A vibro-lance served as an electroshock weapon with a handle, incorporating a vibro-edged head. Distinct from a force pike, it was characterized by its greater length, reduced weight, and equilibrium that enabled its use as a projectile similar to a spear.
Within Jabba the Hutt's palace situated on Tatooine, certain Gamorrean Guards were observed wielding vibro-lances.
Wilhuff Tarkin regarded himself as highly skilled in the art of using the vibro-lance. Nevertheless, he was struck by the proficiency of the Jedi with a lightsaber during their training sessions. During a trial administered by Jova Tarkin in the Carrion Plateau on Eriadu, Tarkin's challenge involved enduring a full day at the Carrion Spike deprived of sustenance and hydration, with only a vibro-lance as his tool.