Skirmish on the Rancor's Fist

Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a brief battle occurred aboard the flagship of the Hutt crime boss Graballa, known as the Rancor's Fist. Rowan Freemaker and Roger were captured by Graballa after they ventured to his mining operation located in the Belgaroth asteroid field with the aim of recovering a Kyber Saber crystal. When Rowan declined to assist Graballa in acquiring additional crystals, the Hutt attempted to feed both Rowan and Roger to his pet nexu, named Smiley. However, Rowan's older siblings, Kordi and Zander Freemaker, along with the Sith agent Naare who was working undercover, successfully rescued him and escaped into the asteroid field. Naare utilized her Force abilities to eliminate the majority of their pursuers. Later on, Rowan discovered the Kyber Saber crystal adrift in the asteroid field.


Following a salvage operation that took place on Nal Kapok, Naare, the undercover Sith operative, managed to persuade Rowan Freemaker, a young individual who was Force-sensitive, that she possessed the skills to train him as a Jedi. Furthermore, she enlisted the boy's assistance in locating the components of the Kyber Saber, recognized as the original lightsaber. As part of Rowan's training, she prompted him to employ his Force abilities to search for a Kyber Saber crystal using a holomap. Through his connection to the Force, Rowan detected the presence of the crystal within the Belgaroth asteroid field.

Rowan and Naare started making preparations to depart, but Kordi Freemaker, Rowan's older sister, intervened and stopped them. While the adults were in the middle of a disagreement, Rowan deceived Roger, the B1-series battle droid, into leaving the Wheel with him by falsely claiming that a reactor leak had occurred. Rowan and Roger then departed aboard one of Zander Freemaker's Z-wing fighters and made their way towards the Belgaroth asteroid field.

Rowan and Roger made their way to a mining facility. After navigating through Graballa's mining complex, who was a Hutt crime lord, and narrowly surviving a near-death experience in a vault filled with molten material, Rowan successfully located the second Kyber Saber crystal. Shortly after, Baash and Raam, Graballa's bounty hunters, apprehended the two visitors, mistaking them for potential bounty hunter recruits. Baash and Raam escorted the two visitors to Graballa's flagship, the Rancor's Fist. In the meantime, Zander, Kordi, and Naare journeyed to the Belgaroth system with the intention of rescuing Rowan and Roger.

The skirmish

Hutt entanglements

Rowan and Roger's arrival in the Belgaroth asteroid field coincided with Graballa's business endeavor to establish a seaside resort and buffet. Graballa had sought a loan from his cousin Jabba, the Hutt crime lord, but his business proposal was turned down. Rowan and Roger, posing as bounty hunters, attempted to bluff their way out by offering to serve as Graballa's new hunters. However, they were swiftly defeated by Dengar, Graballa's top bounty hunter. Graballa soon discovered Rowan's Kyber Saber crystal and demanded that the boy reveal the method for obtaining more.

Upon Rowan's refusal to cooperate, Graballa had him and Roger bound in chains and lowered through a trapdoor into a chamber where his pet nexu, Smiley, awaited. Before Smiley could devour them, Kordi and Zander entered, posing as sales representatives promoting a Z-wing. Simultaneously, Naare stealthily entered the room and used a mind trick to persuade Baash and Raam to take a nap. Subsequently, she employed her Force abilities to nudge Rowan and Roger away from the trap door before liberating them from their chains. The three then prepared to sneak away but were spotted by Graballa, who rejected the sale of the Z-wing.

Asteroid chase

With their deception exposed, the Freemakers and Naare made a hasty escape from the Rancor's Fist aboard the Z-wing, while Roger desperately clung to the stabilizing fin. During their escape, the Freemakers inadvertently created a breach in the Rancor's Fist walls. Only Graballa's substantial size prevented his entourage and henchmen from being pulled into zero gravity space. Nevertheless, the second Kyber Saber crystal was sucked out. Subsequently, Graballa dispatched Dengar and his henchmen to pursue the intruders.

During the chase, the Z-wing's shield couplings were damaged, and Kordi struggled to repair them. Naare then utilized her Force abilities to create a clear path through the asteroid field and launch asteroids at Graballa's starfighters. As a result, several of Graballa's starfighters were destroyed. Dengar narrowly avoided death, while Naare's actions gained the approval of Kordi, who had previously harbored distrust towards Naare.


Following the skirmish on the Rancor's Fist, Rowan expressed his apologies to his older siblings for running away and causing them trouble. He also apologized to Naare for causing her to lose the second Kyber Saber crystal. Naare, who was overhearing the conversation aboard her ship, the Eclipse Fighter, was consumed by rage and attempted to destroy the StarScavenger. However, Rowan suddenly sensed the second crystal nearby. Consequently, Naare "forgave" her young apprentice.

As a result of his encounter with Rowan, Graballa came to the conclusion that he could utilize the Kyber Saber crystals to finance his seaside resort and buffet. He assigned his bounty hunters Dengar, Baash, and Raam with the task of recovering the mysterious "boy." Graballa remained unaware of Rowan's name, let alone his place of residence. Denagar and his fellow bounty hunter's search for the boy led them to Cloud City and subsequently the Wheel .

Behind the scenes

The Skirmish on the Rancor's Fist served as the climax of the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season One episode "The Mines of Graballa," which premiered on Disney XD on June 20, 2016.

