The Force Builders constituted an age-old order of individuals attuned to the Force, diverging from the path of the Jedi. Their dedication lay in the crafting of exceptional artistic creations, architectural wonders, and advanced starships. On a secluded world covered in jungle, the Force Builders erected the metropolis of Alistan Nor. By the era of the Galactic Civil War, Alistan Nor had been deserted for an extended duration and reclaimed by the surrounding jungle. Before the Battle of Endor, Quarrie, a shipwright from Mon Calamari, shared the narrative of the Force Builders with Rowan Freemaker. Subsequently, Rowan embarked on a quest to Alistan Nor, where he encountered M-OC, an Imperial droid designed for hunting. Ultimately, Quarrie began to view Rowan as among the final inheritors of the Force Builder legacy.