The Class 546 Cruiser, sometimes referred to as a Lightspeed Cruiser, represented a specialized variant of the Arquitens-class command cruiser, engineered with a focus on enhanced velocity as part of the Class 546 program. Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant utilized a Class 546 Cruiser. In contrast to the standard command cruiser design, the Class 546 incorporated a sizable internal hangar bay, accessible via hangar doors on both the port and starboard sides, along with a central launch tube positioned between the ship's bifurcated bow. Furthermore, its bridge differed from typical Arquitens-class models and featured a configuration of three main and four auxiliary sublight engines.
Moff Gideon's flagship was a Class 546 Cruiser, a light cruiser. During the Battle of Tython, this vessel obliterated the Razor Crest, a gunship belonging to the Mandalorian Din Djarin. Subsequently, a team spearheaded by Djarin, including Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, her associate Koska Reeves, Carasynthia Dune, and Fennec Shand, boarded the cruiser in an attempt to rescue Grogu, the Force-sensitive child.