Tri Tellon

A female thief named Tri Tellon, a Pa'lowick, operated during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Born on the city-planet of Coruscant, or ecumenopolis as some call it, she had been active in the CoCo Town district from a young age, even since she was a hatchling. She eventually formed a partnership with an older, less reputable character named Magreda. Throughout her career as a thief, Tellon pilfered various items from patrons of Dexter Jettster's diner.

On one particular day, she successfully stole an object of unknown nature from the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was enjoying a beverage at Dex's establishment. Utilizing her extensive knowledge of CoCo Town's layout, she evaded both the pursuing Jedi and the diner's proprietor. Upon returning to the hideout she shared with Magreda, the Pa'lowick proudly presented the item stolen from Kenobi to her partner, believing it to possess mystical properties and significant monetary value. However, when "Magreda" turned around, she discovered that it was actually the Jedi in disguise. Simultaneously, Dexter Jettster blocked the doorway on the opposite side of the room, preventing her escape. As she was being apprehended, Tellon learned that the so-called artifact was merely a worthless paperweight equipped with a tracking device, revealing that she had been deceived from the start.

Many years later, Emil Graf, a cartographer and explorer of Wild Space, shared the tale of Tellon's capture with his BB-series astromech BB-00.

