Naare's lightsaber

The Sith agent known as Naare wielded a red lightsaber during the events of the Quest for the Kyber Saber Crystals. This weapon was her Sith lightsaber, which she kept concealed while pretending to be a Jedi to deceive Rowan Freemaker into locating the Kyber Saber. During Naare's rescue mission on Tatooine to save the Freemakers, Rowan discovered this hidden Sith weapon. Subsequently, he stole it and used it during a mission to retrieve golden orbs from the third moon of Takodana. Later, during a duel on Naboo, Naare reclaimed her Sith lightsaber from Rowan, but the boy managed to steal her blue lightsaber. Naare later brandished the Sith lightsaber in encounters with the Freemakers on various planets and locations, including Zoh, Hoth, the Freemaker Garage, and Coruscant.


Secret weapon

Naare, the Sith agent, possessed two distinct lightsabers: one blue lightsaber and one red. She deliberately concealed her red Sith lightsaber when interacting with the Freemakers. In a private meeting with Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, Naare revealed her Sith lightsaber, signaling her willingness to use force against Rowan Freemaker if necessary.

During a training session with her Sith lightsaber in her personal quarters, Darth Vader contacted Naare, urging her to expedite the recovery of the Kyber Saber crystals. Subsequently, Naare participated in a mission to rescue Zander Freemaker, leaving her Sith lightsaber behind in the process.

Rowan's interregnum

Despite her attempts at concealment, Rowan eventually discovered the Sith lightsaber while hiding within the Eclipse Fighter during Naare's mission to rescue the Freemakers from Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, and his underlings. Rowan then pilfered the Sith lightsaber and later employed it to convince his family of Naare's true allegiance. After escaping from Naare, Rowan took the weapon with him to Takodana. Rowan briefly brandished the Sith lightsaber to confront several Varactyls during the Freemakers' mission to the Third moon of Takodana. However, upon realizing that Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate, had dispatched them to steal varactyl eggs, he relented and brokered peace with the creatures.

Later, Rowan fought against Naare at the Emperor Palpatine Museum wielding Naare's Sith lightsaber during a duel. Naare ultimately gained the advantage and reclaimed her Sith lightsaber. Before she could eliminate Rowan using both her Jedi and Sith lightsabers, Rowan employed the Force to collapse an N-1 starfighter on display overhead, triggering a chain reaction that obliterated the Museum. Prior to the museum's collapse, Rowan stole Naare's blue lightsaber, leaving Naare with only her red Sith lightsaber.

Hunting the Freemakers

Rowan wield his lightsaber against Naare onboard the Wheel.

After locating the Freemakers on the junkyard world of Zoh, Naare activated her Sith lightsaber during a confrontation with them. Before she could engage Rowan in combat, Jek-14, the former Sith clone, intervened and urged the Freemakers to flee. Subsequently, Naare and Jek-14 used their Force abilities to summon and hurl large pieces of debris and junk at one another. Naare then employed the Force to bury Jek-14 beneath a massive pile of rubble. Naare and Graballa then pursued the Freemakers to Hoth, where the seventh Kyber Saber crystal was hidden. However, Jek survived the skirmish.

Following a skirmish involving the Freemakers' makeshift walkers and Naare and Graballa's starships, Naare ignited her Sith lightsaber while confronting Rowan. However, she was inadvertently run over by Durpin and Plumestriker, the Imperial officers, who were fleeing from a mother wampa and her offspring.

Naare later brought the Sith lightsaber with her and Graballa's forces when they ambushed Zander Freemaker, Rowan's older brother, and Kordi Freemaker, his older sister, at the Freemaker Garage aboard the Wheel. She was on the verge of torturing Zander and Kordi with her lightsaber when Rowan returned with Roger and engaged her in a lightsaber duel. Despite Rowan's improved lightsaber skills, Naare still managed to steal Roger's head. After overpowering the Freemakers, she used her Force powers to drive out Graballa and his henchmen.

Naare then reforged the Kyber Saber and launched an assault on Coruscant, the galactic capital, in a failed attempt to overthrow Palpatine. After Rowan Freemaker used the Force to summon the Kyber Saber from her grasp, Naare ignited her Sith lightsaber. Rowan used the Kyber Saber to construct several walls, but Naare sliced through them with her Sith lightsaber. However, Rowan used the Kyber Saber to summon debris which enveloped Naare, causing her to drop her lightsaber. Ultimately, Rowan decided not to kill her and fled with the stolen Kyber Saber.

Behind the scenes

The Sith lightsaber belonging to Naare made its debut in the first season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, which aired on Disney XD from June 20 to August 29, 2016. In the LEGO Star Wars set inspired by the series and featuring Naare, her lightsaber instead features a curved hilt, similar to those wielded by Asajj Ventress and Ahsoka Tano's white lightsabers.

