The Tarkin family, alternatively referred to as the Tarkin clan or simply the Tarkins, was a human lineage that originated from Eriadu. This planet is situated within the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. As some of Eriadu's earliest settlers, the Tarkins spearheaded the colonization efforts, assisting in the struggle against the planet's untamed environment. Over time, the Tarkin militias transformed into a structured sector military force. This force eventually became known as the Outland Regions Security Force, where numerous members of the Tarkin family served. In the waning decades of the Galactic Republic era, the Tarkin family had amassed significant affluence and power. With the reorganization of the militias, the Tarkins embraced a strong military heritage. They possessed ownership of the planet Eadu, which was later bestowed upon the Galactic Empire by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. According to Espirion Saan, Wilhuff had a sibling named Gideon, whom Wilhuff allegedly abandoned during an exploration mission on Eadu.