Mission to Naboo (Kyber Saber)

In the year 3 ABY, the Freemakers embarked on a quest to locate the sixth Kyber Saber crystal, setting their course for the planet Naboo. During this undertaking, the Freemakers were compelled to navigate through what was once the Theed Royal Palace, now transformed into the Emperor Palpatine Museum. After a close call with death at the hands of Imperial officers General Durpin and [Plumestriker](/article/plumestriker], the Freemakers successfully located the sixth crystal, but their triumph was short-lived as they were ambushed by Naare and the bounty hunter Dengar. Despite managing to escape, the rebels were compelled to abandon the crystal. The museum suffered significant damage during the confrontation.


After the Battle of Hoth, Rowan Freemaker, a Force-sensitive individual, and his family found themselves entangled in a search for the components of the Kyber Saber. This pursuit put them at odds with Naare, a Sith agent, and Graballa, a crime lord from the Hutt species. Having already acquired the initial three crystals with Rowan unknowingly aiding her, Naare proceeded to pilfer the fourth and fifth crystals from him on Takodana and Ningoth. She exploited Roger's transmission pack, belonging to the B1-series battle droid, as a means to track their location.

To thwart Naare's ambition of reforging the Kyber Saber, the Freemakers journeyed to Naboo, the location of the sixth Kyber Saber crystal. Upon arriving in the capital city of Theed, the Freemakers quickly learned that the crystal was concealed within the former Theed Royal Palace, which had been repurposed as the Emperor Palpatine Museum. The Museum was heavily guarded by a detachment of stormtroopers commanded by Imperial officers General Durpin and Commander Plumestriker, who viewed their assignment on Naboo as a relaxed and luxurious posting.

The mission

Night in the Museum

The Freemakers formulated a strategy to infiltrate the Emperor Palpatine Museum under the cover of darkness with the intention of locating and absconding with the sixth Kyber Saber crystal. As part of the scheme, Zander adopted a disguise as a maintenance worker and smuggled Roger, disguised as a Clone Wars exhibit, into the museum. Later that night, Roger managed to escape his enclosure and facilitate the Freemakers' entry into the Museum. The Freemakers were quickly sidetracked. Roger became engrossed in an exhibit featuring his fellow B1 battle droids, R0-HK.

Zander's attention was soon diverted by an N-1 starfighter suspended from the ceiling. Kordi found herself captivated by the sight of the regal gown once worn by Queen Padmé Amidala. Despite a brief distraction involving a motorized pogo stick, Rowan remained focused on his objective and soon stumbled upon several colossal statues of Emperor Palpatine depicting various stages of his life. He was startled by a talking statue of the Emperor, which triggered a chain reaction that sent Zander and the N-1 fighter crashing into the Theed Hangar.

This commotion alerted Durpin and Plumestriker, who, accompanied by their stormtroopers, proceeded to investigate. They discovered Kordi, Zander, and Roger in the Theed Hangar. After Plumestrike recognized the intruders from a previous encounter on Kashyyyk, Durpin issued an order for their immediate execution. However, Rowan, having disguised himself as the Emperor, asserted that the Freemakers were affluent benefactors and subsequently demoted Durpin and Plumestriker. Once the guards had departed, the Freemakers located the sixth Kyber Saber crystal concealed within Kordi's royal gown.

Skirmish in the Hangar

Before the Freemakers could make their escape, they were intercepted by Naare and Dengar, a bounty hunter. A firefight quickly erupted between Roger, armed with a blaster, and Dengar. Simultaneously, Rowan engaged Naare in a lightsaber duel. However, Naare proved to be the superior combatant and seized the sixth Kyber Saber crystal from him. She then propelled him against the N-1 starfighter, before retrieving her stolen Sith lightsaber. Meanwhile, Dengar inadvertently destroyed R0-HK, prompting a vengeful pursuit by Roger.

Naare then prepared to deliver a fatal blow to Rowan, but the boy utilized the Force to dislodge the bolt securing the N-1 fighter. The resulting crash of the starfighter triggered the release of its bombs, causing an explosion that obliterated the other starships and inflicted extensive damage upon the Museum. The Freemakers then fled the Museum, leaving the sixth crystal in Naare's possession.


Despite successfully acquiring the sixth Kyber Saber crystal, Naare's actions also resulted in the destruction of the Emperor Palpatine Museum. As a consequence of this fiasco, General Durpin and Plumestriker were demoted and reassigned to Hoth as a form of punishment. Meanwhile, Rowan and his siblings discovered that Naare had been monitoring them through Roger's transmission pack. Both the Freemakers and Naare learned that the seventh Kyber Saber crystal was located on Hoth. In an effort to prevent Naare from obtaining the seventh crystal, as she was unable to locate it without Rowan's assistance, the Freemakers traveled to Zoh to enlist the help of the Maker of Zoh.

Behind the scenes

The Mission to Naboo was first depicted in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures episode "The Kyber Saber Crystal Chase," which premiered on Disney XD on August 1, 2016.

