The repair shop known as Freemaker Salvage and Repair, but also referred to as the Freemaker Garage, and initially called Pace's Garage by its founder Pace Freemaker, was a business dedicated to garages and repairs. It was situated on the Wheel space station within the Abrion system. The parents of Kordi, Rowan, and Zander Freemaker, namely Pace Freemaker and Lena Freemaker, established this enterprise. The children of Pace and Lena had difficulty paying their Aqualish landlord Furlac the rent for their business due to a lack of clientele.
After discovering that Rowan Freemaker's Jedi Master Naare was actually a Sith operative, the Freemakers were compelled to leave their garage. The garage sustained significant damage during an assault by Naare and Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, who sought to coerce Rowan into relinquishing the final Kyber Saber crystal. Rowan later employed the Force to reconstruct the garage. Nevertheless, the Freemakers were compelled to abandon it after the Emperor offered a reward for Rowan's capture due to his destruction of the Kyber Saber.
Located in the Middle Ring of the Wheel space station within the Abrion system, Freemaker Salvage and Repair was a family-run, full-service hangar. It provided services for speeders, shuttles, starfighters, and even light cruisers. The company specialized in finding and fixing up old starships. The Freemakers also journeyed across the galaxy in search of spare parts and technology for building and fixing starships. The Freemakers also fixed starships that had been damaged by asteroids and blaster fire.
Kordi, the Freemaker's middle child, was in charge of running the business, while her older brother Zander was the main repairman and builder. Zander created starships from scraps, which he called "Uglies" or "Z-wings." Despite his talent with starships, Zander was also a reckless racer who was willing to take risks. Their younger brother Rowan and the B1-series battle droid R0-GR, who served as their butler and Rowan's caretaker, helped the siblings. The Freemakers' starship StarScavenger was also housed in the garage.

During the Imperial Era, Lando Calrissian persuaded Pace and [Lena Freemaker](/article/lena_freemaker], who were running from the law, to begin a new life on the Wheel to get away from the Galactic Empire and Graballa. Pace transformed the hangar into a repair shop, which later became Freemaker Salvage and Repair. They got married and had two children, Zander and Kordi Freemaker, as the years went by. Pace had trouble making ends meet.
Han Solo, Pace's estranged friend, and Chewbacca, his Wookiee co-pilot, later showed up looking for assistance in getting a transmuter coil. After that, the Freemakers, Solo, and Chewbacca traveled to Ord Tellarom to get one from a former Droid Control Ship. There, they came across Roger, the B1-series battle droid, and Anakin Skywalker's Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. Pace and Han later made up.
Pace completed the restoration of the Jedi starfighter, but Roger accidentally sent them to the planet Dathomir while attempting to serve some bantha bread. Although Pace and Roger managed to escape in an Ugly, they were forced to leave Skywalker's Jedi starfighter behind, where it remained for many years. Later, Pace and Lena had a third child named Rowan Freemaker.
By the Battle of Hoth, Kordi and Zander had taken over their parents' repair shop. They also struggled to pay Furlac, their Aqualish landlord, the rent. While the Freemakers were out scavenging wrecked starship parts from a dogfight between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Furlac dispatched a Flood droid to obstruct the entrance to their garage. Kordi was successful in persuading Furlac to give them one more day to pay their rent.
Zander refused to sell any of his Z-wings to raise money after Rowan unintentionally destroyed a starship that he and Kordi had built from the wreckage. The Freemakers and Roger were consequently compelled to travel to Nal Kapok, the site of a Clone Wars battle. There, Rowan discovered that he was Force-sensitive when he found the hilt of the Kyber Saber, the first lightsaber. He also met Naare, a false Jedi, who persuaded Rowan to go on a quest to find the Kyber Saber's pieces. Naare was secretly a Sith agent working for Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. After arriving back at the Freemaker Garage, Naare used a mind trick on Furlac to convince him that they had paid their rent. She also had him lease the garage across the street for only one Credit.
Naare later started instructing Rowan in the ways of the Force at the Freemaker Garage. She produced a holomap and instructed him to pinpoint the location of the second Kyber Saber because the boy was unable to concentrate during a levitation lesson. Naare and Rowan attempted to leave after Rowan sensed that the crystal was in the Belgaroth asteroid field, but Kordi, who was wary of Naare's mysticism, stopped them. Rowan tricked Roger into fleeing with him in one of Zander's Z-wings by claiming there was a gas leak while the adults argued. They then traveled to the Belgaroth asteroid field. Kordi and Naare argued back at the Garage. Naare became enraged and damaged a box when she was unable to use a mind trick on Kordi. Zander noticed this, and the three quickly understood that Rowan had left for the Belgaroth system.
Wick Cooper, a wealthy resident of the Wheel's Upper Ring, paid a visit to the Freemaker Garage at a later time to have the Freemakers service his vintage N-1 starfighter. Cooper wanted to save money by having the Freemakers service it, even though he could afford a more expensive garage. Zander, however, who lacked impulse control, took the fighter for a joyride. After being apprehended by the Imperial Star Destroyer Vendetta, Zander contacted Kordi and Rowan via hologram to rescue him. Kordi left Roger to entertain Wick while she, Naare, and the others rescued Zander and recovered the N-1 starfighter. The N-1 starfighter, however, was severely damaged and totaled. As a result, Zander gave Wick his Blazemaker starfighter as payment.
Rowan, Kordi, and Zander left for Bespin after receiving a job from the rebel Lando Calrissian to recover his "lost treasure" from Imperial-occupied Cloud City, leaving Roger in charge of the Freemaker Garage. After Roger unintentionally revealed the Freemakers' mission, Naare followed them there in her ship, the Eclipse Fighter. Lando was presented with the "lost treasure" by the Freemakers, which turned out to be his cape. He gave them gold bars in exchange.
Later, Ignacio Wortan, the Twi'lek captain, paid a visit to the Freemaker Garage and hired the Freemakers to retrieve a piece of wroshyr wood from Kashyyyk, the Wookiee home world. The Freemakers were successful in obtaining the wroyshyr wood and the third Kyber Saber crystal. Ignacio, however, canceled the deal due to the wroshyr wood's damage, leaving the Freemakers even further in debt.
Kordi accepted service jobs from Wick Cooper and the Rebel Alliance operatives Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker because she was having trouble with debt. Kordi and Zander smuggled Leia out of their garage in a waste bin when Imperial forces led by Estoc showed up searching for the rebels. Meanwhile, Luke, Rowan, and Roger took an unplanned trip to the planet Felucia in the StarScavenger. Following their escapades, the two groups got back together at the Freemaker Garage. The Freemakers tricked the Imperials into calling off their hunt by sending Leia and Luke's Y-wing as a decoy to be destroyed. Kordi then let Leia and Luke buy a Z-wing at a significant discount.
Later, Kordi scolded Rowan, her younger brother, for failing to maintain the astromech motivators in their garage. Shortly after, the Freemakers left for Tatooine after Zander received a job offer from Ben Quadinaros, the podracer pilot, to service his podracer. However, this turned out to be a trap set by Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, whom Rowan and Roger had previously encountered in the Belgaroth asteroid field.
The Freemakers got ready to leave their Garage in the StarScavenger after learning that Naare was actually a Sith agent. Naare, however, forced her way inside by cutting through the blast door. The Freemakers managed to escape into space after a struggle. Naare later went back to the garage, only to run into Graballa and his goons. The two sides formed a partnership to hunt for the remaining Kyber Saber crystals in exchange for sharing them. Naare and Graballa were able to steal the crystals from the Freemakers on Takodana, Ningoth, and Naboo by using a tracking device that was placed on Roger's transmission pack.
Rowan and Roger, however, were able to obtain the seventh Kyber Saber crystal and fled to a remote planet on the Mini Scavenger. Unable to locate Rowan, Kordi and Zander went back to Freemaker Salvage and Repair only to be met by Furlac, who reminded them that their rent was past due and demanded payment for the damage to their door. At that point, Naare, Graballa, and his goons broke into the Garage and took the Freemakers prisoner. Naare then used psychological torture on Kordi and Zander in an attempt to force Rowan to come out of hiding. This ploy was successful, but Rowan and his siblings put up a valiant fight against Naare and Graballa. Despite their best efforts, Naare still learned the location of the seventh crystal from Roger and stole his head. Naare then betrayed Graballa and his goons and left in the Eclipse Fighter to claim the crystal.
Rowan used the Force to fix the damaged garage and StarScavenger after Naare and Graballa had left. The Freemakers then set out on a mission to steal the Kyber Saber from Naare and the Emperor on Coruscant. The Freemakers were unable to return to the garage after the Emperor placed Rowan on his most wanted list, and instead joined the Rebel Alliance.
After enlisting in the Rebel Alliance, the Freemakers fixed ships for the Alliance Fleet. Rowan gave Quarrie, the Mon Calamari rebel starship builder, one of Freemaker Salvage and Repair's cards and persuaded him to join the Freemakers on their mission to Tibalt.
Wick Cooper later turned the Freemakers' former garage and home into a cantina called "Wick Cooper's Caffeine and Kitsch Club." The Freemakers broke into their old house disguised as cleaners in an attempt to obtain an energy matrix activator in order to build a starship called the Arrowhead. They were, however, ambushed by Graballa and his bounty hunters Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM. The Freemakers managed to escape Graballa and Darth Vader and obtain the energy matrix activator after instigating a fight between the bounty hunters.

Freemaker Salvage and Repair made its debut in the non-Canon 2016 Disney XD animated television series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. Erik Varszegi, the LEGO Lead Model Designer, constructed a scale model of the garage out of LEGO bricks during the conceptualization phase. A promotional LEGO video released on August 29, 2016, later verified that Freemaker Salvage and Repair was the garage's official name.