Battle of Elphrona

The clash known as the Battle of Elphrona unfolded when Ben Solo found himself in a lightsaber duel against three Jedi apprentices, namely Voe, Hennix, and Tai. This confrontation occurred at the Elphrona Outpost in the wake of the destruction of the Jedi temple led by Luke Skywalker. While the Jedi sought to uncover Ben's involvement in the temple's obliteration and the supposed demise of Skywalker, Solo was single-mindedly pursuing the Knights of Ren on the planet Varnak. Ultimately, the battle concluded with Ben unintentionally killing Hennix in what he claimed was self-defense, which spurred Voe and Tai to commit to tracking down their former Jedi companion.


After regaining consciousness, Skywalker and R2-D2 stared at the destroyed temple in shock and shame.

In the period following the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker dedicated himself to re-establishing the Jedi Order. He brought in several Jedi students, including his nephew Ben Solo. Skywalker also took on other students, among them the humans Voe and Tai, as well as the Quarren named Hennix. Solo, due to his profound connection to the Force, demonstrated exceptional progress in his Jedi training.

However, the enigmatic dark sider Snoke developed a keen interest in Solo, which caused Master Skywalker considerable concern. One night, while delving into his nephew's thoughts, Skywalker witnessed Snoke's sinister plans, foreseeing the death and suffering they would bring. Reacting purely on instinct, Skywalker ignited his lightsaber with the intention of ending his nephew's life, hoping to avert the impending destruction. Yet, Skywalker quickly realized the gravity of his actions and was overwhelmed by shame and guilt. Unfortunately for Skywalker, Solo had already awakened and activated his own lightsaber in self-defense. Believing his uncle intended to kill him, Solo brought down his hut upon Skywalker.

Tai, Voe, and Hennix confronted Solo following the temple's destruction.

Emerging from the wreckage of the hut, Solo was confused and disheartened. Subsequently, a powerful lightning storm obliterated the Jedi temple, resulting in the deaths of numerous students. Shortly thereafter, the Jedi students Voe, Tai, and Hennix returned aboard their starship Verity. They confronted Solo, who claimed that Skywalker had attempted to murder him. The three other Jedi were skeptical and sought to interrogate him. Following a brief altercation, Solo injured Hennix and fled aboard his ship, the Grimtaash.

The other Jedi pursued him, but Solo managed to damage one of the Verity's engines and locate Snoke, who presented himself as a benevolent and wise figure. Encouraged by Snoke, Solo sought out Ren, the leader of the Knights of Ren, a dark side group. Solo journeyed to the Jedi outpost on Elphrona, where he contacted Ren using a discarded helmet from a previous encounter. Ren instructed him to meet on Varnak. Before he could depart, he was confronted by Hennix, Tai, and Voe, who had succeeded in tracking him down.

The battle

Not wanting to leave Ben unpunished, Voe went after Solo for what he did to the Jedi.

Upon their arrival, Solo became engaged in a lightsaber duel against Voe and Hennix, while Tai, who had previously been on friendly terms with Solo, attempted to probe his mind. However, Solo forcefully pushed him aside as he continued to clash lightsabers with his former classmates. Enraged that the other Jedi had followed him, yet unwilling to kill them, Solo retreated to a high rock outside the outpost. Voe, who had a history of rivalry with Solo and believed he was responsible for the deaths at the temple, used a Force jump to pursue him, declaring it was too late to let him escape.

Hennix, unable to keep pace with Voe, tried to caution her against going too far. The Quarren began to climb, while Voe berated Ben for betraying the Jedi during their pursuit, labeling him a murderer who deserved to face justice. Tai remained below and did not follow his classmates, Voe and Hennix soon cornered Solo at the summit of the rock. Enraged by Voe's accusation of being a murderer, Ben pushed her off the rock, but was immediately overcome by guilt and remorse.

Solo ended the battle by burying his fellow Jedi under the rubble of the outpost.

Solo made an attempt to pull Voe back to safety, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Hennix, believing that Ben had caused Voe's death, attacked Solo in a fit of anger by throwing his lightsaber at him. In an attempt to defend himself, Solo deflected the lightsaber, causing it to strike Hennix and kill him in what he claimed was self-defense. Meanwhile, Tai managed to slightly slow Voe's fall. Before the two could assist Hennix, whose scream they heard, Solo caught up with them. When questioned about Hennix's fate, Solo dismissed it as unimportant and used the Force to hurl them into the Elphrona Jedi outpost. To prevent them from pursuing him further, he toppled two statues on top of them, destroying the outpost and burying his former classmates beneath the debris.


Subsequently, Solo journeyed to Varnak, where he encountered Ren and the Knights of Ren. Solo recounted his version of events to the Knights, seeking to earn a place among them by demonstrating a "good kill." However, Ren deemed Hennix's death as insufficient, as Solo had not intentionally killed him. Nonetheless, Ren allowed Solo to join their ranks as a means of discovering a way to achieve a "good death."

In the meantime, Tai and Voe managed to free themselves from the ruins of the Jedi outpost. Having learned from his mind probe that Solo was in search of the Knights of Ren, Tai came to accept Voe's belief that Solo was beyond redemption. Concluding that Solo was lost, the two resolved to avenge Hennix's death.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Elphrona was initially depicted in the comic-book issue The Rise of Kylo Ren 3, which was initially published on February 12, 2020. The issue's writing was done by Charles Soule, illustrations by Will Sliney, and colors by Guru-eFX.

