Trouble on Tibalt

"Trouble on Tibalt" represents the second installment of the second season of the animated series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. Its initial broadcast occurred on June 17, 2017, via the Disney XD channel.

Official description

While the Freemakers are out scavenging to support the Rebellion, they encounter the Empire's latest and most formidable adversary, M-OC.

Plot summary

Enter M-OC

M-OC, the Emperor's hunter droid

At the Imperial Palace, Darth Vader presents a holographic projection of the second Death Star to the Emperor, also known as Palpatine. Vader proudly describes its enhanced capabilities, but the Emperor interrupts, stating his awareness that it will decisively defeat the Rebellion and successfully convert Luke Skywalker to the dark side. Dissatisfied, Palpatine demands the capture of "Reginald Freemaker." Vader then reminds him that the boy's name is actually Rowan Freemaker.

Upon Vader's admission that they have been unable to locate Rowan, Palpatine expresses his frustration, criticizing the leadership of the Galactic Empire as incompetent. The Emperor then unveils a clandestine project, concealed even from Lord Vader. He activates a trap door, causing two Imperial officers to plummet below. A rising platform then reveals the new hunter droid, designated M-OC, which the Emperor proudly refers to as "My Own Creation." He confidently asserts that M-OC will handle "Ricky Freemaker." When Vader corrects the boy's name once more, Palpatine shouts in annoyance.

Fleeing the Empire

Aboard the Home One, the Freemaker family is engaged in repairing an A-wing starfighter belonging to Blue Squadron leader Lieutenant Valeria. Rowan attempts to start the ship several times, but it only comes to life after Zander Freemaker repairs the rear power coupling. Rowan then notices Commander Luke Skywalker accompanied by R2-D2 and rushes toward him. As Rowan is about to share a revelation with Luke, alarms begin to sound. Admiral Ackbar announces that the Empire has discovered the Alliance Fleet. Two Imperial Star Destroyers emerge from hyperspace and deploy swarms of TIE fighters.

Rowan reluctantly allows Luke to leave, disappointed that the Empire's arrival and unfortunate timing have interrupted their meeting. Meanwhile, Kordi Freemaker assures Valeria that her A-wing is ready for flight. Valeria leads Blue Squadron into battle, tasking them with creating an opening in the Imperial formation to allow the rebels to jump to hyperspace. Rowan expresses his desire to assist Zander and Kordi, but other rebel ground crew members are already providing support. In the midst of the space battle, Red Two and Valeria find themselves pursued by two TIE fighters each. Valeria instructs Red Two to rendezvous at Point 3.5 for an "evasive entry." The two rebel pilots skillfully maneuver their pursuers into colliding with each other, managing to pull up safely. Valeria then inquires about the whereabouts of their B-wings.

Rowan encounters Roger, who informs him that the B-wings require targeting lasers. Rowan laments that he lacks targeting lasers and feels helpless. Just then, a crate of targeting lasers falls onto Roger, who excitedly announces their discovery. Kordi begins equipping the B-wings with the lasers. The B-wings then swiftly navigate through the TIE fighter formation, creating a window that allows the Alliance fleet to escape into hyperspace.

Rowan's new assignment

Following the battle, Zander observes that Valeria's A-wing has sustained significant damage. Valeria remains optimistic, assuring him that he can repair it because he is "Zander Freemaker, Superstar Pilot Guy." Zander, Kordi, and Roger express their concern about the lack of sufficient spare parts to repair the starfighters. Kordi suggests that a salvage operation would resolve their problem. Rowan is disheartened that he was unable to contribute, but Kordi reassures him that he provided valuable moral support. She suggests that he speak with Luke, but Rowan is unable to find him. General Hera Syndulla then informs them that she has a special assignment for Rowan.

Meanwhile, the Emperor tests M-OC against several pop-up targets resembling rebel troopers. M-OC effortlessly destroys them using his blades and flamethrowers. Palpatine is pleased with his new creation. M-OC also possesses blasters and grappling arms. He demonstrates his destructive capabilities by eliminating a moving target using his entire arsenal. M-OC then informs his master that he awaits his instructions.

Aboard the Home One, Hera directs Rowan to meet someone on the lowest level of the ship. He arrives at a gate and is greeted by a TT-8L/Y7 gatekeeper droid who inquires about his purpose. Rowan informs the gatekeeper droid that Hera sent him. Two blast doors open, revealing a garage. Rowan observes Quarrie's Lothal astromech droid BG-81 and encounters the Mon Calamari shipwright Quarrie, who asks if General Syndulla sent him with spare parts. Rowan clarifies that Hera sent him and expresses interest in an ion dilator. Quarrie dismisses the idea of taking on an apprentice and attempts to usher Rowan out.

Rowan insists that he is not a distraction and touches a fuel stabilizer. Quarrie disagrees, explaining that he is attempting to build a ship that will save the Rebellion. Rowan recognizes Quarrie as the creator of the B-wing starfighter. Upon learning that Quarrie requires spare parts, Rowan offers the services of Freemaker Salvage and Repair and invites Quarrie to join the Freemakers' salvage run to the planet Tibalt.

Expedition to Tibalt

Meanwhile, stormtroopers repair the damaged targets as the Emperor inquires about Vader's opinion of M-OC. Vader advises him not to be overly proud of the "technological terror" he has created because M-OC lacks the ability to use the Force. M-OC retorts that he lacks offspring who pose a threat to the Emperor. The Emperor then dispatches M-OC to locate Freemaker. The hunter droid acknowledges the command, much to the Emperor's delight. M-OC begins analyzing data and predicts that Rowan will be heading to Tibalt due to the recent battle there, which would provide a tempting supply of spare parts. M-OC blasts his way out of the chamber and departs for the Tracker I. The Emperor is impressed, but Vader counters that it would have been more impressive if his creation had learned to use the door. Palpatine concedes that Vader is right.

As the StarScavenger travels through hyperspace, Quarrie expresses his amazement that he has not been aboard a CT-900 freighter since before the Clone Wars. He is impressed that it is still functional but suggests that their modifications could be improved and begins working on the stabilizer. Zander is annoyed, but Kordi reminds him that she has told him countless times to fix it.

On Tibalt, Kordi signals for Zander, who is using the Mini Scavenger to lift a wrecked A-wing. Rowan asks Roger about an ion thruster that the droid considers to be "clean." However, Quarrie dismisses it as Imperial junk. Rowan argues that they cannot afford to be picky, but Quarrie explains that he is focused on building a single ship that can turn the tide of the war. Rowan spots a ship in the distance, but Quarrie assumes that he is referring to his planned ship and says he has not yet finalized its design. Rowan points to a strange, sleek, black craft with sharp, blade-like wings.

Ambush on Tibalt

Rowan approaches the strange craft, which is revealed to be the Tracker I. Quarrie states he has never seen this particular configuration and warns the boy to keep his distance. Rowan observes that there is no visible pilot and marvels at its pristine condition. Unbeknownst to them, M-OC is observing their movements. Suddenly, the ship's ramp lowers and a grappling arm pulls Rowan inside. M-OC announces that his target has been acquired and takes off in the Tracker I. Roger and Quarrie attempt to follow, while Kordi and Zander look on in shock. Inside the ship's brig, a hologram of M-OC informs Rowan that he has been assigned by the Emperor to capture him. Rowan expresses his dislike for the "scum weasel," but M-OC dismisses his feelings as irrelevant.

The Freemakers and Quarrie pursue the Tracker I aboard the StarScavenger. Roger panics, exclaiming that the "thing" has taken Rowan. Zander and Kordi pilot the StarScavenger into space and chase the Tracker I through the skies. The Tracker I sustains damage to one of its blade wings. Rowan's lightsaber falls out of his possession, and he uses the Force to summon it back to him. Meanwhile, M-OC exchanges fire with the StarScavenger. Rowan uses his lightsaber to cut his way out of the ship. Quarrie marvels at the boy's possession of a lightsaber, while Zander and Kordi reveal that he is a Jedi.

Kordi opens the StarScavenger's scoop, and Rowan uses a Force jump to board the ship. M-OC quickly realizes this and expresses his disappointment that the Imperial database failed to mention Rowan's ability to wield a lightsaber. When Rowan enters the cockpit, Quarrie reveals that he knows that Rowan is a Jedi in training. When Rowan asks how he knows, Kordi replies that the lightsaber gave him away. M-OC attacks the StarScavenger. Roger urges Zander to escape, but Zander admits that the other pilot is more skilled than he is.

M-OC fires a laser cannon that disables one of the StarScavenger's engines. Kordi panics, but Quarrie instructs them to activate the lateral compensators. Zander reveals that he removed them to provide more power to the engines and admits his mistake. The StarScavenger crash-lands, and the Freemakers and Quarrie are ejected through the ramp. When Kordi asks Zander if he thinks he can make the ship fly, Zander replies that he will try.

Duel with M-OC

M-OC lands the Tracker I nearby and demands that Rowan surrender. Rowan charges at him with his lightsaber, but the droid uses his grappling arms to evade the attack. M-OC then attacks Rowan with his blasters. Zander inquires about its identity, but Quarrie is unsure, suggesting that they should destroy it. She agrees with his idea. M-OC blasts Rowan's lightsaber out of his hand and traps the boy under a net. M-OC states that the chances of surviving a fight against him are "2,072 to one." However, Rowan uses the Force to levitate his lightsaber and cut his way out of the net. He then tells M-OC not to tell him the odds because he doesn't understand how it works.

Meanwhile, the Freemakers and Quarrie climb atop a wrecked starship. Quarrie and Kordi begin searching for various ship parts, including a power cell, hydrospanner, stabilizer, and power coupling. Kordi realizes Quarrie's plan, but Zander remains confused. Meanwhile, Rowan asks if he is the 2,072 or the "one." M-OC replies that he is "number one." Roger panics that the fusion generator is leaking, but Quarrie clarifies that they are not planning to fly. Kordi adds that they are launching it in a general direction. M-OC activates his rocket boosters and uses his flamethrowers to drive Rowan towards the Tracker I's ramp.

M-OC boasts that the boy has no chance of defeating him in one-on-one combat. Rowan sees his siblings and Quarrie signaling to him. Replying that he is a Freemaker, Rowan leaps out of the way just as the wrecked starship collides with M-OC and the Tracker I. Rowan adds that the Freemakers are always together. The Freemakers and Quarrie celebrate, but a damaged M-OC emerges from the wreckage and disagrees. He is missing his right arm and left leg. The Freemakers and Quarrie flee aboard the StarScavenger as M-OC raises his fist in defiance. In space, Kordi asks what that thing was. Zander suggests that it is a bounty hunter, but Rowan reveals that the droid is M-OC and works for the Emperor.

Quarrie's new apprentice

After returning to the Home One, Quarrie reassures Rowan that the Emperor is in for a disappointment. Quarrie recruits Rowan as his apprentice but warns the boy that he has no patience for dawdlers. Rowan promises to come but admits that he doesn't know what a dawdler is. Neither do his siblings.

Meanwhile, M-OC reports his failed attempt to the Emperor and Lord Vader, blaming the database for omitting the fact that Rowan carried a lightsaber. When Vader asks if he has anything else to add, M-OC reports that Rowan was accompanied by the rebel ship designer Quarrie. The Emperor realizes that the Freemakers are working for the Rebellion and orders M-OC to find the rebels, the Freemakers, and the Kyber Saber, unaware that the latter has been destroyed. M-OC replies that he lives to serve. In exasperation, Palpatine unleashes Force lightning upon the officer who compiled the Freemaker file.

As the rebel fleet travels through space, the Freemakers sleep in their quarters aboard the StarScavenger. Rowan dreams that he is in space and using the Force to construct a ship powered by a kyber crystal. He witnesses the ship carving through an asteroid and soaring through space. Upon awakening from the Force vision, Rowan names the ship the Arrowhead. Zander begins to stir and mumbles that it is time to get up.

