During the period encompassing 3 ABY to 4 ABY, the group known as the Freemakers embarked on a quest. This quest involved traveling to the third moon orbiting Takodana with the purpose of retrieving three golden spheres for the pirate figure, Hondo Ohnaka. While engaged in this endeavor, the Freemakers encountered several varactyls in a hostile manner. After discovering the orbs were actually varactyl eggs, they chose to call off the mission. Subsequently, the Freemakers made their way back to Maz Kanata's castle to confront Hondo about his deception.
After they discovered that Naare was secretly a Sith operative, the Freemakers escaped from the Wheel aboard their starship, the StarScavenger, and jumped into hyperspace. As they were being chased by Naare in her Eclipse Fighter, their starship's quantum field regulator sustained damage. During their escape, the regulator detached, causing the StarScavenger to drop out of hyperspace above the planet Takodana. Zander successfully landed the StarScavenger just outside Maz Kanata's castle, near the edge of Nymeve Lake. Unfortunately, in doing so, he scratched a starship belonging to the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Hondo dispatched two members of his crew, Grummgar and a human, to bring Zander before him. Hondo demanded compensation from Zander for the damage caused. When Rowan Freemaker stepped in to defend his older brother, Hondo seized him by the collar. Before Hondo and his crew could inflict harm on the two brothers, Maz Kanata intervened, warning the pirates to control their behavior. Kordi Freemaker resolved the situation by offering their services to Hondo as payment. She offered to leave the StarScavenger as a guarantee. Hondo accepted this arrangement and tasked the Freemakers with the mission of retrieving three golden orbs from the third moon of Takodana.
The Freemakers, accompanied by their B1-series battle droid, Roger, made their way to the third moon of Takodana aboard their compact Mini Scavenger. Following a less-than-comfortable journey, the Freemakers arrived at the sinkhole where the golden orbs were located, only to find it guarded by several varactyl lizards. Unable to defeat the varactyls in combat, they decided to wait for the cover of night. Zander and Kordi came up with a strategy that involved lowering Roger into the sinkhole to collect the orbs while Rowan acted as their lookout. Under the darkness, Zander and Kordi piloted the scavenger vessel over the sinkhole and lowered Roger into the opening. Upon discovering that there were more orbs than initially thought, Kordi instructed Roger to gather as many as possible. However, the droid proved to be clumsy, and his fumbling alerted the varactyls. The varactyls proceeded to tear Roger apart and dragged the scavenger vessel down to the ground. Rowan activated Naare's stolen lightsaber and briefly considered succumbing to the dark side of the Force and attacking the varactyls in anger. However, Rowan ultimately chose to follow the light side of the Force and quickly realized that the golden orbs were actually varactyl eggs. Using the Force, Rowan was able to communicate with the varactyls and establish peace. He apologized to the varactyls on behalf of the Freemakers for attempting to steal their eggs. The next morning, Zander repaired Roger, and the Freemakers returned to Maz Kanata's castle to confront Hondo.
Upon their return to Maz Kanata's castle, the Freemakers, with Rowan leading the charge, confronted Hondo and his crew regarding the "golden orbs." One of Hondo's crew members admitted that varactyl eggs were highly valued on the black market. Displeased with the Freemakers' actions, Hondo ordered his men to attack them. However, Maz Kanata intervened, expelling Hondo and his crew from her establishment. Feeling sympathy for the Freemakers, Maz provided Zander with a replacement quantum regulator for their ship. She also gifted Rowan the fourth Kyber Saber crystal and advised him to seek out the Maker of Zoh for assistance when needed.
Before the Freemakers could depart from Takodana, they were ambushed by Naare and Graballa. Naare had formed an alliance with Graballa to locate the Kyber Saber crystals by using Roger's transmission pack as a homing beacon. Naare stole the fourth Kyber Saber crystal from Rowan. She pursued the Freemakers to Ningoth and Naboo and stole the crystals from them. In an effort to prevent Naare from acquiring the seventh crystal, the Freemakers journeyed to Zoh to seek the help of the Maker.
The mission to the third moon of Takodana was first depicted in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season One episode titled "The Test," which premiered on Disney XD on July 25, 2016.