"Kamino Lost" marks the sixteenth installment of the web-TV animated show Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This episode premiered on August 13, 2021. Serving as the first season finale, it provides closure to the two-part narrative arc that began with the preceding episode.
Vice Admiral [Edmon Rampart] oversees the bombardment of Tipoca City on Kamino, using three Venator-class Star Destroyers. The Bad Batch, along with Omega, AZI-3, and an unconscious Crosshair, attempt to escape into the depths of Tipoca City. An orbital strike throws them to the ground. As Tipoca City collapses, Omega is separated from her companions by a malfunctioning blast door.
A clone trooper informs Rampart in orbit that the cities are destroyed and all Kaminoan facilities are submerged. Rampart expresses satisfaction and directs the Venators to rejoin the Imperial Navy.
AZI-3 later powers up and attends to Omega, advising her to leave the compartment to survive. Omega discovers Crosshair unconscious and trapped, unable to be freed from the surrounding debris. She uses the comlink to contact Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, and Tech, warning them of the flooding and Crosshair's predicament. Tech explains that the compromised compartments are sealed to contain the flooding, preventing him from overriding the protocols. Wrecker attempts to force the blast doors open using his knife as Tipoca City continues to sink. Crosshair awakens to find AZI-3 attending to him, while Omega struggles to free him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Bad Batch attempt to break through the door. Omega dives underwater, struggling to free Crosshair, and instructs AZI-3 to use his boosters underwater. As AZI-3 focuses on the wreckage, Omega fires her energy bow twice at the debris, successfully freeing Crosshair. Omega helps him up and guides them both to open the door. Diving underwater, Omega struggles to free the door.
The Bad Batch manages to open the door just enough for Omega, Crosshair, and AZI-3 to squeeze through before sealing it again. Crosshair questions Hunter about their actions. Hunter explains that the Galactic Empire attacked Tipoca City and they refused to abandon him. Tech warns that they must reach the surface before the entire structure is submerged. Hunter gives Crosshair the choice to stay and die, then leads his squad away. Crosshair chooses to follow his former comrades.
The clones and AZI-3 escape through an underwater transparent tunnel. Omega pauses at a window, sadly watching the destruction of Clone incubation tanks. Wrecker urges her to move on. As they flee, the tunnel begins to crack under the pressure of the ocean. The facility they are in eventually comes to a halt, leading Tech to believe they have reached the ocean floor. While they discuss damage, water bursts through cracks in the tunnel. The clones flee to higher ground, with Crosshair momentarily lost in thought before deciding to follow.
The Bad Batch arrives at their former barracks, which Tech notes is, ironically, one of the few habitable areas. Echo comments on the absence of the usual smell, and Wrecker discovers their score chart still intact. Crosshair expresses bitterness that his comrades abandoned their legacy. Hunter replies that they each made their own choices. Crosshair argues that soldiers follow orders, but Hunter counters that blind obedience makes him a pawn, and a true leader protects their squad. Crosshair blames Hunter's "failed" leadership for their impending death.
Omega disagrees, pointing out that they are near the Kamino tube system. She suggests using it to reach the base post and retrieve the Marauder. Tech acknowledges the challenge of accessing the tube, but Echo argues it's better than staying where they are. Crosshair sarcastically remarks that Omega is now in charge. Hunter asks if he has better ideas before nudging him forward.
AZ1-3 uses a precision weld to open the maintenance hatch, revealing a tunnel within the tube system. The clones cautiously enter. As the transparisteel canopy above them begins to crack, Crosshair suggests turning back and finding another route. AZI-3 insists that this is the best option, while Wrecker blames Crosshair for their predicament. When Crosshair mocks his intelligence, Wrecker responds with insight, pointing out that Crosshair never tried to rejoin them and they would have welcomed him back.
Tech advises Wrecker to let go of the past, describing Crosshair as severe and unyielding, a nature that cannot be changed. When Crosshair asks why Tech is defending him, Tech clarifies that he is not, stating that understanding someone doesn't mean agreeing with them. Omega expresses concern about the tube system's safety, but AZI-3 reassures her that it's their only viable transport. Hunter agrees and leads the way. As they traverse the tunnel, they hear a beast roar from the ocean depths. Omega asks if the tunnels are protected, to which AZI-3 replies that they are only protected with power, which is currently off.
A large sea creature with sharp teeth attacks the tube system, cracking the transparisteel frames. AZI-3 theorizes that restoring power will drive the creature away, and rushes ahead to activate it while the clones flee. The power surge electrocutes the sea monster, driving it away, but also causes a short circuit. The clones arrive near the power generator just in time. AZI-3 apologizes for the short circuit but deems the outcome satisfactory as they survived the transit.
The clones and AZI-3 climb through a hatch leading to Nala Se's private lab. Hunter, unfamiliar with the lab, asks where they are. Tech explains that this is where their mutations were manipulated and enhanced. When Crosshair questions how Omega would know, Tech reveals that she was there, created before them, making her technically older. They discover that the tube leading to the landing pad is destroyed, trapping them in the lab.
Later, as the clones rest, AZI-3's power cells begin to deplete. Echo reports that long-range comms are down and their oxygen levels will be critical in a few hours. Crosshair blames his former comrades for letting the "kid" make decisions. Hunter retorts that the "kid" saved Crosshair's life, unlike the Empire who left him for dead. Crosshair accuses Hunter of taking things personally. When Hunter points out the Empire's destruction of an entire city, Crosshair replies that they did what was necessary.
Crosshair declares that Kamino, the regular clones, and the Galactic Republic's era are over. He believes the Empire will control the entire galaxy and desires to be part of it. He tells Hunter that he made the wrong choice before turning away. Hunter warns Crosshair that the Empire views him as a number, not a person. Crosshair sits down, lost in thought.
Omega joins him, noting that he never liked Kamino. Crosshair tells her to leave. Omega says she understands, having spent most of her life in this lab. She explains that she was alone until the Bad Batch were created, which is why she was determined to find them all again. Crosshair replies that being a clone doesn't make her one of them. Omega says she wanted to believe the inhibitor chip was responsible for Crosshair's behavior, but she was wrong. She gets up and walks away.
Echo suggests using medical capsules to escape the wrecked tunnels. Tech explains that if their mass is evenly distributed, the capsules' buoyancy will bring them to the surface. AZI-3 notes that the capsules haven't been tested for this. Hunter adds that they'll lack directional control and asks how they'll avoid the debris field.
Crosshair proposes that the droid can guide them. Hunter asks if AZI can guide them to the surface. AZI-3 affirms that, barring unforeseen circumstances, he can. When Omega asks if it's dangerous, the droid replies that their safety is his priority.
Omega plants detonators on the windows while the clones prepare the capsules. Wrecker complains about his capsule being too small, but Echo points out that at least he isn't sharing with someone. AZI-3, using his reserve power, urges them to hurry. With the explosives set, the clones seal their tanks. Hunter and Crosshair share a tank, as do Tech and Echo, while Wrecker and Omega each have their own. Omega detonates the explosives, and the tanks are swept out by the water.
AZI-3 guides the capsules through the ocean, dodging debris. While guiding Omega's capsule, he is struck by debris, losing control. Omega's capsule descends. The other clones surface and open their capsules. AZI-3 retrieves Omega's capsule. As they ascend, AZI-3 exhausts his remaining power. He tells her that her path is clear and he has completed his objective before shutting down. Omega is devastated by the loss of her friend.
Omega exits her capsule and swims after AZI-3, despite Hunter's protests. Hunter goes in after her, but Crosshair shoots a grapple that latches onto AZI-3, pulling him and Omega to the surface. As Hunter tends to Omega, Wrecker suspiciously aims his blaster at Crosshair, who tosses his rifle to Wrecker. Tech says they have a visual on the Marauder and tells them to start paddling on their makeshift rafts.
The clones travel through the burning sea. At daybreak, they reach the landing platform where the Marauder awaits. Omega and the Bad Batch observe the smoke rising from the ruins of Tipoca City, their only known home, with Omega sadly noting that it's all gone. Tech suggests leaving before Imperial scouts arrive. Wrecker asks Crosshair if he's coming with them. Crosshair says that nothing has changed. Hunter tells Crosshair that he offered them a chance, and this is his chance.
Crosshair replies that he has made his decision. Hunter says they want different things, but it doesn't have to make them enemies. Crosshair stares into the horizon. Omega is despondent, and Hunter pats her shoulder. The other clones board the Marauder while Omega stands with Crosshair before joining them. Before leaving, she thanks Crosshair for saving AZI-3. Crosshair tells her they're even. Before leaving, Omega tells Crosshair that he is still their brother, and that he is her brother too. Crosshair stands on the platform with a hint of sadness.
Later, several V-wing starfighters escort a Rho-class transport shuttle to Wayland. They land at an Imperial base built into a mountain. Clone commandos escort Nala Se off the shuttle. She is greeted by a medical officer who expresses admiration for her scientific talents, stating that the Empire has big plans for her. The troopers and scientist escort Nala Se inside the base.