
Skritt, identified as a Peasle and male, functioned as a technician within Lina Graf's crew. Characterized by his nervousness, he possessed the unique ability to curl into a defensive ball when overcome by fear. Accompanying Graf's team, Skritt found himself aboard the Auric when an unforeseen event compelled its landing on the volcanic world of Mustafar.

Life Story

Stories from Vader's Stronghold

Emerging from Disaster…

As a technician, the Peasle named Skritt offered his services to the Rebel Alliance as they fought against the Galactic Empire. Around the time of 1 BBY, he became a member of Commander Lina Graf's crew, which included Lieutenant Thom Hudd, a reformed thief, the former bodyguard droid XM-G3, and CR-8R, Graf's droid companion. During that year, Skritt and the rest of Graf's team embarked on a fact-finding mission to the Outer Rim Territories for the Alliance aboard the Auric, a YT-1760 Small Transport.

During their assignment, the Auric was attacked by Imperial TIE fighters near Mustafar, resulting in damage. Skritt, in a state of worry, alerted Graf, who was piloting the Auric, that the TIEs had damaged their port engine, while Hudd urged the Peasle to stay calm. The crew was forced to seek a landing site, deciding to head for Mustafar despite the significant Imperial presence. The Auric then crashed near a large fortress into lava, which the crew was unaware was the castle of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Skritt, overcome with fear, curled into a ball and was carried by CR-8R as the crew evacuated the sinking ship. Stranded on Mustafar, Graf decided that they would head to the fortress to find a way off the planet.

…and Entering the Stronghold

As the crew made plans to go to the fortress, Hudd shared a story about the Jedi and Sith defeating Lord Ravna on Bray during the Clone Wars; however, CR-8R stated that a scary story would not help Skritt come out of his shell. As the others were discussing how to get inside, Skritt emerged to ask if they were safe, and CR-8R congratulated him. However, Skritt panicked when he saw a group of Imperial lava troopers coming towards them. CR-8R initially thought Skritt was overreacting before noticing the stormtroopers and alerting Graf as the troopers began to fire.

Graf told Hudd and Skritt to head to the fortress, and the former thief obeyed, carrying the scared Peasle. With XM-G3 holding off the troopers, Hudd sliced the door, and the rebels entered, with the goal of reaching a base that Graf had seen to secure transportation. Skritt was afraid that they were walking into a trap and being watched; even though Graf reassured him, an Imperial probe droid was watching the rebels. CR-8R suggested that Graf tell the Peasle a story to calm him down, and even though the commander was hesitant, Skritt agreed that it would help. Graf then told a story about Han Solo and Chewbacca encountering Zalla, the "Emerald Witch" of Rendel, but the story did little to calm Skritt's fears.

Dividing the Group

Despite Hudd's instructions for Skritt to calm down, the arrival of XM-G3—who had defeated the stormtroopers, but had been damaged—frightened the Peasle, who hid behind Graf as she reassured him. When XM-G3 noticed that Hudd was missing and the lieutenant screamed, having been captured while trying to steal from the fortress, Graf rushed to find him, and Skritt and the others followed. The rebels found no sign of Hudd, however, and Graf ordered her crew to split up to find him, sending Skritt with XM-G3.

When Skritt said that he was not good at sneaking around, XM-G3 told him to be brave. Skritt wished that he could, noting XM-G3's strength, and the droid told him that size did not equal courage. XM-G3 suggested telling a story to help Skritt overcome his fear, even though the Peasle was doubtful after the previous tale. Regardless, XM-G3 told Skritt a story of the Ewoks of Endor preventing a sacrifice to the Gorax; again, Skritt was not calmed by the story, noting that he would not be able to sleep again if anyone kept telling him stories.

Vader Appears

The pair then encountered Vaneé, a servant of Vader. XM-G3 confronted him, but Vaneé was not afraid. Skritt watched in horror as XM-G3 was lifted into the air and torn apart with the Force by Vader. Skritt fled, contacting Graf and telling her of XM-G3's destruction, but the communication was cut off. As Graf tried to contact Skritt and the Peasle tried to explain, the two almost ran into each other in a corridor. Skritt told Graf what had happened to XM-G3, believing that the castle was haunted. As Graf reassured Skritt, a group of droids disguised as suits of armor activated at the same time as Vaneé arrived to confront the rebels.

Vaneé claimed that the fortress was haunted by victims of Vader, including Hudd, and told the rebels of an attempted raid on the castle by the Mustafarians that had been stopped by his master. Even though Graf claimed that Vaneé did not scare them, Skritt admitted that he was scared. At that moment, Vader arrived, throwing a damaged CR-8R into Graf while Skritt cowered behind her leg. Vader decided to kill the rebels, but CR-8R distracted the Sith Lord by pushing Vaneé into him, allowing Skritt and Graf to escape. Even though Graf was hesitant to leave CR-8R, Skritt claimed they had no choice. He tried to find somewhere to hide, but instead led the pair into more of the droids. Graf, inspired by Hudd's story, reprogrammed the droids to help them. When Vader arrived, Skritt and Graf fled as the droids attacked him.

The Lesson

The two rebels emerged into a hangar to find a number of vessels, and Skritt was eager to escape. Graf, however, did not want to leave CR-8R behind, telling Skritt to find a ship—and, if necessary, escape to get word of the fortress to the Alliance—while she went back to rescue the droid. Skritt was unsure of his chances against the many Imperial lava troopers; however, having been inspired by the stories his friends had told him, Skritt was able to overcome his fears. Spotting a larva of the Kubaza beetle, Skritt threw the grub at the troopers, summoning its mother as a distraction. The Peasle then charged at a pair of troopers, rolling into a ball to knock them down.

Skritt commandeered an All Terrain Scout Transport, using its weaponry to fire on the fortress. His actions allowed Graf to escape Vader's grasp with CR-8R's head, but he drew the attention of the Sith Lord. Vader used the Force to lift Skritt's walker into the air and throw it into the lava outside of the castle. Emerging from the walker as it sank into the lava, Skritt recognized that he should have expected the result because of the sting in all of the tales, hoping that he had at least helped Graf to escape. However, Graf soon arrived to rescue Skritt in a stolen TIE fighter. Skritt boarded the starfighter and, along with Graf and CR-8R, escaped from Mustafar.

Even though Skritt and the rest of Graf's crew did not know of Hudd's fate when they escaped, the lieutenant was held prisoner and tortured by Vaneé in Vader's fortress. Months after Hudd's capture, he was able to briefly free himself and send a message to Graf. After Graf received Hudd's message, Skritt accompanied her and CR-8R on a mission to return to Mustafar and rescue their comrade. The rebel crew commandeered a Sentinel-class landing craft, with Graf infiltrating the fortress disguised as an Imperial Inquisitor. Even though Vaneé saw through Graf's disguise, she was able to free Hudd, and the pair returned to the waiting shuttle, with Skritt at the helm. Graf ordered Skritt to take off, and the Peasle obeyed, flying the shuttle out of the fortress and escaping again.

New Republic, Old Foe

Visions and Horrors

After the Imperial defeat—including Vader's death—at the Battle of Endor and the formation of the New Republic from the Rebellion in 4 ABY, Skritt continued to serve the new government. However, Vaneé still lived, unbeknownst to Skritt and the rest of Graf's comrades; believing that he could resurrect his master, Vader's former servant captured Graf's brother, Milo Graf, by controlling CR-8R and inflicted nightmares onto several of the crew members to lure them to Mustafar. Sometime between 4 ABY and 5 ABY, Skritt was stationed at a former Imperial outpost on Karken, an Inner Rim astronomical object, alongside Hudd, tasked with rewiring the base so the New Republic could use it.

While the pair worked on Karken, Skritt reminisced about old times and the adventure that their life had once brought, leading Hudd to bring up his torture. Skritt questioned him, and Hudd claimed that he was just tired; Hudd added that their job was useful, but his tone did not convince Skritt, who asked if he missed their old life at all. However, the two were interrupted by the emergence of a mynock, leading Skritt to curl up in fright. Hudd tossed the curled-up Skritt at the mynock, scaring the creature away. Unfurling, Skritt wanted to find another way to handle future mynocks, suggesting that he throw Hudd instead.

Recognizing his friend's recent mood, Skritt asked what was wrong. Hudd explained a recurring dream in which he and the Jedi Luke Skywalker went on a mission to Dagobah. Even though Skritt gave him a look when he mentioned he was accompanying Skywalker, Hudd described encountering a spirit of the swamp and seeing visions of Vaneé and the skeletons of Skritt and the rest of the crew. Skritt questioned the dream, and Hudd suggested it was a sign or warning before accidentally disturbing more mynocks. As the pair cowered from the swarm, the mynocks were scattered by the arrival of the WUD-500 star yacht Rabbit's Foot, captained by the Lepi smuggler Jaxxon T. Tumperakki, who Lina had recruited for transportation to Mustafar to rescue Milo. Skritt, criticizing the state of the yacht, approached with Hudd as Graf emerged and told the pair that they needed to accompany her back to Vader's castle.

Returning and Bringing Back

Skritt, along with Hudd, boarded the Rabbit's Foot and headed for Mustafar with Graf and Tumperakki. On the way, Graf fell asleep and had a dream that briefly featured Skritt arguing with Tumperakki as the vessel was attacked by Imperial TIE fighters. The real Rabbit's Foot, however, arrived safely on Mustafar, and Skritt and the others disembarked near Vader's fortress, with the Peasle noting the castle's decrepit state. The four approached the fortress, where Hudd tried to override a door. When Graf received a communication that was seemingly from her brother, Tumperakki decided to instead kick the door down; Hudd was disappointed, but Skritt told him that getting inside was what mattered.

The group were quickly confronted by a lightsaber-wielding Vader—in reality, CR-8R under Vaneé's control and dressed to resemble the Sith Lord. When blasters proved ineffective, Skritt rolled into a ball and insisted that Hudd throw him. Hudd was skeptical but did so, and Skritt knocked the supposed Vader down, revealing CR-8R and freeing him from Vaneé's control. After CR-8R revealed Vader's servant was alive, Hudd was worried, but Skritt reassured him. CR-8R led the group to Milo, where Vaneé, lying in wait, incapacitated them. Skritt and the others were restrained while Vaneé tried to perform a ritual to resurrect Vader and use Lina as the vessel for his master's spirit.

Seeing Apparitions

After the group awoke, Vaneé revealed that he was the one who had manipulated their dreams, surprising Skritt. Vaneé released lava fumes that he believed would return Vader, but Lina deduced that the Sith servant had just been driven mad by the vapors, which caused one to see what they feared most; indeed, the fumes began to cause the others to hear Vader's voice and see hallucinations. Lina pretended as if she had been possessed by the reborn Vader and demanded that Vaneé release her, but instead used the lightsaber to free Skritt and the others.

Milo restrained Vaneé, and the group left the Sith servant trapped within the fumes. Their vision obscured, Skritt and the others spotted a lightsaber through the smoke and, assuming it to be Lina, followed the figure to safety, with the Peasle urging Hudd on. Lina emerged behind them, revealing her lightsaber had previously run out of power. As Skritt and the others boarded the Rabbit's Foot and took off, the group speculated about the figure they had followed, unaware that they had been assisted by the Force spirit of Anakin Skywalker, the redeemed Vader, who watched them as they departed Mustafar.

Production Notes

Skritt made his debut in the first issue of the Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle comic series, penned by Cavan Scott and brought to the public by IDW Publishing on October 3, 2018. Skritt was part of the series' overarching narrative, with illustrations by Derek Charm. Before the comic's release, he received an initial mention, though indirect, within an article detailing the announcement of Tales from Vader's Castle at San Diego Comic-Con, which was shared on on July 20 of that year. Charm expressed his enjoyment of working on the series, highlighting the opportunity to design largely original characters, and described the rebel team as a unique ensemble.

