.

