Battle over Tibalt

Following the quest to locate the Kyber Saber, a conflict erupted between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic above the planet Tibalt. This resulted in numerous destroyed starships scattered across the planet's surface. Utilizing data from the Imperial database, the hunter droid M-OC concluded that the Freemakers would travel to Tibalt to scavenge for replacement components. It was on Tibalt that M-OC ambushed the Freemakers, though he failed to apprehend them.


Subsequent to the search for the Kyber Saber, the Freemakers allied themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After a series of adventures, the Freemakers secured employment as mechanics aboard the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser known as the Home One. Rowan Freemaker eventually succeeded in reuniting with Commander Luke Skywalker, a Jedi within the Rebel Alliance. However, their reunion was cut short when two Imperial Star Destroyers materialized from hyperspace and launched squadrons of TIE fighters.

The escape

In response, the Alliance Fleet deployed its complement of starfighter forces, including Commander Skywalker, Lieutenant Valeria leading her Blue Squadron, and Red Two. Valeria devised a strategy to create an opening in the Imperial formation, enabling the Alliance Fleet to make the jump to hyperspace. Rowan attempted to assist his siblings and Roger, only to discover they were managing quite well on their own. In the thick of the space battle, Valeria and Red Two successfully evaded their TIE pursuers by executing a daring maneuver: flying directly towards each other before sharply ascending. While the two rebel pilots survived, their TIE pursuers collided and were destroyed.

However, the Alliance Fleet was unable to deploy its B-wing starfighters initially due to a lack of essential targeting lasers. Roger located a suitable crate, which allowed Kordi to equip the fighters with necessary ordnance. Subsequently, the B-wings launched from Home One's hangar and effectively cleared a path through the swarm of TIE fighters. This action allowed the Alliance Fleet to escape into hyperspace.


Despite their successful escape, the rebel starfighters sustained significant damage. Facing a scarcity of replacement parts, the Freemakers decided to embark on a mission to Tibalt to gather salvage from the wreckage. At the request of General Hera Syndulla, Rowan enlisted the expertise of Quarrie, a Mon Calamari starship engineer, who aspired to design a starship capable of shifting the balance in the Galactic Civil War. Their mission to Tibalt brought them into direct confrontation with the Imperial hunter droid M-OC, dispatched by the Emperor with orders to capture Rowan.

Behind the scenes

The Battle over Tibalt was first depicted in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two episode titled "Trouble on Tibalt," which premiered on Disney XD on June 17, 2017.

