Mission to Hoth (Kyber Saber)

In the year 3 ABY, the Freemaker family embarked on a quest to the icy planet of Hoth, their goal being to locate the last Kyber Saber crystal. Hot on their heels were the Sith Naare and the Hutt crime boss Graballa. Although they succeeded in finding the crystal, the Freemakers found themselves in a predicament when their vessel, the StarScavenger, plunged into a frozen lake. Seeking refuge inside Echo Base, the Freemakers repurposed a rebuilt AT-AT and a snowspeeder to engage Naare and Graballa's assembled forces. Naare then employed her abilities with the Force to trigger a massive snow slide. Ultimately, the Freemakers managed to flee with the seventh crystal after Rowan tricked Naare with a piece of ice.


Following the Battle of Hoth, Rowan Freemaker, a youth attuned to the Force, began a journey to retrieve the components of the Kyber Saber crystal. This journey was prompted by Naare, who had promised to train him in the ways of the Jedi. Rowan and his family soon discovered that Naare was, in reality, a Sith operative serving Emperor Palpatine. Aided by the Hutt crime lord Graballa, Naare managed to steal the fourth, fifth, and sixth Kyber Saber crystals from the Freemakers. Desperate, Rowan journeyed to the planet Zoh to enlist the aid of Jek-14, the Maker of Zoh, who agreed to complete his training. After the Freemakers successfully evaded N-3RO and the rebellious droids on Zoh, they challenged Naare and Graballa to a race to the icy planet of Hoth, where the seventh Kyber Saber crystal was hidden.

The mission

Race for the crystal

Emerging from hyperspace, the Freemakers steered their starship, the StarScavenger, into a raging blizzard above Hoth. Zander Freemaker piloted the ship through the storm in an attempt to shake off their pursuers. While Graballa's crew was blinded by the storm, Naare and Rowan were able to perceive their surroundings through the Force. Guided by Rowan's Force abilities, his siblings navigated to safety, and the StarScavenger narrowly avoided colliding with a mountain. Unfortunately, Naare, Graballa, and Dengar's ships were not so fortunate and crashed into the mountainside. Though Naare and Graballa's forces survived the crash, they were forced to excavate Graballa's flagship, the Rancor's Fist, from the deep snow. Furthermore, Naare found herself unable to sense Rowan's presence, forcing her and her allies to bide their time in the frozen wasteland.

Meanwhile, the Freemakers landed their ship atop a frozen lake. While Roger remained behind to guard the StarScavenger, Rowan and his older siblings, Zander and Kordi Freemaker, ventured into a network of caves. Eventually, they discovered the seventh Kyber Saber crystal situated in the center of a chamber filled with crystals. Rowan identified the crystal using his Force abilities. However, the crystal served as a trigger for a natural trap, causing a cave-in. Rowan employed his lightsaber to free his family from the debris and reach the surface. Along the way, the Freemakers were surprised by a young wampa. Despite the initial shock, they quickly befriended it. Naare also sensed their fear through the Force.

Upon their return to the StarScavenger, the Freemakers discovered that Roger had inadvertently overheated the ship's engines. As a result, the ship sank into the lake. Roger barely managed to escape, but his logic processor was frozen. Stranded and in need of shelter, the Freemakers and Roger sought refuge at the former rebel base, Echo Base. There, they encountered the disgraced Ensign Durpin and Sub-Ensign Plumestriker, who were arguing about whether to report the intruders to the Empire. When Durpin attempted to drive the Freemakers away with his blaster, the baby wampa intervened. Plumestriker fired at the baby wampa, enraging its mother, who then pursued the two Imperials. However, Plumestriker had managed to send a distress signal over the com. The Freemakers prepared for an attack.

Skirmish outside Echo Base

Rowan, using his Force abilities, rebuilt a derelict AT-AT walker and a snowspeeder. Kordi and Roger's walker shot Graballa's Rancor's Fist out of the sky, causing it to crash on the lake. This action freed the submerged StarScavenger from its icy prison. Zander and Roger then utilized the tow cable to tear off the canopy of Dengar's starfighter, causing it to crash. Naare then entered the battle with the Eclipse Fighter and shot Rowan and Zander's snowspeeder out of the sky. Kordi retaliated by using her walker to shoot down Naare's fighter. In response, Naare used her Force powers to summon an avalanche which toppled the Freemakers' walker. Before she could confront them, Naare was run over by Durpin, Plumestriker, and the pursuing wampas.

The Freemakers retreated into a cave, and Naare contacted them via hologram. She issued an ultimatum to Rowan, offering to leave him and his family in peace if he surrendered the seventh Kyber Saber crystal. After some deliberation, Rowan agreed to give Naare the crystal. While a triumphant Naare gloated as she prepared to reforge the Kyber Saber, Rowan and his family escaped offworld aboard the StarScavenger. Naare soon discovered that Rowan had given her an ice crystal, preventing the ancient lightsaber from being reformed. Naare and Graballa were left seething with rage.


In space, the Freemakers celebrated their successful escape. While Kordi and Zander argued about whether to travel to Kamino or Tatooine, Rowan decided that he would no longer put his older brother and sister in danger. He and Roger departed with the seventh Kyber Saber crystal aboard the Mini Scavenger and jumped into hyperspace. Before leaving, Rowan told his siblings that the Force had chosen him to protect the Kyber Saber crystals and that it was his responsibility to protect the galaxy and his family.

Behind the scenes

The Mission to Hoth is the central plot of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season One episode "Showdown on Hoth," which originally aired on August 15, 2016.

