Ren (human)

Ren was the moniker adopted by a human male who possessed Force-sensitivity and commanded the Knights of Ren throughout the concluding years of the Galactic Civil War and significantly into the New Republic era. As a practitioner of the dark side of the Force, Ren bore extensive scarring and disfigurement, which he openly displayed. During his tenure with the Knights of Ren, his objective was to recruit additional dark side adherents into their order.

Following an encounter with Ben Solo, the Padawan of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, during a showdown on the planet Elphrona, Ren discerned the potent connection of the Force within the young Jedi and proposed that he embrace the dark side's path. Years afterward, Solo reached out to Ren, expressing his desire to join the Knights of Ren after the Jedi Order met its demise.



At some point before the final years of the Galactic Civil War, the human male who would become known as Ren adopted the designation from a previous Force-sensitive individual who originally held that title. After acquiring his lightsaber, Ren eventually rose to become the new leader of the Knights of Ren.

Ren and his knights adhered to the dark side of the Force and an ideology centered on the red-bladed lightsaber he wielded. Throughout his period as a dark side user, Ren sustained significant scarring and burns. Traversing the galaxy, the Knights of Ren sought out other Force users to augment their ranks. During the Imperial Era, Ren and his knights remained concealed on various remote planets to evade the Galactic Empire.

Serving Crimson Dawn

Alliance with Lady Qi'ra

The Knights of Ren allied themselves with Crimson Dawn and its associates against the Sith-dominated Galactic Empire.

During the Galactic Civil War's concluding year, Ren and his knights encountered Lady Qi'ra, who discovered them in a bar on Varnak. Qi'ra extended an invitation to Ren and his knights to join Crimson Dawn and assist her in overthrowing Darth SidiousDark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor—and his Empire. Qi'ra swayed Ren by promising freedom from the Sith and the opportunity to achieve glory. Following the auction for Han Solo and the conflict over Jekara, Ren and his Knights convened with Qi'ra and her other allies aboard the Vermillion.

Having learned about Crimson Dawn's origins from Lady Qi'ra, tracing back to its establishment by Maul, Sidious' former Sith apprentice, the Knights of Ren consented to procure a key from Fortress Vader on Mustafar for Qi'ra, under the stipulation that they could appropriate anything from the fortress as recompense.

Infiltrating Fortress Vader

As Ren and Marinda engaged in sparring aboard the Night Buzzard en route to their destination, he confided in his knights that Qi'ra had furnished them with access codes and a map of the fortress. When some of his comrades questioned the feasibility of infiltrating the fortress, Ren asserted that they needed to act swiftly while the Emperor was preoccupied with "bigger fish" before he had the chance to target them.

Ren engaged in a duel with Darth Vader before fleeing from the Dark Lord's fortress on Mustafar.

Upon arriving at the plains of Gahenn on Mustafar, the knights advanced toward an ancient entrance using their bikes. The entrance was obstructed by lava, prompting Ren and his knights to utilize the dark side of the Force to displace the lava and clear the path. The knights entered the Sith cave to infiltrate the fortress undetected. After entering the castle, they were discovered by Vaneé, who summoned various lava troopers to assault the knights. Ren cleaved through his adversaries with his lightsaber while his knights bombarded the troopers.

The knights eventually reached Darth Vader's vault, and Ren successfully retrieved the screaming key after employing the Force to locate it. Noticing that the troopers had departed, the knights observed Vader arriving to confront his uninvited guests. After Vader choked one of the knights to death, Ren instructed the others to retreat while he confronted Vader alone. The knight and the Dark Lord of the Sith briefly clashed, and Vader managed to slash Ren in the torso before Ren leapt out of the castle and landed safely on the ground, aided by the Force. The Knights of Ren then successfully escaped the fortress with the key in their possession.

Defending the Vermillion

When a group of bounty hunters led by T'onga were ensnared in a trap set by Dengar while infiltrating the Vermillion to rescue Cadeliah, Ren and his remaining knights arrived to eliminate the crew.

Ren and his knights battled T'onga's crew.

Feeling the need to vent some aggression, Ren ignited his lightsaber and prepared the knights for the impending conflict. Recognizing the reputation of the Knights of Ren, the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk fired at Ren, who deflected the blast with his lightsaber while instructing Cardo and Massif to disarm the intruders. After the bounty hunters managed to disable the blasters carried by his knights, Ren ordered them to continue the fight with their melee weapons to engage the crew at close range.

As the battle raged, the deadly pit fighter Tasu Leech brandished his beskar-laced blades to duel with Ren. As his knights began to overwhelm the bounty hunter crew in their respective fights, Ren informed Leech that he fought valiantly before shattering his blades, as their beskar did not extend fully into their handles. While his knights were briefly incapacitated by the bounty hunters during their skirmishes, 4-LOM managed to open a door on the Vermillion, enabling the crew to escape the battle. As Ren prepared to deliver the killing blow to Leech, Zuckuss hurled a blade at the pit fighter, who swiftly used it to cut Ren before entering the closing door.

Ren and the knights later discovered T'onga attempting to persuade the young Cadeliah to accompany her, but when the girl refused, Qi'ra provided T'onga with a communicator and offered her a place in Crimson Dawn before allowing her to depart the Vermillion.

Visiting a hellscape

Ren and his knights combatted on the dark side hellscape.

After acquiring the screaming key, Qi'ra dispatched Ren and his knights on a mission to a dark side hellscape, where they served as protectors of The Archivist, who was venturing there to retrieve an artifact known as the Fermata Cage for Crimson Dawn. The knights observed various petrified creatures upon their arrival. While Massif cautioned against remaining in the hellscape, the knights soon realized that they had no alternative. The Archivist instructed Ren to activate the screaming key by touching it with the dark side. After the key emitted an agonizing sound, the petrified dark side creatures abruptly began to move and attack the group.

Ren and the knights traversed the hellscape while being pursued by the creatures, battling them while simultaneously safeguarding the Archivist as they attempted to reach the center. Recognizing that blasters had no effect on the creatures, Ren entrusted the Archivist to the care of Bazzra while he slashed the creatures with his lightsaber, which proved far more effective. Regrettably, a creature soon overtook the Archivist, and Bazzra was compelled to push her aside, resulting in the knight's demise. After the knights reached the center, Ren urged the Archivist to enter the head of one of the creatures at the hellscape through its eye, leading to a chamber containing the item they sought. Ren informed his knights that if they were destined to die that day, they would at least die fighting, but the Archivist used the screaming key to unlock the item, which in turn caused the creatures to become petrified once more. The Archivist later informed Qi'ra of their success on the mission.

Betraying the Dawn

Ren and his Knights remained with The Archivist as she unlocked the secrets of the Fermata Cage with the assistance of Kho Phon Farrus. In an attempt to unleash the ancient Sith Lord sealed within the Cage, the Knights were strapped to a massive machine connected to the Fermata Cage, striving to utilize their dark side powers to their utmost capacity to activate it. Unfortunately, the machine at full power lifted the Knights into the air by their necks, while the feedback inflicted immense pain upon them. After the Cage's containment unit exploded, creating a significant disturbance in the Force that the Sith could undoubtedly sense, Ren and his Knights resolved to terminate their alliance with Crimson Dawn, departing before Palpatine and Vader could apprehend them.

Although their rescue of the Sith did not earn them leniency, the knights became servants of Sidious from that moment onward.

Subsequently, Ren and his Knights were contacted by Qi'ra prior to the Battle at Amaxine Station for assistance, with Qi'ra reminding the Knights that the Sith would pursue them for their break-in at Fortress Vader if she failed to destroy Sidious and Vader. Arriving amidst the battle, Ren and his Knights determined that Sidious would ultimately escape Qi'ra's trap and chose to fire upon the Fermata Cage, destroying it in an attempt to gain the Dark Lord's favor. Ren and his Knights greeted the two Sith on the station after the battle, only to be struck by Force lightning from Sidious, who vowed that he would not forgive the Knights but would permit them to serve him.

New Republic Era

Hunt for Karrst

Ren continued to lead the Knights of Ren as he searched for potential recruits, such as the Force-sensitive criminal Karrst.

Sidious was killed in the Battle of Endor, but his spirit eluded death and sought refuge in a cloned body. The Knights continued to serve the resurrected Emperor in secret. After learning from their master about the Force-sensitive criminal Karrst, who, along with his brother Filin, had caused over one hundred deaths, Ren and the Knights of Ren sought to locate him. Eventually discovering the brothers under attack from forces of Sector Security, Ren spoke to Karrst while the Knights of Ren dealt with the security forces. After Karrst hesitated when Ren informed him that entry into the Knights of Ren required the death of his brother, Filin instead killed Karrst and requested to join in his place. However, as Filin was not sensitive to the Force, Ren was forced to kill him. Having failed to recruit Karrst, Ren chose to leave, wishing to find something to burn.

Confrontation on Elphrona

Ren and the Knights faced off against Jedi Master Luke Skywalker on Elphrona.

Some time later, the Knights of Ren discovered an ancient outpost of the Jedi Order on the planet Elphrona and entered the outpost, seeking to steal the Jedi artifacts inside. However, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had learned of the outpost with the help of the explorer Lor San Tekka and also sought to retrieve the artifacts. Ren and the Knights confronted Skywalker, who had visited the outpost alongside San Tekka and his own Padawan Ben Solo. Ren declared that the artifacts belonged to the Knights, threatening Skywalker. The Jedi Master, however, wished to prevent the Knights of Ren from taking the artifacts.

Ren ignited his lightsaber, and the Knights surrounded Skywalker. However, despite being outnumbered, Skywalker managed to incapacitate the Knights, destroying their weapons. With the Knights defeated, Ren stepped forward to face Skywalker himself. Ren revealed that he had activated a kill switch on his lightsaber, which would cause it to explode if it left his hand. However, as Skywalker was too strong to handle, Ren chose to leave with the rest of the Knights. Before departing, Ren pointed out the presence of the dark side in Solo and removed his mask, telling Solo that he could take other paths in life. Ren threw his helmet onto the ground and told Solo to contact him if he ever wished to learn about the dark side.

Contacting Ben Solo

Ben Solo, Luke Skywalker's nephew, contacted Ren, seeking to join the Knights of Ren after disavowing the Jedi Order.

Ren was still in command of the Knights by 28 ABY, planning a journey to Varnak, a world within the Mid Rim Territories. Simultaneously, Solo escaped a confrontation with his master and the destruction of Skywalker's Jedi temple. Following a meeting with Snoke, who had been communicating within his mind for years, Solo opted to seek out the Knights of Ren. He returned to Elphrona, where Ren's mask remained within the Jedi outpost. After Solo donned the mask, Ren contacted him, and Solo inquired whether the Knights would accept him, mentioning Snoke. Ren agreed and instructed Solo to meet him on Varnak.

On Varnak, Ren and his Knights met with Solo in a cantina. Vicrul informed Ren of Solo's arrival, and Ren greeted him. Realizing his mask made Solo feel nervous, Ren took it off. He informed Solo that he would only be accepted in the Knights if he caused "a good death." Solo responded that he had killed a Jedi, leading Ren to express his doubts if he had killed Luke Skywalker, as Snoke had told him that maybe Solo had done it. Solo told him that it wasn't Skywalker, but another Jedi, leading Ren to take a seat and ask Solo to tell how he gave that Jedi a "good death."

Solo explained that when he contacted Ren while on Elphrona, he discovered that he had been followed by Tai, Voe and Hennix, three of Luke Skywalker's Jedi pupils who had been off-world when the Jedi temple was destroyed. Ren asked Solo for details about the three Padawans. Ren did so and then told Ren and his Knights that Tai, Voe, and Hennix engaged him in a duel to interrogate him about what had really happened with the Jedi temple. While trying to escape, Solo ended up accidentally killing Hennix by redirecting his lightsaber towards him before sealing Tai and Voe inside the outpost where Ren first met him before he left Elphrona.

Having heard the whole story, Ren asked his Knights about their opinions and agreed that while Solo had caused a death, it wasn't one deemed good enough to accept him into their fold, as he hadn't really intended to kill Hennix. However, as Snoke had vouched for Solo, Ren allowed him to accompany them anyway. Before leaving, Ren remarked that Solo looked like trash with his Jedi robes and instructed Kuruk to give him a fresh set of clothes.

Death by Kylo Ren

Ren met his end at the hands of Solo, who then became known as Kylo Ren, the master of the Knights of Ren.

The company headed to the Minemoon of Mimban in search of a relic called a Mindsplinter, but were intercepted by a group of armed miners who had discovered the artifact earlier and sought to keep it. The Knights of Ren made quick work of the resistance but were unable to pry out any information as to where the artifact was located, so Ren decided to kill them one by one until one of them spoke, but was stopped by Solo who used for the first time his mind probing ability to find out the location of the artifact. Ren was impressed by this feat and felt Solo was starting to be useful. Now knowing where to look, Ren and his knights massacred the miners much to Solo's shock.

Making their way to the artifact, the Knights and Ben encountered more of the miners. Ren ordered the Knights to attack them, including Solo, but was disappointed when he hesitated, even with his superior Jedi training. Before making any move, the two were intercepted by Solo's former Jedi friends, who took on the Knights and Solo. While Tai confronted Solo, Voe defended the miners against the Knights and their leader. Ren, having once fought a Jedi Master, taunted the Padawan. Voe, however, knew that the Knights had been defeated by her master, Luke Skywalker.

Voe fought furiously against the Knights of Ren, but could not defeat them all and was knocked down. Ren went to search for Solo, who hesitated to kill Tai. Aware of Solo's resistance against the dark side, Ren killed Tai by breaking his neck with the Force.

Ren was utterly disappointed in Solo, despite Snoke's high hopes for the boy, and intended to kill Solo, but was attacked by him instead. Ren noticed how Solo was inexperienced in real combat and hoped to finish him off quickly by tackling him down into a pit. As the two fell and fought, Solo was rapidly giving in to the dark side, which was sensed by Leia Organa, Rey, Snoke, and even the late Darth Sidious, with Solo giving a finishing blow to Ren, killing him and finally giving Ren his "good death." With Ren gone, Solo killed Voe and ascended to his place as the leader of the Knights of Ren.


While Ren's Knights were inherited by Solo, who took on the name Kylo Ren, after the skirmish on the Minemoon, he was given command of the group as a gift from his new master, Supreme Leader Snoke, after he passed a test that Snoke had given to him.

Personality and traits

Ren embraced an ideology of amorality, drawing a parallel between his nature and that of his lightsaber.

Despite his affiliation with the dark side, Ren exhibited charisma and friendliness, particularly when attempting to enlist new members into the Knights of Ren. He possessed a handsome demeanor and attempted to charm Qi'ra with his rugged appeal, although she clarified that she sought to recruit him and was not interested in "a pretty face." Upon sensing the dark side within Ben Solo, Ren unmasked himself, endeavoring to persuade Solo to embrace the path of the dark side rather than become a Jedi.

Ren's ideology prohibited him from contemplating the morality of his actions, adhering solely to the will of the dark side of the Force. Although he functioned as the leader of the Knights of Ren, Ren did not desire others to follow him personally but rather to embrace his ideology. Ren was also arrogant, believing he and the Knights were legendary and that he could defeat Luke Skywalker on Elphrona. However, when Skywalker overpowered the Knights, Ren chose to concede defeat and escape with his life.

A human male, Ren possessed brown hair, blue eyes, and light skin, although he later became severely scarred. Later in his life, Ren's hair turned gray.

Powers and abilities

Ren employed the Force to telekinetically fracture the neck of Jedi Padawan Tai.

As a Force-sensitive individual, Ren utilized the dark side of the Force, which he and the Knights of Ren referred to as the "shadow," in addition to employing basic Force powers such as telekinesis. Ren was able to use the Force to control the impact of his fall when he jumped out of Vader's castle, he also managed to move the lava flow at the Sith cave with the help of his fellow knights. He also used telekinesis to kill Padawan Tai whose neck he broke with the Force.

Ren possessed the ability to wield a lightsaber in combat, although he typically dispatched his Knights into battle first. During the Heist at Fortress Vader, Ren effectively cleaved through multiple lava troopers with his lightsaber. Confronted by Darth Vader, Ren managed to engage in a duel with the Sith Lord for a brief period before being struck by him. During the Raid on the Vermillion, Ren was able to duel with the pit fighter Tasu Leech and eventually disarm him with ease.


Ren's lightsaber embodied his philosophy as a Knight of Ren.

Ren concealed his face behind a mask, which was featureless aside from a number of red markings which contained hidden Aurebesh letters spelling the title "REN". He made no attempt to conceal his scars and burns, leaving his torso exposed aside from a black cape and a single glove on his left hand. Ren removed his mask on Elphrona, leaving it within the Jedi outpost so that Ben Solo could use it to contact him some time later. As the leader of the Knights of Ren, he carried a red-bladed lightsaber that he referred to as "the Ren," which contained a kill switch that would cause the lightsaber to explode if it ever left his hands.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Ren, illustrated by Will Sliney.

Ren's initial appearance occurred in the debut issue of the Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren comic miniseries. This publication was authored by Charles Soule, with illustrations by Will Sliney, and it was released by Marvel Comics on December 18, 2019. Subsequently, Ren's first appearance in a visual medium was in flashback sequences within LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales. This animated special was directed by Ken Cunningham, scripted by David Shayne, and broadcast on Disney+ on October 1, 2021. The voice acting for the character in the special was provided by Christian Slater.

Soule conceived the character of Ren as a contrasting figure to Darth Vader. He intentionally made Ren similarly scarred and burned, yet more charismatic and outwardly expressive. Ren openly accepted his disfigurement instead of concealing it. Sliney produced concept art of Ren before the series was even conceived, characterizing him as "born out of the flames." Ren later reappeared in Soule's Crimson Dawn comic arc, providing additional insight into the traumatic origin of the scars covering his body. When questioned about Ren's seemingly static age across both the Imperial and New Republic periods, Soule drew a comparison to the ageless appearance of the real-world entertainer Steve Martin.

