The YT-1760 small transport represented a specific type of transport vessel originating from the renowned Corellian Engineering Corporation. Marketed as both a transport and shuttle, the YT-1760 aimed to resolve prevalent issues found in older iterations of the YT-series. However, these design choices inadvertently introduced new weaknesses and imperfections to the YT-1760. Notably, the Auric stood out as a YT-1760 Small Transport actively employed by the Rebel Alliance.

The Corellian Engineering Corporation produced the YT-1760 Small Transport as a specialized transport. Its creation was motivated by the need to address shortcomings present in earlier YT-series designs, including insufficient power in sublight engines, limited maneuverability, and a sluggish hyperdrive system. While the design improvements did enhance these aspects, they came at the expense of structural integrity, leading to increased maintenance requirements, reduced durability, and a smaller cargo hold.
Measuring 26.5 meters in length, the YT-1760 Small Transport typically required a crew of two, although a single individual could effectively pilot it. It could accommodate up to eight passengers, carry 10 metric tons of cargo, sustain its crew for two months with its consumables, and achieve speeds of 990 kilometers per hour. Standard equipment included a navigation computer, a class 1 primary hyperdrive complemented by a class 15 backup, sublight engines, and a deflector shield generator. Initially unarmed, the YT-1760 Small Transport was later equipped with a laser cannon by Corellian Engineering Corporation in response to customer feedback. Furthermore, the design readily accommodated two turret mounts, similar to those found on the YT-1300 light freighter, allowing for the installation of larger commercial laser cannons. The price for a new YT-1760 was 80,000 credits, while used models could be acquired for 20,000.
Despite its inherent flaws, the YT-1760, like other YT-series vessels, garnered a dedicated following of enthusiasts. These individuals appreciated the vessel's centrally located cockpit, which provided superior visibility, and its exceptional maneuverability. The YT-1760 also possessed a high degree of modifiability, with experienced owners well-versed in the most cost-effective upgrade options. A common modification involved sacrificing some of the limited cargo space to install more potent shield generators, thereby enhancing the YT-1760's overall survivability.
The YT-1760 Small Transport was introduced following the completion of its design by Corellian Engineering Corporation. One particular YT-1760, known as the Auric, served Commander Lina Graf and her crew within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Sadly, it was shot down and met its end on Mustafar, sinking into the planet's lava flows. Due to its various design shortcomings and flaws, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, most were found at a scrapyard.
The YT-1760 Small Transport made its debut appearance in Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle 1, a canon comic book released in 2018. Its identification was later solidified in the 2018 canon reference guide, YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual. It had previously first appeared in Star Wars Legends when it was mentioned in A Legacy of Starships.