
Scalder was a human female physician and researcher in the service of the Galactic Empire in the early years of the Imperial Era. Holding the position of Head Medical Officer, she bore significant responsibilities at the Empire's clandestine facility situated on Wayland, known as Tantiss Base. Reporting to Doctor Royce Hemlock, she participated in the Empire's cloning initiative. She was the one who greeted Nala Se, a Kaminoan scientist, upon her arrival at Tantiss. Subsequently, she aided Doctor Hemlock and Emerie Karr in the routine operations conducted at the Tantiss facility.


Doctor Scalder functioned as an administrator, technician, and scientist for the Galactic Empire at the hidden Tantiss Base within Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland. As the Head Medical Officer, Dr. Scalder was in charge of the Empire's cloning processes. The official extended a personal welcome to Nala Se upon the Kaminoan's arrival at Tantiss, following the closure of her own cloning facilities, and assured the alien scientist that the Empire held great expectations for her contributions. When Dr. Emerie Karr took over from Nala Se as the lead scientist of the program inside the Tantiss vault, Dr. Scalder observed the Force-sensitive children housed there. She questioned Dr. Karr's choice to allow the children more interaction than initially planned, but acquiesced when Dr. Karr asserted her authority. Later, while watching the children, she noticed Omega was not there and went into the observation room and then Omega's cell to investigate, but did not find anything, unaware of Omega's plans to escape.

As the Bad Batch made their way to Wayland, V-wings and cannons quickly intercepted them as they approached. In the vault's observation area, Scalder and her team learned of the intrusion. Karr gave the order to put the vault on lockdown and told Scalder to keep the children safe. Scalder shot back, telling Karr that her worry for the "specimens" was unnecessary.

Later, as Omega was sneaking through the pneumatic tube system, Scalder and a Tantiss medical droid got to the vault doors. The droid told the children, who were supposed to stall Scalder so Omega could get back from her mission, to go back to their rooms. As Scalder and the droid took Sami's sample, Sami said she was hungry, but Scalder ignored her. Scalder and the droid then went to Eva's cell. Eva told Scalder she was not feeling well. Scalder told the droid to check her out and said Eva was fine before leaving her cell. As Scalder got closer to Omega's cell, Jax wanted to go next, but Scalder told him to wait. Omega got back to her cell just in time for her blood to be tested. Scalder finished her test and left the vault, not knowing what Omega had been up to.

As the Bad Batch kept attacking Tantiss, Omega and the other children in the vault decided to reprogram a droid. Scalder saw what they were doing and went down from the observation deck to check it out. She got there and asked Sami where the other inmates were. Sami said they were with the medical droid. The other children showed up a little late with the droid, making Scalder wonder about the unscheduled scan. She wanted to know what they were doing. She yelled at Doctor Karr, saying she was too nice, and then told everyone to go back to their alcoves. But, the medical droid, who gave her a sedative, stopped her. Clone commandos and stormtroopers later took the hurt Scalder from the vault as Echo and Karr got to the scene. Hemlock planned to punish Scalder for what she had done.

Personality and traits

Scalder was a human woman with long, dark brown hair that was styled in a bun, fair skin, and brown eyes. She was seen wearing the white uniform of an Imperial scientist, which featured a modified Kaminoan emblem on the sleeves, along with goggles equipped with a communication device.

Behind the scenes

Scalder's initial appearance was in "Kamino Lost," which served as the final episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Her voice was provided by actress Helen Sadler. The episode's guide, published on, drew comparisons between the medical officer and Dr. Pershing, a character who debuted in the 2019 live-action series The Mandalorian. The guide also unveiled concept art of the officer by Angela Chen, dating back to June 25, 2020.

Scalder's name was officially revealed in the second season episode titled "Metamorphosis."

