Naare, a near-human female Dark Jedi strong in the Force, aligned herself with the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader charged her with the task of finding the Kyber Saber. On her quest, Naare crossed paths with Rowan Freemaker, a Force-sensitive member of the Freemakers, a family known for scavenging. She feigned being a Jedi, offering to instruct Rowan in the Force's ways. As time passed, her true Sith nature surfaced, leading the Freemakers to understand she was an operative of the Empire.
After she lost Rowan, Naare allied herself with Graballa, a Hutt crime lord, and his subordinates to pursue Rowan and seize the Kyber Saber crystals. Graballa's objective was to acquire half of the Kyber crystals to construct a vacation resort. Collaboratively, Naare and Graballa successfully gathered all but one of the Kyber crystals. Following an extended chase throughout the galaxy, Naare successfully baited Rowan out of hiding by subjecting his brother Zander and sister Kordi to torture. Rowan proved a formidable adversary for Naare during a showdown at the Freemaker Garage.
Nevertheless, Naare extracted the location of the final Kyber crystal from Rowan's B1-series battle droid, Roger. Using Roger's head, she found the location of the last crystal and reforged the Kyber Saber. Wielding the newly assembled weapon, she turned against the Emperor, utilizing the Kyber Saber to inflict significant damage upon Imperial forces stationed on Coruscant. Despite proclaiming herself Empress, Rowan Freemaker foiled her plans, reclaiming the Kyber Saber and obliterating it by casting it into the volcanoes of Sullust. Subsequently, Graballa abducted Naare, encasing her in carbonite as retribution for her betrayal.

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Sith operative Naare received orders from the ruling Dark Lords, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, to travel to the planet Nal Kapok with the intention to locate the Kyber Saber. Instead, she encountered Rowan Freemaker alongside his B1-series battle droid companion R0-GR, rescuing them from a dianoga. She then informed Rowan about the Kyber Saber, explaining its fragmentation into individual kyber crystal pieces. Later, she aided Rowan in the rescue of his siblings, Kordi Freemaker and Zander Freemaker, from stormtroopers. Following their escape from Nal Kapok, Naare accompanied the Freemakers to their garage situated on The Wheel, a space station within the Abrion system.
However, she was secretly a collaborator of the Galactic Empire. In private, she communicated with her Sith superiors, who expressed their discontent with her lack of headway in securing the kyber crystals. Naare defended her actions, asserting the necessity of gaining the boy's confidence and highlighting Rowan's potential to guide them to the crystals. Her justification satisfied Sidious, who cautioned her to remain open to alternative strategies. Naare agreed and ignited her red lightsaber.

Having earned the Freemakers' trust, Naare commenced Rowan's training in the ways of the Force. Her initial lesson involved teaching him to levitate a brick. The young twelve-year-old grew restless and began playing with her blue Jedi lightsaber until Naare urged him to focus. Seeking the Kyber Saber crystals, Naare presented Rowan with a holomap, instructing him to rely on the Force for guidance. Rowan discerned the presence of a kyber crystal within the Belgaroth asteroid field. Naare then attempted to persuade Rowan's older sister, Kordi, to permit her to take her brother there. Upon Kordi's refusal, Naare attempted to employ a mind trick on her. However, her mind trick failed and an argument broke out between the two.
While Naare was arguing with Kordi, Rowan seized the opportunity to depart with Roger aboard one of Zander's "Z-wings" for the Belgaroth asteroid field. There, Rowan and Roger discovered that Graballa, a Hutt crime lord, had acquired the kyber crystal for himself. Meanwhile, Naare and the remaining Freemakers journeyed to the Belgaroth system in separate vessels; Naare traveled in her personal starship, the Eclipse Fighter, while the Freemakers utilized their ship, the StarScavenger. Rowan and Roger were swiftly apprehended by Graballa, who sought to feed them to his nexu, Smiley.
While Kordi and Zander diverted Graballa's attention by attempting to sell a Z-wing constructed from scrap, Naare liberated Rowan and Roger, managing to pacify Smiley with the Force. Graballa rejected the deal and spotted Naare attempting to abscond with Rowan and Roger. A firefight erupted within Graballa's space station. Naare, the Freemakers, and Roger managed to escape in their Z-wing, breaching a hole through Graballa's space station. In the process, Graballa's kyber crystal was also drawn into the vacuum of space. Graballa dispatched several starfighters in pursuit of the intruders.
The Freemakers and Naare fled into the Belgaroth asteroid field. After their Z-wing sustained multiple hits, Naare employed the Force to carve a path through the field and obliterate several of Graballa's starfighters with asteroids. Graballa's bounty hunter, Dengar, narrowly avoided being struck by an asteroid. Having evaded Graballa's henchmen, the Freemakers and Naare returned to their respective ships. Reflecting on the day's events, Rowan expressed regret for causing trouble for his siblings and for Naare's loss of her kyber crystal. Naare overheard the conversation and was visibly enraged. Before she could destroy the StarScavenger with her ship's laser cannons, Rowan sensed the presence of the second kyber crystal. After the boy recovered it, Naare professed to be proud of her student.

Subsequently, back at the Wheel, Naare received a communication from Darth Vader, who demanded an update on the kyber crystals due to his master's growing impatience. Their conversation was interrupted by Rowan and Kordi, who sought Naare's assistance. Their older brother, Zander, had been taken captive by the Imperial Star Destroyer Vendetta after taking out Wick Cooper's vintage N-1 starfighter on an unauthorized flight. Initially, Naare expressed reluctance to help, suggesting that losing Zander would alleviate the burden of feeding one less person. This shocked Kordi, but Rowan interpreted it as a test of his potential to become a Jedi.
Naare reluctantly consented to assist but insisted on traveling in her own vessel, the Eclipse Fighter. Meanwhile, the Freemakers traveled in a modified Class-D cargo container equipped with TIE solar panels. Despite a malfunctioning [transponder](/article/transponder], the Freemakers successfully landed in the Vendetta's hangar bay. Naare followed suit, incapacitating two stormtrooper sentries by severing the floor beneath them. When Rowan inquired about her landing authorization, Naare claimed that her ship possessed a cloaking device. Kordi harbored suspicions, but Naare reminded them of the urgency to rescue Zander.
Naare and the Freemakers proceeded to the detention block. En route, they encountered two Imperial officers who saluted Naare, recognizing her. When the Freemakers noticed, Naare asserted that she had employed a mind trick on them. Naare then feigned using the Force to unlock Zander's cell. While returning to the hangar bay, Naare and the Freemakers were cornered by Darth Vader. Naare slipped away into the garbage chute, abandoning her friends to confront the Dark Lord and his stormtroopers alone. After Darth Vader took the N-1 starfighter on a joyride, Naare ordered the TIE fighter pilots to pursue the ship, claiming that the rebels had escaped on it.
Following the rebels' recapture of the N-1 starfighter, Naare and the Freemakers returned to The Wheel. After parking the Eclipse Fighter, she slipped away to let the Freemakers deal with Cooper, who was incensed by the damage done to his starfighter by Zander's joyride.

While instructing Rowan in the art of levitating objects, Naare received a private hologram call from Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, who inquired about her progress in locating the Kyber Saber. Upon Naare's admission that she had only recovered two Kyber crystals, Vader suggested that the boy was deceiving her. Subsequently, she learned from Roger that the Freemakers had traveled to Cloud City in the gas giant Bespin on a special mission for Lando Calrissian. Naare journeyed to Cloud City aboard the Eclipse Fighter in hopes of securing the third Kyber crystal. The mission was complicated by the presence of Graballa's henchmen Dengar, Baash, and Raam; who were hunting for Rowan.
While on Cloud City, Naare was contacted by Sidious and Vader yet again who threatened her should she fail in her mission. Naare was soon caught up in a struggle between the Freemakers, Graballa's henchmen, and several stormtroopers. Despite much difficulty, the Freemakers and Naare managed to escape with Lando's special treasure back to The Wheel, while Naare was knocked unconscious thanks to a hit on the head from Lando's suitcase. Once regaining consciousness, she learns that the special treasure was Lando's cape, as she passed out again, this time from shock and frustration.

Later, Naare remained at the Wheel while the Freemakers journeyed to Kashyyyk to obtain a wroshyr wood dashboard for the Twi'lek captain Ignacio Wortan. Following an adventure, the Freemakers and Roger managed to obtain the dashboard and the third piece of the Kyber Saber. Naare praised Rowan after her apprentice presented the third Kyber Saber crystal to her.
While the Freemakers entertained the rebels Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, Naare traveled to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant for a progress report with Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. The two Sith Lords quizzed her relentlessly about her progress in obtaining the Kyber Saber crystals. A visibly angry Naare later returned to The Wheel where she was greeted by Rowan, who had returned from a trip with Skywalker. When Rowan presented her a flower, it began to wilt. As a result, Rowan came to suspect that she was a Sith.
Following the visit to Coruscant, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious continued to torment her about her lack of progress in obtaining the Kyber crystals. After conferring with the two Dark Lords by hologram, she discovered that the Freemakers had left for the desert world of Tatooine. Zander had been offered a job by the podracer pilot Ben Quadinaros, who was participating in the 29th Annual Bricklayers' race at Mos Espa. However, Graballa had set a trap to capture Rowan and obtain the Kyber Saber crystals.
After the race, the Freemakers were pursued by Graballa's henchmen and took refuge in a wrecked sandcrawler. Unable to return to the StarScavenger, Zander and Kordi appealed to Naare for help. The undercover Sith operative traveled to Tatooine on her Eclipse Fighter and fought with Graballa's henchmen. She managed to rescue Rowan and hid him inside the Eclipse Fighter. While she rescued Zander, Kordi, and Roger from Graballa's henchmen, Rowan discovered that she owned a Sith lightsaber; confirming that she was indeed a Sith. While the Freemakers and Naare traveled back to The Wheel, Rowan hid her Sith lightsaber.

After what happened on Tatooine, Rowan informed the other Freemakers and Roger of Naare's true identity as a Sith. Later, Naare visited the Freemaker garage only to be told they were asleep. However, Naare overheard the other Freemakers speaking and used her blue lightsaber to force her way into their garage. She discovered the Freemakers preparing to depart on the StarScavenger. When Rowan confronted her, Naare responded that the Jedi were gone and that she had helped hunt down and destroy them. Following a brief struggle, the Freemakers managed to flee on their ship.
Naare pursued the StarScavenger on her Eclipse Fighter and managed to knock out the ship's rear deflector. Zander then steered the Freemakers' ship into space traffic in an attempt to lose Naare. During the pursuit, she contacted them via hologram and offered to spare their lives if they handed Rowan over. However, Zander managed to clip the Eclipse Fighter's wings and flee into hyperspace. Humiliated, Naare returned to the Freemaker's garage in her wrecked fighter only to run into Graballa and his henchmen. After learning that Graballa wanted to use the proceeds from the Kyber Saber crystals to build a beachside resort and buffet, Naare proposed that the two factions work together to hunt down Rowan. In return for Graballa's crew repairing her ship, Naare proposed that they split the Kyber crystals; a deal which Graballa happily accepted.

Since Naare had obtained the Kyber Saber's hilt and two Kyber crystals, the Freemakers decided to collect the other crystals first before she could reassemble the Saber. However, Naare learned about their plans and movements through a tracker she had planted on Roger's transmission pack on Tatooine. Naare traveled with Graballa's starship Rancor's Fist to Takodana where she stole the fourth Kyber Saber crystal, which Maz Kanata had given Rowan. She then departed on the Eclipse Fighter.
The Freemakers then traveled to the ocean world of Ningoth where they obtained another Kyber crystal with a giant anglerfish in return for bartering their Bubbly Subbly's spotlight. However, Naare and Graballa learned of their presence and traveled to Ningoth. Following a struggle, Naare managed to obtain the fifth Kyber crystal and departed into space with Graballa's ship. When Graballa complained about the damage that the seawater had caused to the Rancor's Fist's engines, Naare reassured him that she had a way to track the trash-pickers.
Naare and the bounty hunter Dengar then followed the Freemakers to Naboo where they cornered them at the Theed Hangar, which was now part of the Emperor Palpatine Museum. Naare engaged Rowan in a lightsaber duel and quickly overwhelmed the young boy with her mastery of the dark side. Before she could finish off Rowan, he collapsed a nearby N-1 starfighter, which triggered an explosion that devastated the Museum. Naare managed to retrieve the sixth Kyber Saber crystal but the Freemakers escaped into space. Monitoring the Freemakers, she discovered that the seventh crystal was on the frozen world of Hoth.
However, the Freemakers realized that Naare was monitoring them and instead traveled to the junkyard world of Zoh after disabling Roger's transmitter. There, the Freemakers encountered the former Sith clone Jek-14, who revealed himself as the Maker of Zoh. Jek-14 reluctantly trained Rowan in the ways of the Force. However, the Freemakers encountered trouble when the droid N-3RO convinced the other droids that the Freemakers posed a threat to their idyllic existence. When Roger objected to N-3RO's actions, the B1-series battle droid reattached his transmitter; immediately alerting Naare in an attempt to save the Freemakers and Jek-14.
Naare and Graballa arrived and quickly engaged the Freemakers and Jek-14. Naare took on Jek-14 in a Force duel and told the Freemakers to leave while he fended off the Sith. When Naare taunted him for being a failure, Jek replied that it was better than being a Sith pawn. Eventually, Naare succeeded in seemingly crushing him to death by burying Jek under a mountain of junk. Rowan and his family escape and challenged Naare and Graballa to a race to Hoth, where the last crystal lay. Naare and Graballa pursued the StarScavenger to Hoth.

Naare and Graballa journeyed to Hoth aboard their respective starships. During their pursuit of the StarScavenger, the Eclipse Fighter and the Rancor's Fist were engulfed in a fierce snowstorm. While Graballa and his crew were unable to navigate through the blizzard, Naare could sense the StarScavenger using the Force. She managed to open fire on the StarScavenger, but Rowan managed to repair the damage with the Force. The Freemakers managed to evade a mountain, but Naare and Graballa's ships collided with it. Naare, Graballa, and his henchmen survived the crash but were bruised.
Eventually, Rowan and his siblings managed to obtain the seventh Kyber crystal and managed to seek shelter at Echo Base, which was now occupied by two Imperial officers Durpin and Plumestriker. Plumestriker managed to alert Naare, who rushed over to Echo Base with Graballa's forces. The Freemakers managed to muster a snowspeeder and an AT-AT walker to fight Naare and her allies. During the skirmish, Naare managed to shoot down Rowan and Zander's snowspeeder before being shot down by Kordi's walker. In response, Naare unleashed an avalanche which toppled the AT-AT walker that Kordi and Roger was riding. Before she could confront the Freemakers, she was trampled by Durpin, Plumestriker, and the pursuing wampas.
The Freemakers managed to hide in a cave but Naare contacted them via hologram. She issued an ultimatum offering to let the Freemakers leave if Rowan relinquished the last Kyber crystal to her. Rowan pretended to comply but handed Naare and her allies an ice crystal instead. Naare attempted to reassemble the Kyber Saber but it shattered into fragments. By the time she realized the Freemakers' deception, the Freemakers has escaped Hoth aboard the Star Scavenger. In an attempt to prevent Naare from obtaining the seventh crystal, Rowan and Roger departed on a shuttle to an unknown planet.

During the Galactic Civil War, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader gave a mission to the Force-sensitive near-human female Dark Jedi Naare, an associate of the Galactic Empire: locating the Kyber Saber. As her mission unfolded, Naare met Rowan Freemaker, a Force-sensitive member of the scavenging Freemakers family. She posed as a Jedi, proposing to train Rowan in Force techniques. Eventually, her Sith traits emerged, revealing her as an agent of the Empire to the Freemakers.
Following Rowan's departure, Naare joined forces with Graballa, a Hutt crime lord, along with his followers, to pursue Rowan and seize the Kyber Saber crystals. Graballa aimed to use half of the Kyber crystals to construct a resort. Together, Naare and Graballa successfully gathered all but one Kyber crystal. After a long chase across the galaxy, Naare successfully lured Rowan out of hiding by torturing his brother Zander and sister Kordi. Rowan proved a worthy opponent for Naare during a confrontation at the Freemaker Garage.
However, Naare learned the location of the final Kyber crystal from Roger, Rowan's B1-series battle droid. Using Roger's head, she discovered the location of the last crystal and reforged the Kyber Saber. Armed with the new weapon, she rebelled against the Emperor and used the Kyber Saber to inflict heavy casualties on Imperial forces in Coruscant. Despite crowning herself as Empress, she was thwarted by Rowan Freemaker who reclaimed the Kyber Saber and destroyed it by throwing it into the volcanoes of Sullust. Naare was then kidnapped by Graballa, who had her frozen in carbonite as punishment for her treachery.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Sith agent Naare was sent by the reigning Dark Lords Darth Sidious and Darth Vader to the planet Nal Kapok to find the Kyber Saber. She instead found Rowan Freemaker and his B1-series battle droid companion R0-GR and saved them from a dianoga. She then told Rowan about the Kyber Saber, and how it was shattered into separate kyber crystal pieces. Later, she helped Rowan rescue his siblings, Kordi Freemaker and Zander Freemaker, from stormtroopers. After escaping Nal Kapok, Naare accompanied the Freemakers to their garage in The Wheel, a space station in the Abrion system.
However, she was secretly a collaborator of the Galactic Empire. When she was alone, she contacted her Sith masters, who expressed dissatisfaction with her lack of progress in obtaining the kyber crystals. Naare defended her actions by saying that she needed to gain the boy's trust and pointed out that Rowan could lead them to the crystals. Her explanation satisfied Sidious, who added that she should be ready to consider other alternatives. Naare concurred and ignited her red lightsaber.

After gaining the trust of the Freemakers, Naare began training Rowan in the ways of the Force. Her first lesson was to teach him how to levitate a brick. The young twelve-year old was bored and began playing with her blue Jedi lightsaber until Naare told him to concentrate. Seeking the Kyber Saber crystals, Naare then showed Rowan a holomap and asked him to let the Force guide him. Rowan detected the presence of a kyber crystal in the Belgaroth asteroid field. Naare then tried to convince Rowan's older sister Kordi to let her take her brother there. When Kordi refused, Naare tried to play a mind trick on her. However, her mind trick failed and are argument broke out between the two.
While Naare remonstrated with Kordi, Rowan took the opportunity to leave with Roger on one of Zander's "Z-wings" for the Belgaroth asteroid field. There, Rowan and Roger discovered that a Hutt crime lord named Graballa had obtained the kyber crystal for himself. Meanwhile, Naare and the other Freemakers traveled to the Belgaroth system in separate vessels; with Naare traveling in her personal starship, the Eclipse Fighter and the Freemakers in their ship the StarScavenger. Rowan and Roger were quickly captured by Graballa, who attempted to feed them to his nexu Smiley.
While Kordi and Zander distracted Graballa by trying to sell a Z-wing made out of junk, Naare freed Rowan and Roger and managed to silence Smiley with the Force. Graballa rejected the deal and spotted Naare trying to sneak away with Rowan and Roger. A gun battle soon broke out inside Graballa's space station. Naare, the Freemakers, and Roger managed to escape in their Z-wing and smashed a hole through Graballa's space station. In the process, Graballa's kyber crystal was also sucked into the vacuum of space. Graballa dispatched several starfighters after the intruders.
The Freemakers and Naare fled into the Belgaroth asteroid field. After their Z-wing took several hits, Naare used the Force to carve a path through the field and to destroy several of Graballa's starfighters with asteroids. Graballa's bounty hunter Dengar narrowly escaped being hit by an asteroid. After escaping Graballa's henchmen, the
With both Rowan gone and Roger's transmitter deactivated, Naare and Graballa were unsuccessful in their quest to locate the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. Naare's frustration grew when Darth Sidious contacted her, reminding her of the upcoming Empire Day celebration and his desire to receive the Kyber Saber as a present. In an attempt to lift Naare's spirits, Graballa informed her that his spies were diligently searching the Galaxy for Rowan; however, she responded by using the Force to forcefully eject Graballa and his associates from the room. While in a meditative state, Naare received intelligence from Graballa indicating that his spies had detected Zander and Kordi. Subsequently, Naare devised a strategy to draw Rowan out of hiding by targeting his older siblings.
Executing her scheme, Naare and Graballa journeyed to the Freemaker Garage situated on the Wheel, where they confronted Zander and Kordi. Despite being restrained with chains, the two Freemakers remained uncooperative. Consequently, Naare opted to inflict psychological torment upon them by systematically destroying their possessions. She inflicted damage upon Zander's ship, the StarScavenger, as well as other starships, and incinerated Kordi's credits. Naare's actions successfully enticed Rowan and Roger to return to The Wheel. Before Naare could initiate a second phase of torture, Rowan and Roger arrived aboard their vessel.
During Naare's absence, Rowan had significantly enhanced his lightsaber combat skills and deepened his understanding of the Force. During their confrontation, Naare demanded to know the whereabouts of the seventh Kyber crystal, only for Rowan to reveal that he had left it on the uncharted planet. After an extended period of combat, a visibly irritated Naare insisted that Rowan disclose who had provided him with training. At that moment, Roger intervened and revealed that he had inadvertently trained the boy by allowing him to view recordings of various Jedi Knights from the Clone Wars, including Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.
Naare swiftly deduced that Roger possessed knowledge of the final Kyber Saber crystal's location and, without hesitation, decapitated the droid with a swift motion of her lightsaber. After seizing Roger's head, she employed the Force to trap Zander, Kordi, and Rowan beneath debris. When Graballa demanded that Naare fulfill her commitment to provide him with half of the Kyber crystals, Naare betrayed the Hutt and utilized the Force to expel Graballa and his subordinates from the garage. Subsequently, she utilized Roger's head to access the planet's coordinates and departed aboard the Eclipse Fighter. However, the Freemakers survived and resolved to prevent her from wielding the Kyber Saber.

Using the data extracted from Roger's head, Naare made her way to the mysterious planet where Rowan had hidden the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. Despite the droid's attempts to dissuade her, Naare remained determined to reconstruct the Kyber Saber. After assembling the Kyber Saber, Naare received a communication from Darth Sidious, who was celebrating Empire Day and expressed his displeasure at Naare's handling of his prized weapon. However, she declared to the Dark Lord her intention to usurp him and become Empress, promising to obliterate him. In the meantime, Rowan conceived a plan to deceive Naare into surrendering the Kyber Saber to him by impersonating Sidious.
Having been warned, Emperor Palpatine assembled a fleet comprising TIE fighters, Gozanti cruisers, and two Imperial-class Star Destroyers to intercept Naare. Nevertheless, the Sith utilized her Kyber Saber to dismantle the Imperial fleet. After breaching the Imperial defenses, Naare landed at the Imperial Palace, formerly the Jedi Temple. She stormed into the Emperor's office, only to encounter a cloaked Rowan. Before Naare could eliminate Rowan, Sidious reappeared with reinforcements in the form of two AT-AT walkers, which he deployed to bombard the palace.
Employing the Kyber Saber, Naare swiftly neutralized the two AT-AT walkers. She then ascended to the spire of the Imperial Palace and proclaimed herself Empress. Naare was met with disapproval and jeers from a gathering of Imperial citizens, including Wick Cooper. Incensed, Naare utilized the Force to elevate their platform and shatter it in midair. Fortunately for the citizens, Kordi and Zander, piloting the StarScavenger, rescued them. At the pinnacle of her power, Naare was challenged by Rowan, who employed the Force to summon the kyber crystals to himself. Consequently, the Kyber Saber shattered and reformed in Rowan's grasp.
With a furious scream, the Sith launched a fierce attack on the young Freemaker. Following a brief struggle, Rowan employed the Force to summon debris and ensnare Naare. Darth Sidious, who was observing the skirmish, implored Rowan to kill the rebellious Sith. However, the Freemaker seized the opportunity to escape with the Kyber Saber to the StarScavenger, which fled through Coruscant's cityscape. Despite the Imperial military's best efforts to apprehend the Freemakers, they successfully escaped into hyperspace after a prolonged battle. While Sidious was distracted, Naare attempted to flee, only to be intercepted by Graballa, Dengar, Baash, and Raam. She was restrained and subsequently frozen in carbonite by Graballa as punishment for violating their agreement.
During a mission to acquire embersteel wings from Graballa, Kordi discovered Naare, still encased in carbonite, aboard Graballa's starship Rancor's Fist.

Naare was a woman of light complexion, possessing black hair and exhibiting near-human characteristics, adorned with white facial tattoos. She donned Jedi robes and wielded either a blue- or a red-bladed lightsaber, contingent upon whether she sought to portray herself as a Jedi. Upon Naare revealing her dark side affiliation, her eyes transformed to yellow, and her tattoos shifted to red. While Naare attempted to project the image of a benevolent Jedi Master, she was, in reality, a manipulator who aimed to procure the Kyber Saber crystals for Darth Sidious and, ultimately, for her own purposes. Her malevolence manifested on numerous occasions, such as her unsuccessful attempt to employ a mind trick on Kordi Freemaker and her frequent displays of anger.
Despite Naare's claims of being a Jedi Master capable of instructing Rowan in the ways of the Force, she was merely attempting to exploit the boy to locate the Kyber Saber crystals. As a Sith imposter, Naare lacked the qualities of an effective and patient teacher. Furthermore, Naare failed to uphold agreements she made with others, including the Hutt crime lord Graballa. Despite agreeing to share the Kyber Saber crystals with him, Naare later reneged on the deal in order to reconstruct the Kyber Saber for herself. Naare harbored an antagonistic relationship with her Sith masters, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, whom she resented for reminding her of her failures and whom she secretly aspired to supplant. Upon obtaining the Kyber Saber, Naare was consumed by delusions of grandeur and greed, leading her to attempt to overthrow Sidious.
As a Sith, Naare possessed proficiency in lightsaber combat; however, the relatively untrained swordsman, Rowan Freemaker, was still able to match her in single combat. However Naare still won in the end. She consistently demonstrated adeptness in deflecting blaster fire with her lightsaber. Her command of the Force, however, was substantial. While she typically prioritized her lightsaber in battle, she would not hesitate to utilize her Force abilities when necessary. She demonstrated proficiency in Telekinesis and the Jedi mind trick. A notable illustration of Naare's mastery of the Force was her simultaneous manipulation of numerous asteroids in an asteroid belt to clear a path for the Freemakers and her subsequent hurling of many of the asteroids towards Graballa's forces. She executed these actions with apparent ease. Further augmenting her considerable power, she demonstrated on multiple occasions the ability to move ships and dismantle the StarScavenger with minimal exertion. Naare's aptitude for destruction was most notably showcased in a battle of Force powers against the mythical Maker of Zoh, Jek-14, where she obliterated everything Jek attempted to ensnare her with before burying him under scrap and salvage. She also possessed a very rare ability in the Force: the capacity to construct with Kyber Crystals. The only other two known users of this ability are Rowan Freemaker and the creator of the Kyber Saber, Baird Kantoo. Naare also employed the ability to breathe in the vacuum of space, albeit briefly, before seizing the Kyber Saber, which likely amplified that ability. She frequently meditated, searching the Force to locate the Freemakers. In addition to her ability to search the Force for the Freemakers, she could use the Force to know where her opponents were when she or technology couldn't see them. She employed this twice while in a storm chasing the Freemakers. She possessed both a red and blue lightsaber; the latter of which fell into the hands of Rowan. Naare's Force powers were enhanced by the Kyber Saber, a blade capable of amplifying one's powers a thousandfold. The power bestowed upon her by the Kyber Saber enabled Naare to destroy multiple mountains and bisect a moon. It also granted Naare the ability to annihilate an Imperial fleet effortlessly. She then proceeded to inflict widespread destruction upon Coruscant before Rowan Freemaker defeated her. In all these instances, Naare exhibited no signs of fatigue, nor did her subsequent actions suggest any exhaustion from performing such extraordinary feats. Furthermore, Naare was a skilled pilot and possessed a starship known as the Eclipse Fighter.
Naare is voiced by Grey Griffin and serves as the primary antagonist in the first Season of the non-canon 2016 Disney XD children's animated television series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. Pablo Hidalgo suggested that Dryden Vos, the main antagonist in Solo: A Star Wars Story, could be of the same species as Naare, given their apparent physical similarity to humans, save for their color-changing facial tattoos.