Carrion Plateau

The Carrion Plateau, also referred to as the Carrion, was a wild region located on the planet of Eriadu. The Tarkin family held ownership of this area, utilizing it as a proving ground for their male members to test their mettle against the harsh wilderness.


Serving as a sanctuary for the original planet's ecosystem, the Carrion Plateau was a region on Eriadu. This plateau presented a severe and unforgiving environment, populated by various dangerous native species of fauna, including ferocious felines and a particular species of veermok. The landscape consisted of grasslands, seasonal lakes, flat-topped mesas, and forested zones featuring slender deciduous trees, some of which were thousands of years in age. Additionally, the area contained monolithic ruins and cliffside petroglyphs. The Tarkin family possessed the plateau and employed it as a site for initiating family members. Those undergoing initiation were tasked with surviving for a specified time within the deadly environment, thereby internalizing the ruthless values of the Tarkin lineage.


Imperial Era

Sometime during the Imperial Era, prior to the Battle of Yavin, Tarkin transported Imperial officers Ellian Zahra, Beldin, and Hannevik to the Carrion Plateau in search of a protégé. Upon the arrival of Tarkin's ship, carrying the three young officers, he delivered a lecture about the Carrion Plateau, emphasizing that they were the first non-Tarkins to visit in numerous generations. Subsequently, he issued an order for them to hunt an albino veermok within a twelve-hour timeframe and present him with its head, or face abandonment. Before long, Zahra presented Tarkin with the veermok's head, commenting that the other officers dispatched to hunt the creature were "unworthy." Impressed by Zahra's accomplishment, Tarkin escorted her to his ship and departed from the area.

