Skirmish on Kashyyyk (Kyber Saber)

In the year 3 ABY, a minor conflict erupted on the planet Kashyyyk, pitting the native Wookiees against Trandoshan forces acting as proxies for the Galactic Empire. The Freemakers provided assistance to the Wookiees, successfully freeing Chief Attiburra's son, Tantarra, from Trandoshan imprisonment. Following this rescue, the Wookiee forces launched an assault on the Trandoshan's island stronghold, achieving victory over their adversaries. As a token of their gratitude, Attiburra permitted the Freemakers to depart with a section of wroshyr wood. Regrettably, this panel sustained damage during an encounter with Imperial officers Durpin and his assistant, Plumestriker. During this conflict, the Freemakers, aided by Tantarra, also managed to recover the third fragment of the Kyber Saber.


After the Battle of Hoth, the Galactic Empire established a blockade around the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk. This blockade was implemented by an Imperial navy under the command of Imperial officers Lieutenant Commander Durpin and his aide, Plumestriker. They exerted control over the planet using Trandoshan surrogates. To ensure the Wookiees remained compliant, the Trandoshans held Chief Attiburra's offspring, Tantarra, captive within their island fortress. Anxious to prevent any harm from befalling his son, Attiburra refrained from initiating an attack against the Trandoshans.

Concurrently, the Freemakers embarked on a mission to Kashyyyk with the goal of acquiring a piece of wroshyr wood from the affluent Twi'lek captain, Ignacio Wortan. The Freemakers were facing a shortage of funds to cover their rent and outstanding bills. Given that the Wookiees communicated in Shyriiwook, Kordi Freemaker contemplated hiring a translator droid; however, she ultimately decided against it due to the exorbitant cost of 20,000 credits for the RA-7 protocol droid that was available. Despite Rowan possessing some proficiency in Shyriiwook, Kordi opted to install a translator chip into their B1-series battle droid, Roger.

The Freemakers successfully navigated through the Imperial blockade and landed their vessel, the StarScavenger, within the jungles of Kashyyyk. Shortly thereafter, they encountered Chief Attiburra and a group of Wookiees. Despite an initial confrontation where Attiburra removed Roger's head, Rowan managed to convince the Wookiees that they posed no threat. Attiburra provided the Freemakers with a piece of wroshyr wood but subsequently requested that they rescue his son, Tantarra, in return. Following some deliberation, Kordi and Zander Freemaker reluctantly agreed to assist Rowan in rescuing Attiburra's son from the Trandoshan island fortress.

The Clash

While Roger remained behind to safeguard their starship, the StarScavenger, the other Freemakers traveled under the cover of darkness on speeder bikes toward the Trandoshan island fortress. The Freemakers made use of a makeshift catapult to gain entry into the base. Upon encountering Trandoshan guards, Kordi successfully bluffed her way inside by asserting that they were there to repair the wooden panel for the primary cell block. After liberating Tantarra, the Freemakers ascended to the top of a tower to rendezvous with Roger. Zander also discharged a flare gun, signaling Attiburra and the Wookiees to commence their assault.

Before their departure, Rowan sensed the presence of a Kyber Saber crystal. Meanwhile, Durpin and Plumestriker arrived to investigate the intrusion. After the Wookiees initiated their attack on the island fortress using Auzituck anti-slaver gunships, Roger was compelled to abandon the pick-up and pilot the StarScavenger to a nearby landing zone. Amidst the ongoing battle, the Freemakers and Tantarra made their way into a chamber filled with Trandoshan statues.

Rowan discovered the Kyber Saber crystal within the eye of a large statue. Tantarra successfully dislodged the crystal by launching a Trandoshan warrior at it. After reuniting Tantarra with his father, Attiburra, the Freemakers began their return journey to the StarScavenger. En route, Kordi stumbled behind a branch. Rowan and Zander arrived first, only to be confronted by Durpin and Plumestriker. Before the Imperials could capture them, Kordi arrived and incapacitated them using the wroshyr panel. However, the impact caused damage to the wood.


As a direct result of the Freemakers' successful rescue of Tantarra, the Wookiees experienced a resurgence of hope and launched a rebellion against the Trandoshans. However, Kordi was unable to sell the wroshyr wood to Captain Ignacio Wortan due to its damaged state. Meanwhile, Rowan informed Naare about the discovery of the third Kyber Saber crystal. Naare expressed her satisfaction with her young apprentice, noting that they had already located two Kyber Saber crystals.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Commander Durpin and his aide Plumestriker avoided punishment for the fiasco on Kashyyyk. Darth Vader instead promoted Durpin to General, placing blame on the Trandoshans, under the justification that a higher rank would provide him with greater resources and manpower to contend with the Freemakers.

Production Notes

The Skirmish on Kashyyyk served as the culminating event of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season One episode "Peril on Kashyyyk, which debuted on June 27, 2016.

