The Maker of Zoh

title: "The Maker of Zoh"

The tenth installment of the first season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, the animated television show, is titled "The Maker of Zoh". This marks it as the tenth episode in the entire series. It was initially broadcast on Disney XD on August 8, 2016.

Official description

The Freemaker family journeys to Zoh, where they encounter the Maker. This individual instructs Rowan in the art of Force-based construction.

Plot summary

The Freemakers see beautiful double helix structures created by the Maker of Zoh

Discovering the Maker

While in Hyperspace, the B1-series battle droid Roger has the transmitting device removed, sheepishly admitting he didn't disable it himself. He does, however, argue that he's not completely at fault for Naare being able to track them. Rowan decides to seek out the Maker of Zoh, explaining briefly who this is, because going to Hoth or not will still result in [Naare](/article/naare] finding the Kyber Saber crystals. Rowan inputs the coordinates into the ship's computer, leading Kordi to request more details. Rowan reveals that Maz Kanata told him about the Maker. Roger chimes in, saying the Maker is a droid legend whispered about in repair shops. Zander finds out that Zoh is an abandoned junk planet. At Rowan and Kordi's insistence, the Freemakers head towards Zoh.

Aboard the Rancor's Fist in Hoth's orbit, Naare and Graballa are waiting with impatience for the Freemakers. Graballa is restless, but Naare urges him to be patient. Meanwhile, the Freemakers arrive at Zoh, with Kordi commenting on how the junk has been arranged into stunning double helix shapes. Soon after, they are met by several rusted but functional droids, led by the pessimistic N-3RO, who acts hostile towards them. Roger tries to placate the locals by asserting that his organic friends mean no harm. However, the droids become enraged upon hearing about Roger's transmission pack and try to vaporize everyone except Roger. Before things get too heated, Jek-14 intervenes. Jek-14 is the former Sith clone who switched sides to become an ally of the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance, identifying himself as the Maker of Zoh.

Jek welcomes the Freemakers warmly and instructs mouse droid Fixer to repair the damages inflicted on N-3RO and the other droids during the skirmish. He permits the Freemakers to scavenge junk from the junkyard. Despite Jek's hospitality, N-3RO remains hostile towards the Freemakers, except for Roger, being a droid. When Rowan mentions his Jedi training and shows his lightsaber, Jek is initially hesitant to help, as he came to Zoh to escape the galaxy's troubles. However, Jek changes his mind when Rowan mentions Naare and his quest to find the Kyber Saber crystals. He then agrees to continue Rowan's Jedi training. Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander decide to stay longer to collect junk, with Kordi's use of the word "scrap" irritating N-3RO.

N-3RO's scheme

The Freemakers and N-3RO

While Graballa is on a hologram call with his cousin Jabba, confessing his mission to retrieve the Kyber crystals, Naare receives a call from the Emperor, who is growing impatient about the crystals. Naare tells the Emperor that she has collected six of the Kyber crystals but he is unimpressed. Both Naare and Graballa express their growing frustration with their superiors. On Zoh, Jek uses his creations to represent the light and dark sides of the Force, and Rowan mirrors this to create a table. Elsewhere, N-3RO convinces his companion BL-OX, who is less intelligent, that Jek is being corrupted by the outsiders. He argues that if they are not stopped, the Maker will abandon them again for scrap. At N-3RO's command, BL-OX spreads this message among the other droids.

Meanwhile, Zander, Kordi, and Roger were searching for junk, but most of it proved useless. When Roger accidentally knocked over a crescent-shaped sculpture made of scrap, Kordi expressed her annoyance at the droid for almost endangering them. Roger retorted that it was only "almost" in his defense. Kordi and Zander then sent Roger back to the ship under the guise of re-calibrating the calibrators. Roger realized that their statement made no sense and quickly deduced that the other Freemakers were trying to ditch him. When he turned around, he realized they had left. At that point, Roger was met by N-3RO who befriended him.

When N-3RO asked Roger if he had any issues with his owners, Roger explained that they were only angry because he had almost crushed them by accident. Trusting N-3RO, he added that the other Freemakers were upset that he had accidentally allowed the bad guys to track them across the galaxy. Roger also mentioned another time when the Freemakers were angry when he burned dinner by accident. N-3RO told Roger that his human masters did not and never would know how to appreciate droids. In an attempt to win Roger over, N-3RO took the battle droid for an oil bath. During the bath, he offered Roger the chance of staying in paradise with his droid community. N-3RO claimed that the Freemakers would scrap Roger once he had outlived his usefulness; something the droid refused to believed. N-3RO told Roger to stay in the oil bath while he secretly gave BL-OX orders to put the next stage of his plan into action.

N-3RO's uprising

Rowan training under Jek-14

Simultaneously, Rowan was learning to focus on the Force under Jek-14's guidance. Jek instructed the young apprentice that distractions would always be present, but he needed to learn to ignore them. After several attempts, Rowan succeeded in forming a shape. Elsewhere in the junkyard, Kordi and Zander were exploring a hill when they encountered BL-OX, who claimed he could lead them to a place with better salvage parts. As they walked down the hill, BL-OX led the two siblings to a location where they could salvage useful scrap. However, they soon found themselves surrounded by N-3RO and his followers, which included B2-series super battle droids and dwarf spider droids. The droids encircled Kordi and Zander while N-3RO ordered his followers to scrap them.

In another area, Rowan learned from Jek-14 how to use the Force to construct objects. Using the Force, Rowan assembled a speeder bike. Jek then assembled his own speeder out of junk and followed Rowan for a race. Meanwhile, N-3RO denounced Zander and Kordi for corrupting the Maker's mind and prepared to crush them with a wrecked TIE fighter. At that moment, Rowan and Jek arrived on their speeders. Rowan wanted to show his siblings what he had built. However, they quickly realized that N-3RO had gone mad. When Jek chastised N-3RO and ordered him to release Zander and Kordi, N-3RO responded that the intruders had corrupted his mind. N-3RO claimed they were protecting Jek before signalling for more droids to surround Jek and Rowan.

Following Jek's instructions, Rowan used the Force to create a box around his siblings and then transformed the box into a winged speeder, which carried them to safety. However, the winged speeder quickly disintegrated, causing Zander and Kordi to fall into the scrap heap. Rowan uses his new abilities to free his family and fight the droids but he and Jek are quickly overwhelmed by N-3RO and his followers. Believing that the Freemakers had corrupted the Maker, N-3RO ordered his droids to attack Jek and Rowan. The two fought back with their lightsabers. Rowan deflected a blast which struck a generator. Roger, who was drying himself, saw the explosion created by the blast. Meanwhile, Rowan and Jek were overpowered by N-3RO's droid followers.

Rescued by an unlikely ally

Jek-14 and Rowan facing down the mutinous droids

N-3R0 and his followers restrain the Freemakers and Jek-14 with chains. Declaring the Maker beyond repair due to the visitors' influence, N-3R0 commands his droids to deactivate the organics by dropping a heavy metal object on them. Before they can carry out their "deactivation", Roger arrives and demands to know what is happening. N-3RO attempts to sway Roger to their side, urging him to abandon his former Human masters. Instead, Roger rejects the rogue droid and reaffirms his loyalty to the Freemakers. He explains that mistakes happen in families, but they love and forgive each other because they are family. When N-3RO demands to know whether he is choosing the humans over his fellow droid brethren, Roger simply states that he is both a droid and a Freemaker before reattaching his transmission pack.

After some delay, Naare and Graballa arrive in their starships, having received the reactivated device's signal, and attack the inhabitants. While Kordi remarks that Roger had brought more "bad guys" to fight the other "bad guys", Zander complimented Roger for thinking like a Freemaker. Jek-14 uses the Force to transport his droids to safety, while N-3RO attempts to drive the intruders away and is bombed by Graballa's starship Rancor's Fist. Rowan uses the Force to save his family from being crushed by a large boulder. He is then confronted by Naare, and the two ignite their lightsabers.

Before Rowan can fight Naare, Jek tells the boy and his family to flee while he fends off the Sith agent Naare. Naare taunts him for being a failed Sith experiment, but Jek retorts that it is better to be a failure than a Sith pawn. Eventually, he even succumbs to Naare's use of the Force and is seemingly buried under a pile of scrap and rubble. Meanwhile, the Freemakers escape into space, and Rowan uses Roger's transmission pack to tell Naare and Graballa that the Freemakers will not be divided and that they will find the last Kyber crystal. The StarScavenger travels via hyperspace to Hoth and is followed by Naare's Eclipse Fighter and the Rancor's Fist.

Back on Zoh, BL-0X attaches a restraining bolt to N-3RO, who had survived the assault on Zoh. When N-3RO demands to know what is going on, BL-0X states that the droids should not have listened to him and condemns him for betraying the Maker; whom they believe had perished. BL-0X adds that they will now never find another being like the Maker. In the background, a Force-strengthened arm arises from a nearby pile of debris; confirming that Jek-14 has survived his duel with Naare.

