During the Quest for the Kyber Saber Crystals, in pursuit of the Kyber Saber, a battle unfolded on the world of Zoh. The participants included the Freemakers, Jek-14, Graballa, and Naare. N-3RO stirred up the droids of Zoh, causing them to attack the Freemakers and Jek. Subsequently, Roger, aiming to rescue the humans, utilized his transmission pack to call upon Naare and Graballa. The ships of Naare and Graballa then proceeded to bombard the junkyard planet. While Jek confronted Naare, the Freemakers made their escape into hyperspace and journeyed to Hoth with the goal of securing the seventh Kyber Saber crystal before Naare and Graballa could.
Having already lost the fourth, fifth, and sixth Kyber Saber crystals to Naare and Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, Rowan Freemaker convinced his siblings, Zander and Kordi Freemaker, to travel to the junkyard planet of Zoh. Their objective was to seek assistance from the mysterious Maker of Zoh. They opted to avoid traveling to Hoth, the location of the seventh Kyber Saber crystal, as that would alert Naare and Graballa to its whereabouts. Furthermore, to prevent Naare from tracking them, Zander disconnected the transmission pack from the B1-series battle droid, Roger. As Roger explained, the Maker was a droid legend often discussed in repair shops.
Upon entering the atmosphere of Zoh, the Freemakers noticed that the planet's surface was covered in junk, arranged in the form of beautiful double helix structures. After landing, the Freemakers encountered a group of droids led by N-3RO. These droids, abandoned on the junkyard planet by their previous owners, were suspicious of the organic visitors. Upon learning that the Freemakers had removed Roger's transmission pack, N-3RO ordered the droids to attack. A fight ensued, but it was interrupted by Jek-14, a former Sith [clone](/article/clone_trooper], who assured his droids that the Freemakers posed no threat and were welcome on his world.
Jek-14 allowed the Freemakers to collect salvage. After some initial hesitation, he agreed to train Rowan in the ways of the Jedi after learning that the boy had been manipulated by the Sith Naare. Despite Jek-14's intervention, N-3RO remained hostile towards the Freemakers and convinced the other droids that the visitors would corrupt the Maker. Following an argument between Roger and Zander and Kordi, N-3RO also attempted to create conflict between the battle droid and his human masters. While giving Roger an oil bath, N-3RO dispatched BL-OX to lure Zander and Kordi into a trap.
Under the guise of guiding them to a location with better scrap, BL-OX led Zander and Kordi into a trap. Meanwhile, Jek-14 taught Rowan to use the Force to create shapes from junk, such as speeder bikes. While riding these bikes, Rowan and Jek-14 discovered N-3RO and the rebellious droids preparing to crush Zander and Kordi with a crane. Jek-14 attempted to reason with the droids, but N-3RO convinced them that the visitors had corrupted the Maker. Rowan managed to create a makeshift transport and send his siblings to safety. However, the droids overpowered the four humans and took them captive.
Deeming the Maker beyond repair, N-3RO ordered the droids to crush the Freemakers and Jek-14 to death with a heavy object. Before they could carry out the execution, Roger arrived, demanding to know what was happening. N-3RO claimed that he was deactivating his human masters to achieve freedom. However, Roger refused to abandon his family and reaffirmed his identity as both a droid and a Freemaker. Roger then reattached the transmission pack, hoping to attract Naare and Graballa to attack N-3RO and the mutinous droids.
As Roger had anticipated, Naare and Graballa's ships, the Eclipse Fighter and Rancor's Fist, arrived and commenced bombarding the junk planet. N-3RO attempted to warn the intruders away but was struck by the Rancor's Fist's cannons. Roger reunited with the Freemakers, who thanked him for bringing more "bad guys" to fight the other "bad guys." While Jek-14 engaged Naare in a lightsaber duel, the Freemakers escaped aboard the StarScavenger into space. Naare gained the upper hand over Jek-14 by burying him under a mountain of rubble. The Freemakers then challenged Naare and Graballa to a race to Hoth for the seventh Kyber Saber crystal.
Following the skirmish, the droids of Zoh realized that N-3RO had deceived them. To punish him for betraying the Maker, BL-0X fastened him with a restraining bolt. Despite their fears, the Maker survived the battle and dug himself out of the mountain of scrap and rubble. After a difficult race, the Freemakers landed on Hoth and successfully retrieved the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. However, they became stranded when the StarScavenger was trapped beneath a frozen lake. The Freemakers then engaged in a brief skirmish against Naare and Graballa's forces at Echo Base. After outsmarting Naare, Rowan and his family escaped offworld with the seventh Kyber Saber crystal.
The Skirmish on Zoh is the culmination of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season One episode "The Maker of Zoh," which initially aired on Disney XD on August 8, 2016.