
title: Aggrocrab

The Aggrocrab was a species indigenous to the jungle, beaches, and waters surrounding the tropical planet of Aynaboni. These creatures possessed large pincers and a shell, resistant to blaster weaponry, that was covered with spikes. Clone Force 99 encountered numerous specimens during their mission to secure a sizable container.

Biology and appearance

The crabs had large pincers that they used to protect their underside.

These giant, non-sentient crab species made their home within the jungle, along the beaches, and within the adjacent waters of an island located on Aynaboni. These crabs displayed a red and orange carapace adorned with blue, triangular spikes, as well as sizable, purple pincers similarly edged with spikes, two eyes, a pair of antenna, six legs, and a mouth composed of three separate flaps. The crabs' blood was green in color. They were susceptible to death when struck in their underbelly by a Zygerrian energy bow. Due to the resistance of their shells and pincers to blaster fire, the crabs would use their pincers to shield their vulnerable undersides. They were even capable of inflicting damage upon the modified Omicron-class attack shuttle known as the Marauder.


These crabs were known to sleep together in a clustered pod, and they would jointly pursue any individual who disturbed their slumber. They exhibited a propensity for aggression and were often heard emitting loud roars.


Several crabs swarming around Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo

Sometime between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, members of Clone Force 99, specifically "Hunter," "Wrecker," and "Echo," were engaged in a heist to retrieve a large crate from the jungle. Unfortunately, their activities resulted in Wrecker inadvertently awakening a substantial pod of Aggrocrabs. Subsequently, six of these crabs began to pursue the clones towards the beach, audibly snapping their pincers as they advanced. While Hunter managed to eliminate one crab with his blaster, he radioed "Tech" aboard the Marauder requesting additional firepower and extraction. Simultaneously, three crabs boarded the ship and began attacking it with their pincers, while another managed to latch onto the ship's fishing line. Omega, the youngest member of the group, sprang from the backs of two crabs and utilized her energy bow to dislodge the crabs from the Marauder before targeting those on the ground. While advancing towards the ship, Omega shot another crab and used its shell as a springboard to reach the fishing line, continuing to fire at the crabs as she did so. The Marauder then arrived at the location of Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo, unleashing blaster fire upon the crabs while Omega provided covering fire. The three clones continued to engage the crabs with blaster fire as they were hoisted aboard the ship via the fishing line. Finally, the Marauder departed from the island.

Behind the scenes

These crab-like creatures were initially revealed in the debut trailer for the second season of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which was released on May 29, 2022. Their first on-screen appearance occurred in "Spoils of War," the season's premiere episode, which aired on January 4, 2023.

