Force pikes were a type of weapon resembling a staff, equipped with a vibro-edged head. These weapons also featured a stun capability and could inflict severe pain even on their lowest power level. When set to maximum power, these pikes possessed the ability to slice through durasteel. The Red Guard, who served Galactic Emperor Palpatine, were known to carry Controller FPs, from which they could discharge purple energy blasts.
These weapons were also used by the droid guards protecting Senator Gall Trayvis during his exile. On Daxam IV, Ransolm Casterfo, who was a senator at the time, wielded a force pike in combat against an Amaxine warrior. This occurred while he was attempting to purchase an Imperial helmet in an effort to gain the approval of Arliz Hadrassian. It was possible to modify the pikes with magnetic clamps. These clamps could project a field around a target the pike was aimed at, immobilizing them in mid-air. During this immobilization, both the target and the pike's end would emit an orange glow. A notable instance of this feature's use was when a group of red guards attempted to restrain Ezra Bridger, hoping to keep him trapped long enough for approaching stormtroopers to eliminate him. Bridger, however, evaded their attacks and used telekinesis to hurl boulders at the guards, breaking their grip.
A longer and lighter variant of the force pike existed, known as the vibro-lance. This weapon could function as both a spear and a melee weapon.