Plumestriker was an Imperial officer who, alongside his partner Durpin, was tasked with patrolling the Blockade of Kashyyyk, the Emperor Palpatine Museum, and Echo Base located on Hoth. Throughout his assignments, Plumestriker would cross paths with the scavenging Freemakers on several occasions.
After the Rebellion gained the Freemakers as allies, Plumestriker and Durpin found themselves encountering the Freemakers once more on multiple occasions. After a failed mission to Qalydon aimed at acquiring kyber crystals for the second Death Star, Plumestriker and Durpin were reassigned to Jakku as a form of disciplinary action. In an attempt to regain the Empire's favor, Plumestriker attempted to capture the Freemakers, but his failure led him to express feelings of disappointment with the Empire.

During the Imperial Era, Plumestriker held the position of an Imperial officer, functioning as an aide to Lieutenant Commander Durpin. Following the Battle of Hoth, Plumestriker and Durpin took command of the Imperial Blockade that was positioned above the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk. While the Imperial Navy enforced the blockade of the planet, the Trandoshan proxies of the Empire maintained order among the Wookiee population. To ensure the Wookiees remained subdued, the Trandoshans held Chief Attiburra's son, Tantarra, as a hostage within an island fortress.
When a scavenging family known as the Freemakers successfully navigated past the blockade in their freighter, the StarScavenger, Plumestriker and Durpin instructed their subordinates to act as if the intrusion had never occurred. However, they personally ventured down to the surface of Kashyyyk with the intention of apprehending them. The two officers traveled to the Trandoshan island fortress aboard their shuttle and inquired whether they had noticed anything out of the ordinary. Upon receiving reports from the Trandoshans about a group of humans delivering a wroshyr wood panel, Plumestriker deduced that the intruders were nearby, prompting Durpin to sound the alarm.
Despite their efforts, the Freemakers managed to liberate Tantarra and alert Attiburra, whose forces subsequently launched an assault on the fortress. The Freemakers also succeeded in acquiring the third Kyber Saber crystal. Plumestriker and Durpin managed to corner Zander Freemaker and his younger brother Rowan at the StarScavenger. While Durpin was in the middle of delivering a speech regarding their intentions for the rebels, Plumestriker realized that one member was missing. At that moment, Kordi Freemaker reappeared with the wroshyr wood panel and struck both Imperials on the head.
Subsequently, during his report to Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, Lieutenant Commander Durpin attempted to shift some of the blame onto Plumestriker. However, the Emperor attributed the failure to the Trandoshans and promoted Durpin to the rank of general. He also granted him additional resources to accomplish the task. While Plumestriker was overjoyed, Durpin was disheartened.

Following the events that transpired on Kashyyyk, Plumestriker also received a promotion to the rank of Commander. He and General Durpin were reassigned to a desirable posting: the Emperor Palpatine Museum located on Naboo. The Museum, which had previously served as the Theed Royal Palace, had been repurposed to showcase exhibits dedicated to the Emperor. The two generals were entrusted with the responsibility of guarding the exhibits. On one particular day, they encountered Zander, who was wheeling in the B1-series battle droid Roger as a disguised museum exhibit. Due to Zander's mustache, the two men failed to recognize the Freemakers and made light of the absurdity of attempting to break into the Museum.
Unbeknownst to Plumestriker and Durpin, the Freemakers were devising a plan to infiltrate the Museum and steal the sixth Kyber Saber crystal. Later that night, Roger emerged from his display cabinet and granted the Freemakers access to the Museum. While all of this was unfolding, Plumestriker and Durpin were engaged in a game of holochess. Although Plumestriker was startled by the sound of shattering glass, Durpin remained engrossed in the game.
After Rowan inadvertently caused one of Palpatine's statues to topple, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the collapse of an N-1 starfighter, Plumestriker raised the alarm, disregarding Durpin's objections, and instructed the stormtrooper sentries to conduct a thorough search of the premises. The two officers, accompanied by their stormtroopers, soon cornered Zander, Roger, and Kordi in the former Theed Hangar. While Durpin expressed a desire to let the intruders go, Plumestriker recognized them as the same individuals he had encountered on Kashyyyk and ordered their execution.
Before the stormtroopers could carry out the execution of the Freemakers, Rowan arrived disguised as the Emperor himself and commanded the Imperials to release his siblings, claiming that they were generous benefactors. An apologetic Plumestriker and Durpin promptly departed from the hangar. Subsequently, the Museum was destroyed in the aftermath of a duel between the Freemakers, the Sith agent Naare, and the bounty hunter Dengar. Plumestriker and Durpin managed to survive the destruction but found themselves in a precarious situation.

Following the debacle at the Emperor Palpatine Museum, Plumestriker and Durpin experienced demotions to the ranks of Sub-Ensign and Ensign, respectively. The two were reassigned to the former rebel base known as Echo Base, situated on the frigid planet of Hoth. While Plumestriker viewed the reassignment as a form of punishment and sought to regain favor with the Empire, Durpin expressed contentment with their removal from the galaxy's troubles and conflicts. When the Freemakers and Roger arrived on a makeshift snowspeeder sledge pulled by two tauntauns, Plumestriker expressed his desire to notify Imperial High Command.
However, Durpin, unwilling to disrupt their peaceful exile, attempted to drive the Freemakers away using his blaster. Unfortunately, the baby wampa that the Freemakers had befriended grabbed his leg. Durpin called upon Plumestriker to shoot at the wampa, but he missed his target. This action provoked the wampa's mother, who retaliated by attacking and pursuing the two Imperials. Despite the commotion, Plumestriker managed to transmit a distress signal that was intercepted by Naare and her ally Graballa, who were actively hunting the Freemakers and the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. Later, while fleeing, Plumestriker and Durpin inadvertently ran over Naare while being chased by the mother wampa and her offspring.
Later, Plumestrike and Durpin received new orders to command a Gozanti-class cruiser that was blockading a planet where the rebel agents Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca were stranded. Due to the absence of a fuel intermixer on their ship, the Millennium Falcon, they were unable to leave the planet. Subsequently, the Imperial officers' Gozanti cruiser intercepted the Freemakers' starship, the StarScavenger, in space. After being boarded, the Freemakers feigned illness, claiming to be afflicted with the Gamorrean flu.
Plumestriker swiftly identified the Freemakers as individuals on the Empire's Most Wanted List. While Durpin was initially convinced, Plumestriker realized that humans were incapable of contracting the Gamorrean flu. He instructed his stormtroopers to apprehend the Freemakers and confiscate their cargo. The Freemakers were subsequently confined to the brig but managed to escape with the assistance of their droid, Roger. They then proceeded to steal a fuel intermixer and detach their ship from the Gozanti cruiser. Plumestriker attempted to alert Durpin but discovered that his superior was preoccupied with concerns about contracting the Gamorrean flu. The Freemakers successfully utilized the stolen fuel intermixer to aid Lando and Chewbacca in their escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.
In an attempt to regain the Empire's favor following the Gamorrean flu incident, Plumestriker and Durpin participated in an operation on the planet Qalydon aimed at collecting kyber crystals for the second Death Star. The Imperials traveled aboard a Gozanti cruiser to a Lurmen village and deployed a detachment of stormtroopers. The Imperial forces successfully captured the majority of the Lurmen villagers, as well as Zander, Kordi, and Roger. When a Lurmen villager named Elan referred to Durpin as a "scum weasel," Plumestriker attempted to reassure his commanding officer.
The Imperials discovered only a limited number of kyber crystals, primarily in the form of kyber crystal necklaces worn by the villagers. Plumestriker and his Imperial comrades were compelled to retreat when Rowan and a young Lurmen girl named Maynar launched a counter-attack using the StarScavenger's firepower. Despite escaping aboard their Gozanti cruiser, the ship's rear stabilizer and hyperdrive sustained damage from the StarScavenger, causing the ship to crash in the nearby mountains.
Plumestriker and Durpin survived the crash, but their ship was rendered immobile due to the damage. After comforting Durpin regarding Elan's insult, the two were visited by Kordi and Zander, who had disguised themselves as Imperial weapons technicians. Kordi successfully convinced Plumestriker of their credentials by citing Zander's Imperial designation, TK-42987156. Employing her persuasive skills, Kordi managed to divert Durpin and Plumestriker's attention by tasking Zander with performing exorbitant repairs. Although Plumestriker harbored suspicions, his superior remained convinced.
This allowed Rowan and Maynar to retrieve the kyber crystals from the Gozanti cruiser. However, Rowan was attacked by the Imperial hunter droid M-OC. Maynar managed to escape with the kyber crystals but was spotted by Plumestriker. Plumestriker and Durpin cornered Maynar near a boulder, but they were knocked unconscious by Kordi and Zander. Despite Rowan's victory over M-OC, Plumestriker and Durpin soon recovered and retrieved the kyber crystals. They managed to escape aboard their Gozanti cruiser into hyperspace, thanks to Zander's repairs.
Rowan utilized the Force to locate the kyber crystals and tracked Plumestriker and Durpin to the Marriten system. Durpin and Plumestriker had intended to report their findings to Darth Vader, but their plans were thwarted by the Freemakers, who disabled their ship's engines and recovered the crystals at lightsaber point. Plumestriker and Durpin were left to face the displeasure of Lord Vader, who contacted them via holoprojector.
As a consequence of the Qalydon crystal debacle, Durpin experienced a demotion to the rank of Sub-Ensign. Plumestriker was promoted to Ensign and placed in command of Durpin. The two were reassigned to patrolling the desert world of Jakku while riding on the backs of happabores. During a routine patrol, Plumestriker seized the opportunity to remind a resentful Durpin of his failure. Plumestriker noticed a bright glow of light in the distance through his macrobinoculars.
After the Freemakers' ship, the Arrowhead, exploded, Plumestriker was struck by the ship's energy matrix activator. When Zander and Roger attempted to recover the activator by charging at them, Plumestriker and Durpin took them captive at gunpoint. Plumestriker harbored hopes of using Zander and Roger to lead them to the fugitive Rowan, with the aim of securing a promotion. However, Durpin opposed this idea, as he disliked the responsibility associated with the job and feared being Force choked by Lord Vader for failure.
This disagreement led to an argument between Plumestriker and Durpin that persisted into the night. Later that night, Kordi disguised herself as Darth Vader and contacted Plumestriker and Durpin. Plumestriker recognized her deception and took Kordi prisoner. However, this provided a distraction that allowed the rebel pilot Lieutenant Valeria to knock them unconscious. The Freemakers attempted to flee on a happabore, but they found the beast too slow and instead escaped on their Mini Scavenger.
Still determined to secure a promotion, Plumestriker pursued them in an AT-ST walker, dragging the unwilling Durpin along. Unwilling to be promoted, Durpin attempted to wrestle for control of the walker. The Imperials utilized their walker to fire upon Valeria and later upon the Mini Scavenger, which was being piloted by Zander. This distraction allowed Rowan and the Mon Calamari ship builder Quarrie to attach the energy matrix activator to the Arrowhead, completing the ship.
Rowan employed the Arrowhead's powerful Embersteel Blade to bisect the Imperial AT-ST walker. Plumestriker and Durpin survived but were unable to prevent the Freemakers from escaping offworld. When Plumestriker grumbled that serving the Empire was a thankless job, Durpin quipped that he would eventually come to see his point.

Plumestriker was known as an ambitious and diligent Imperial officer, though he was also prone to unreliability. In contrast to his complacent superior, Durpin, Plumestriker demonstrated a genuine interest in fulfilling his responsibilities as an Imperial officer. He correctly deduced that the Freemakers had infiltrated the Tradoshan island fortress after discovering that a group of humans had delivered a wroshyr wood panel. Plumestriker welcomed his comrade Durpin's promotion to General, viewing it as an indication that they would receive the necessary resources to effectively address the rebel threat.
During his assignment at the Emperor Palpatine Museum, the vigilant Plumestriker attempted to alert Durpin to the presence of intruders. However, Durpin only became aware of the situation when the Freemakers triggered a chain reaction that caused an N-1 starfighter exhibit to topple. Plumestriker also possessed the ability to recognize faces, as evidenced by his identification of the Freemakers in the Theed Hangar. While Plumestriker was willing to execute prisoners, he was easily deceived by Rowan's impersonation of Emperor Palpatine.
Following the destruction of the Emperor Palpatine Museum, Plumestriker regarded his posting at Echo Base as a form of punishment and sought to redeem himself in the eyes of the Empire by alerting Imperial High Command to the presence of the Freemakers. He displayed poor marksmanship when attempting to shoot a baby wampa that was biting Durpin's legs.
Plumestriker also possessed a greater level of knowledge compared to his comrade Durpin. When the Freemakers feigned symptoms of the Gamorrean flu, he correctly pointed out that humans were incapable of contracting that disease. Recognizing them as Imperial fugitives, Plumestriker ordered his men to imprison them aboard the ship's brig. However, Plumestriker was unable to address the Freemakers' escape due to Durpin's preoccupation with his own fear of contracting the Gamorrean flu.
While Durpin was more susceptible to being scammed by the Freemakers, Plumestriker exhibited greater suspicion. Plumestriker saw through Kordi's deception when she attempted to impersonate Darth Vader. Unlike Durpin, who was content with mediocrity, Plumestriker was passionate about serving his Empire and sought to earn a promotion after they were reassigned to Jakku as punishment for the Qalydon crystal debacle. However, Plumestriker's enthusiasm gradually waned, leading to disillusionment after the Freemakers destroyed their AT-ST walker and escaped offworld aboard the Arrowhead.
Jeff Bennett provides the voice for Plumestriker in the 2016 Disney XD animated series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.