The Tower of Alistan Nor

"The Tower of Alistan Nor" represents the third installment within the second season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.

Official Description

Rowan, in search of something to spark his creativity, embarks on a journey to Alistan Nor, where he discovers a long-deserted city previously inhabited by Jedi and M-OC.

Plot Summary


Following his experience with a Force vision, Rowan Freemaker recounts the details of what he saw to Quarrie, the Mon Calamari renowned for building starships. BG-81, Quarrie's Lothal astromech droid, replays images depicting a variety of starships, yet none correspond to the description of the Arrowhead. Harnessing the Force, Rowan pieces together a model of the ship using various components. Roger, who happens to be carrying spare parts, is also present during this demonstration. Rowan elaborates that the ship possessed great speed, was fortified by a substantial Kyber crystal, and featured an embersteel blade at its front, but his focus wanes, causing the model to disintegrate. Roger, however, fails to grasp the essence of Rowan's vision, perceiving only a collection of discarded items.

Rowan expresses that his thoughts are muddled, hindering his ability to recreate the vision. Quarrie asserts that Rowan's perspective lacks exposure to refined style and craftsmanship. He then introduces Rowan to Alistan Nor, an ancient city celebrated for its beauty, where the galaxy's most brilliant minds sought inspiration. Rowan expresses his desire to accompany Quarrie, but Roger advises them to wait, dismissing Rowan's model as mere trash.

The Emperor's Favorites

Simultaneously, at the Imperial Palace located on Coruscant, Darth Vader updates the Emperor Palpatine regarding his operation to procure new crystals from Vakharon to fuel the second Death Star. However, the Emperor expresses his interest in checking on M-OC and establishes contact with him via hologram. The Emperor has equipped M-OC with a Double-bladed spinning lightsaber, which M-OC prefers to use as two separate blades. M-OC comments that he might have succeeded on Tibalt if he had possessed a lightsaber.

The Emperor considers M-OC his favored hunter droid, but M-OC retorts that the Imperial database indicates he is the sole hunter droid, rendering favoritism irrelevant. A resentful Vader counters that he could also be his least favored hunter droid. The Emperor silences Vader and inquires about his progress in locating Rowan. M-OC responds that he is scouring the Imperial database for salvage locations. The Emperor expresses satisfaction and instructs M-OC to proceed. Following the hologram conversation, the Emperor remarks on the difficulty of conversing with M-OC. Vader concurs, and the Emperor emphasizes that his sole concern is M-OC's success in delivering Rowan to him.

Borrowing the StarScavenger

Aboard the Home One, Kordi Freemaker delivers a hologram presentation to the rebel crew concerning energy conservation. She explains that conserving power by switching off lights has accumulated enough energy to power all astromech droids on the ship. Before Kordi can conclude, Rowan sneaks in and signals her. In the corridor, he informs her of his impending journey to Alistan Nor to "save the galaxy." Rowan has prepared his lunch, but Kordi advises him to consult with Zander Freemaker. Kordi resumes her presentation, suggesting five-minute showers to conserve water. Everyone then turns to look at Admiral Ackbar.

Meanwhile, Zander is repairing Grayson's X-wing starfighter. Grayson believes the ship is fit only for scrap, but Lieutenant Valeria advises patience. Zander removes a damaged coolant compensator from the X-wing and assures him that his ship will be operational. Valeria commends Zander, but Rowan interrupts to inform his brother about his planned trip to Alistan Nor. Quarrie attempts to intervene, but Zander is uninterested. Nevertheless, Rowan manages to secure permission for himself and Quarrie to spend time on the StarScavenger. Zander tries to persuade Valeria to let him fly, but she reminds him that he excels with a "wrench in his hand."

Rowan, Quarrie, and Roger secure themselves in their seats aboard the StarScavenger. When Roger inquires if they are headed to Alistan Nor, Rowan confirms this is the case, but clarifies that Kordi and Zander are not accompanying them. When Quarrie admits he is not a pilot, Rowan decides to pilot the ship himself. The StarScavenger departs, colliding with several other ships in the process. Quarrie remarks that it is too late for him to fly, while Roger laments that it is too late for him to disembark. Rowan then initiates the ship's jump into hyperspace.

Back at the Home One, Zander inquires about Kordi's presentation, and she reports its success. Zander tells Kordi that Valeria regards him as her best mechanic but expresses frustration that he is still restricted to flying only the StarScavenger. Zander and Kordi then discover that Rowan has commandeered the ship to Alistan Nor.

Journey to Alistan Nor

Rowan pilots the StarScavenger to the planet Alistan Nor, which is encircled by three asteroid rings. Roger finds himself stuck to the bridge's metal door. While traversing one of the asteroid rings, the Imperial probe droid XJ9-GM02 relays their presence to M-OC, who then departs on the Tracker I. Back on Coruscant, Sidious cautions Vader against envying M-OC, explaining that they share a unique relationship as Master and apprentice, while M-OC is merely a tool. Vader remains unconvinced. M-OC then contacts them via hologram, reporting that the probe droid XJ9-GM02 has detected the StarScavenger above Alistan Nor's planet. M-OC sets course for Alistan Nor to investigate.

After landing, Roger remarks to Rowan that he pilots like Zander, but not in "a good way." Quarrie introduces Rowan and Roger to the city of Alistan Nor, which has been abandoned and overtaken by the jungle. When Rowan questions whether Alistan Nor is indeed the place where great minds seek inspiration, Quarrie replies that the city has been deserted for a considerable time and that inspiration can arise from anywhere. Roger remains pessimistic. He and Rowan hear the roars of gundarks. Roger tells Rowan that they made a grave error in coming here as a gundark watches from the shadows.

Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander discuss borrowing a ship. Shortly afterward, the klaxons sound, and Admiral Ackbar orders the rebel pilots to their ships. Kordi and Zander observe as the rebel fighters depart for a sortie. With no available transportation, Zander and Kordi decide to rebuild one of Zander's Z-wings but make minimal progress.

Back on Alistan Nor, Rowan playfully throws a centipede at the disgruntled Roger, who longs to return home. The trio then stumble upon gundark footprints and encounter a pack of gundarks, who are drawn to Roger's voice. Quarrie and Roger flee, while Rowan leads the gundarks on a chase, wielding his lightsaber. He cuts down several columns to impede the pack's progress. Rowan also uses the Force to topple one of the columns on which another gundark is standing. He finds himself surrounded by two more gundarks but uses the Force to construct an improvised cage from stone pillars.

Exploring the Tower

Rowan then rejoins Quarrie and a pessimistic Roger, who remains unconvinced of their safety. They crawl through a tunnel that leads to the Tower of Alistan Nor. The travelers enter a cylindrical hall at the tower's base. Quarrie informs Rowan that the Force Builders were an ancient order of Jedi dedicated to creating refined style and architecture and starships. They were responsible for constructing the tower and the city of Alistan Nor. As they ascend the stairs, Roger jokingly adds transportation to his list of skills.

Meanwhile, M-OC arrives at Alistan Nor's planet in his starship Tracker I and vows to hunt down the Freemakers. Back at the tower, Rowan, Roger, and Quarrie reach the summit. When Quarrie asks Rowan what he sees, Rowan experiences a Force vision of Alistan Nor in its prime as a Jedi city. Roger remains unable to see it, but Quarrie explains that what Rowan perceives is not meant for their eyes. Rowan also envisions the Arrowhead and gains the inspiration to construct the ship. Roger hears the roar of engines.

Duel in Alistan Nor

M-OC arrives in the Tracker I and fires upon a column. Rowan, Roger, and Quarrie narrowly avoid being crushed by the falling debris. Roger tells Rowan that his dream has devolved into a nightmare as M-OC continues to attack them. The trio fall from the ramparts, but Rowan manages to grasp a vine. He also uses the Force to prevent Roger and Quarrie from plummeting to the ground. M-OC lands his ship and propels himself towards Rowan using his rocket boosters. Rowan defends himself against the hunter droid with his lightsaber and saves Quarrie and Roger from falling to their deaths.

Recognizing Rowan's difficulty in focusing and multitasking, M-OC proceeds to bombard the boy with blaster bolts. Rowan uses the Force to hurl Quarrie and Roger towards a vine they can cling to. Undeterred, Rowan battles M-OC with his lightsaber. M-OC deploys his own lightsabers and mocks Rowan. While clinging to a vine, Rowan parries the hunter droid's attacks. M-OC fires his weapons at the tower, causing debris to fall. M-OC severs Rowan's vine, but Rowan manages to use the Force to grab another, dropping his lightsaber in the process. M-OC taunts his defenseless enemy. However, Rowan causes a balcony to collapse on top of M-OC, crushing him. The resilient droid survives and returns, only to be seized by a pack of gundarks. Rowan compliments his own "can-do" spirit.


Back at Home One, Zander and Kordi complete the assembly of their "Ugly" starfighter. Before they can depart to locate their joyriding brother, Rowan returns and crashes the StarScavenger into their ship. Rowan apologizes for his inability to engage the brakes. When Kordi asks about his whereabouts, Rowan vaguely mentions his encounter with M-OC. When Zander and Kordi confront him for taking the StarScavenger, Rowan points out that they provided him with misleading instructions. The siblings reconcile, with the older two acknowledging their partial responsibility.

Quarrie informs Kordi and Zander that Rowan is the last of the Force Builders. In Quarrie's workshop, Rowan assembles a model of the Arrowhead, the ship from his vision. Zander, Kordi, and Quarrie finally comprehend Rowan's vision. Quarrie explains that they will require various items, including embersteel blades, a Farium fusion conduit, a proton suspension housing, an energy matrix activator, and a bantha–sized Kyber crystal. Kordi and Zander anticipate difficulty in acquiring these ancient items, but Rowan asserts that saving the galaxy will not be easy.

Imperial Entanglements

M-OC manages to break free from the gundark pack and reconstruct himself. He then reports his encounter with Rowan to the Emperor and Lord Vader. However, the Emperor and a sneering Vader caution him to perform better in the future. Vader then departs to inspect the progress of the second Death Star. The Emperor reminds M-OC that Vader consistently delivers results. Vader visits the Imperial officers and inquires about their progress in installing kyber crystals from Vakharon into the second Death Star.

One of the officers informs Vader that they discovered no crystals on Vakharon, only glass. Vader hurls him from one of the Imperial Palace's towers; the Imperial Palace was formerly the Jedi Temple. Vader tells the two remaining officers that it was a disappointing answer and asks which of them has a better one.

