
The Auric was a YT-1760 Small Transport utilized by the Rebel Alliance during the period of the Galactic Civil War. Commanded by Commander Lina Graf, the Auric's crew consisted of five members, including the technician Skritt, Lieutenant Thom Hudd, the former bodyguard droid XM-G3, and Graf's longtime droid companion, CR-8R. The vessel sustained damage during a mission and was compelled to make an emergency crash landing on Mustafar, ultimately sinking into lava and being destroyed.


Auric under fire from TIE fighters

While engaged in a mission within the Outer Rim, the crew of the Auric found themselves being pursued by a squadron of three TIE fighters. XM-G3, serving as the ship's gunner, successfully eliminated the pursuing enemy fighters. However, prior to their destruction, the TIE fighters managed to disable the Auric's shields, damage the power core, and destroy the port thruster. Due to the failure of these critical systems, Lina Graf was forced to execute an emergency landing on the Imperial-controlled volcanic planet of Mustafar. The Auric touched down in a lava field on Mustafar and rapidly overheated, forcing the crew to abandon ship, despite warnings issued by CR-8R. Following the crew's evacuation, the ship was submerged in lava and completely destroyed, leaving the surviving members stranded on Mustafar.

Years after the incident, Lina Graf, in her capacity as Head Curator of the Graf Archive, documented in her journal that her experience on Mustafar was the most terrifying of all her adventures.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the Auric occurred in the 2018 comic book Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle 1. It is worth noting that the vessel shares its designation with Auric Graf, who is the father of captain Lina Graf. The Auric represents the first official canon inclusion of the YT-1760 small transport, previously exclusive to the Star Wars Legends continuity.

