In the year 4 ABY, Quarrie, a shipbuilder, joined forces with the Freemakers and the Rebel Alliance for a quest to the planet Tibalt. Their objective was to acquire parts to repair and enhance the Rebellion's fleet. However, their efforts were thwarted by the arrival of M-OC, an Imperial hunter droid dispatched by the Emperor with orders to capture Rowan. While the Freemakers and Quarrie successfully evaded capture, M-OC discovered their allegiance to the Rebellion.
Having escaped from an Imperial fleet, the Freemakers and Quarrie, the Mon Calamari rebel shipbuilder, made their way to Tibalt to scavenge parts to help the Rebellion. The Freemakers required components to repair damaged Alliance starfighters, while Quarrie envisioned building a starship capable of shifting the balance in the Galactic Civil War. Tibalt had recently been the location of a battle fought between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire.
Concurrently, Palpatine, the Emperor, tasked the hunter droid M-OC with finding and capturing Rowan Freemaker, who was responsible for stealing and destroying the Kyber Saber. After accessing the Imperial database, M-OC surmised that the Freemakers would be searching for supplies on Tibalt due to the recent conflict. He journeyed to Tibalt aboard his personal vessel, the Tracker I.
Upon landing on Tibalt, Zander and Kordi Freemaker employed the Mini Scavenger to recover a wrecked A-wing. Rowan and Roger discovered an Imperial thruster, but Quarrie dismissed it as worthless. His determination to build a war-changing ship remained unwavering. Subsequently, Rowan noticed an unfamiliar starship nearby. Ignoring Quarrie's caution, Rowan approached the vessel, which was revealed to be the Tracker I. M-OC utilized a grappling cable to pull Rowan into the ship's holding cell. With his target secured, M-OC attempted to depart but was pursued by the Freemakers and Quarrie in the StarScavenger.
Once aboard, M-OC revealed to Rowan that the Emperor had deployed him to apprehend him. However, Rowan utilized his lightsaber to cut his way out of the Tracker I. Rowan then used Force jumped into the StarScavenger's front scoop. Undeterred, M-OC continued his pursuit of the StarScavenger. He successfully shot down the CT-900 freighter, causing it to crash near a sinkhole.
M-OC demanded Rowan's surrender, but the young Jedi engaged the hunter droid in combat. M-OC ensnared Rowan in a net, but the boy sliced through it with his lightsaber. M-OC retaliated with an array of weapons, including rocket boosters and flamethrowers, using them to drive Rowan towards his waiting ship. However, Kordi and Quarrie managed to redirect a nearby freighter to collide with M-OC and the Tracker I. With M-OC damaged but still functional, the Freemakers and Quarrie escaped offworld aboard the StarScavenger.
Following the Tibalt mission, Rowan and the Freemakers understood that the Empire's search for him was ongoing. Meanwhile, M-OC reported his unsuccessful attempt to the Emperor, attributing it to the Imperial databases' failure to mention Rowan's lightsaber proficiency. M-OC also informed the Emperor and Darth Vader that Rowan had joined the Rebellion. Meanwhile, Quarrie, impressed by Rowan's abilities, decided to take the boy on as his apprentice. Rowan then dreamed of using the Force to construct a starship powered by a kyber crystal called the Arrowhead.
The Tibalt mission serves as the culmination of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two episode "Trouble on Tibalt," which premiered on Disney XD on June 17, 2017.