E-wing starfighter

The E-wing starfighter, also referenced as the E-wing escort fighter or simply the E-wing, represented an advanced combat starfighter that was operated by the New Republic Defense Fleet throughout the years of the New Republic Era.


This advanced combat starfighter, the E-wing escort fighter, was produced by FreiTek Incorporated for the New Republic Defense Fleet in the years following the Galactic Empire's fall. It was designed to accommodate one pilot along with an astromech droid.


During the New Republic Era, the New Republic made strategic use of E-wings, positioning them at various bases to reinforce their existing fleets. A squadron was assigned to patrol the skies above the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. Governor Ryder Azadi utilized these craft to conduct patrols around Capital City, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants.

E-wing starfighters were stationed on Lothal.

Around 9 ABY, Captain Porter and Lieutenant Callahan from the New Republic Starfighter Corps piloted E-wings, accompanied by astromech droids, in pursuit of the Mandalorian Sabine Wren, who was riding a speeder bike on Lothal.

In 34 ABY, Baron Paw Maccon possessed an E-wing as a component of his collection, which was housed within his palace on the [Colonies](/article/colonies] planet Cato Neimoidia. During a Cold War mission against the First Order, the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron observed the E-wing in Maccon's possession while seeking to borrow a starship from him.

Behind the scenes

Canonical debut

The E-wing first appeared in the current canon in LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.

The "E-wing escort fighter" made its initial appearance within current Star Wars canon via the non-canon LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures television series' 2017 episode "The Embersteel Blade," directed by Michael Hegner and Jeppe Sandholt. This episode features Zander Freemaker's excitement upon seeing the starfighter for sale amongst other starships during an auction on Mygeeto in 4 ABY. This episode also confirmed that FreiTek Incorporated was the manufacturer.

The E-wing's official canonical introduction occurred in the comic Poe Dameron 23, written by Charles Soule, with art by Angel Unzueta, and published by Marvel Comics on January 24, 2018. Its live-action debut was in the 2023 Ahsoka television series episode "Part One: Master and Apprentice," directed by Dave Filoni. The canonical designation "E-wing" was first established in the Databank entry, and the LEGO set "New Republic E-Wing vs. Shin Hati's Starfighter" includes a buildable E-wing starfighter.

Pre-canon history

The E-wing escort starfighter first appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity in the comic Dark Empire 3, written by Tom Veitch, illustrated by Cam Kennedy, and published by Dark Horse Comics on April 21, 1992. Before working on Star Wars, concept artist Jake Lunt Davies and his brother created an "E-wing" during their childhood, making starships out of cardboard due to a lack of toys. Davies later reflected on his E-Wing, along with other designs he had made with his brother, as part of his Star Wars journey.

