The animated television show Star Wars: The Bad Batch began its second season with the episode entitled "Spoils of War". It was initially available on Disney+ on January 4, 2023, along with another episode, "Ruins of War."
Following the Crab Heist, Echo, Wrecker, and Hunter are seen running from enormous Aggrocrabs on a beach after successfully acquiring a package on a tropical island. Echo scolds Wrecker for not following the plan, which they reviewed five times, but Wrecker responds that the package was secured regardless of that. Concurrently, aboard the Marauder, Omega is taking a break from her studies, which Tech disapproves of, as she attempts to memorize every ship in the Imperial fleet.
Just as she is about to resume her studies, Hunter contacts the ship, and Tech and Omega get ready to pick up the others. However, they are attacked by the same creatures that are chasing the others on the beach. Omega uses her energy bow to shoot them off the hull and, using the shell of another, jumps back onto the line as Tech flies into view of the three running clones. Echo, Hunter, and Wrecker are finally hoisted onto the ship with their cargo. Hunter expresses his gratitude to Omega for the support but cautions her to remain inside the ship in the future. Omega responds that she will attempt to do so but admits that it was enjoyable.
Upon their return to Cid's Parlor, they are greeted by AZI. Ciddarin Scaleback introduces the Batch to a pirate by the name of Phee Genoa, who finds the Batch's genetic mutations to be peculiar but fascinating. Scaleback proposes a mission to the Bad Batch: to pilfer one of Count Dooku's war chests from his destroyed castle on the planet Serenno. Hunter declines Scaleback's proposition and continues a ship recognition lesson with Omega. Nevertheless, Wrecker, Echo, and Tech decide that they wish to proceed with the mission. Hunter voices his concerns that Serenno is under the control of the Galactic Empire and that they have been careful to avoid attracting Imperial attention since the events that transpired on Kamino.
Scaleback retorts that a single war chest could be worth more than all of the previous jobs that the Batch has done for her. She informs them that it could buy their freedom. When Hunter argues that they are already free, Scaleback warns that the Empire will eventually turn its attention to her operations on Ord Mantell. Tech agrees with Scaleback's promise to absolve them of their debts if they are successful in this mission. Upon seeing Omega, Hunter concedes.
While aboard the Marauder, Echo voices his desire to actively fight against the Empire rather than simply hiding, and he suggests that the war chest could provide the means to do so. Hunter counters that he does not desire that kind of life for Omega, and Echo responds that they are living as fugitives because of her. As Hunter attempts to pull him out of earshot, Echo agrees that rescuing Omega from Kamino was the right decision but points out that in the face of the Empire's growing strength, they should be doing more. Hunter does not immediately respond to Echo's concerns but is clearly contemplating his words. Omega, on the other hand, overhears the entire conversation and is deeply affected by it.
The Marauder touches down on Serenno, and the Batch observes the bombed-out city, a consequence of an Imperial orbital bombardment. Using a pair of macrobinoculars, Tech identifies Class four container transports departing with stolen goods and believes that they have a limited window of opportunity to escape. Hunter offers to act as their eyes on the ground while the rest of the squad carries out the mission.
The squad eventually arrives at the Imperial shipyard, where clone stormtroopers are in the process of extracting Dooku's loot in large cargo containers. Hunter separates from Tech, Echo, Wrecker, and Omega to provide a diversion if necessary, while the other four proceed to steal whatever they can from the containers. As Hunter plants explosives on some Imperial escort ships, Wrecker stuns a passing clone stormtrooper, much to the annoyance of the others, who know that his absence will be noticed.
The four search for valuable items, and Omega discovers a chest filled with credits that they decide to take first. When Omega inquires as to how one person could amass so much wealth, Tech explains that Dooku acquired these resources from the worlds that he exploited and controlled. Echo adds that this is what corrupt individuals do. When Omega points out that they are stealing, Echo counters that it depends on how they utilize their loot.
Growing suspicious, the clone stormtroopers' Captain Wilco orders his troopers to locate the incapacitated clone CT-8801. In response, Hunter detonates the explosives on the escort shuttles, creating a distraction. After assessing the damage, Wilco orders the last remaining cargo ship to depart. Wrecker seizes the credit-filled chest and rushes back to Hunter, but the container doors close before everyone else can escape. Meanwhile, Omega, along with Tech and Echo, find themselves trapped inside their container as the third escort shuttle prepares for takeoff. Omega communicates the news to Hunter and Wrecker via comlink.
Wrecker and Hunter engage in a firefight with clone stormtroopers as they attempt to climb the container ship and reach Tech, Echo, and Omega. When the two slip off the container ship, they decide to return to the Marauder and rescue the others. Tech determines that they will attempt to commandeer an escape pod, and the trio makes their way through the ship while battling through its clone stormtrooper crew. Wrecker and Hunter make their way into Dooku's office, but are cornered by clones at Dooku's desk. Hunter and Wrecker engage the troopers in a gun battle and escape.
Captain Wilco gives the order for the escape pods to be released in order to prevent the rogue clones from escaping in them. Realizing that they are on a class four freighter, Omega suggests escaping the ship in a cargo vessel since they have reentry thrusters. Tech concurs but points out that the containers must be ejected before leaving the atmosphere. Pursued by clone stormtroopers, they are forced to abandon their treasure chest.
Back at Dooku's palace, Hunter discovers a lift panel behind Dooku's controls and activates it while Wrecker provides covering fire. Since the lift is jammed, Wrecker jumps on it to release it, and they both fall down the shaft. Meanwhile, Tech, Echo, and Omega evade their Imperial pursuers in the cargo ship's corridors. Tech initiates the cargo release, which deactivates the force field holding the various crates. The three clones make it to a cargo container as it descends towards the planet's surface, hoping that the reentry thrusters will fire soon.