Ruins of War

"Ruins of War" is the second installment in the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, an animated television program. It debuted on January 4, 2023 on the Disney+ streaming service, concurrently with the season premiere, "Spoils of War."

Official description

The central question for the Batch becomes: who can they truly trust as they formulate their plan to escape?

Plot summary


Omega, Tech, and Echo are tossed around the cargo container as it plummets through the atmosphere, until the activation of its reentry thrusters. Simultaneously, Wrecker and Hunter are trying to discreetly navigate through the urban landscape to reclaim the Marauder. The cargo container, carrying the other three, grinds to a halt precariously close to the edge of a collapsing cliff. As they get ready to disembark, the container begins to slide, resulting in Tech suffering a fractured left femur due to falling debris.

Hide and seek

In another part of the area, clone troopers under the leadership of Captain Wilco commence a search operation for all members of the Bad Batch. Wilco is also informed that the majority of the cargo containers have impacted in the higher forested regions of Serenno. Assuming that the remaining two intruders are within the city limits, Wilco commands a shift in strategy, redirecting topside forces and instructing his troops to monitor comm channels. He also requests that a shuttle be prepared for immediate deployment.

Omega and Echo manage to drag Tech to safety, pulling him over the edge of a cliff. Omega is adamant about recovering the war chest, but Echo argues that their immediate escape takes precedence over retrieving the treasure. Meanwhile, Hunter and Wrecker are carefully surveying the city, while trying to evade detection by LAAT/i gunships. Aware that their communications are being monitored, Hunter transmits a coded message, instructing the others to initiate Plan Double Zero and cease all radio communications.

Upon receiving Hunter's message, Omega points out that they are being followed. The individual, Romar Adell, denies any affiliation with the Galactic Empire. While he claims there is no available shelter, Tech identifies a heat signature approximately 200 meters to the west, inferring that it is Romar's home. Echo then asks a hesitant Romar to guide them to his residence.

Wilco then issues orders for his squads to locate all 50 missing cargo containers, as well as the renegade clones. Observing from the shadows, Hunter informs Wrecker that they will need to breach the ranks of the Imperial clone troopers, inquiring if he has any remaining explosives. Wrecker replies that he only has a couple of smoke bombs remaining. Soon after, Hunter and Wrecker discover old Separatist tanks, hoping to employ them to disrupt the troopers blocking their path to the Marauder.

Guests of Romar

Upon reaching Romar's residence, Romar discovers that the three clones are, in fact, rogue clones who formerly served the Galactic Republic. When Omega inquires why Romar resides in such a remote location, Romar explains that he and other survivors of the Bombardment of Serenno were compelled to seek refuge. Omega suggests returning to complete their mission and retrieve the war chest. Echo believes that it is too risky. When Omega insists on completing the mission, Romar comments that she shares similarities with the other clones and advises her to avoid the war chest.

Romar clarifies that Dooku financed his war efforts not only by plundering from other worlds, but also by exploiting his own people. According to Romar, Dooku's pursuit of power has resulted in the devastation of their city. Omega offers to share the contents of the container. Romar expresses his disinterest in the treasure, stating that it would be better if it disappeared sooner rather than later. He informs the clones that they are not welcome before descending through a trapdoor. When Omega objects to abandoning the war chest, Echo instructs her to keep an eye on Romar. Omega reluctantly follows him through the trapdoor.

In Romar's home, the old man presents Omega with a colorful kaleidoscope, which she immediately hopes holds monetary value. Romar explains that it is an optical instrument that depends on colored glass. When Omega expresses her disappointment that the kaleidoscope is not treasure, Romar tells her that it is a toy, a concept unfamiliar to Omega, and adds that her happiness is worth more than any treasure. Omega rejoins Tech and Echo, who are still discussing the war chest. Believing that they can still utilize the war chest, Echo departs to scout for patrols.

Romar then returns with a Model two datacore and asks Tech if he can borrow his spanner. He explains that this device contains a fragment of the Serennian people's history, culture, art, music, and memories. Tech decides to assist Romar in restoring the Serennian datacore. After noticing Romar's rappelling cable, Omega devises a plan to acquire the war chest.

Fighting back

Meanwhile, Wrecker and Hunter attempt to get the tanks operational, but their efforts are thwarted by their damaged and dilapidated condition. Nearby, Wilco and his clone troopers close in on the two Batch members and prepare to engage. Wrecker and Hunter work to repair the tank as the clones launch their attack. While Hunter provides covering fire and throws a smoke bomb at the Imperials, Wrecker manages to repair a cannon on the tank. He destroys the approaching V-wing starfighter, thereby gaining an advantage over the Imperials. Hunter and Wrecker force Wilco and his troops to retreat.

Omega's rogue mission

Back at Romar's home, Tech successfully repairs the datacore, much to Romar's pleasure. Echo returns and notices Omega is missing. After Romar realizes that his rappeling cable is gone, Tech deduces that she has returned for the war chest. The two clones set off to locate her before the Imperials do. As Tech departs, Romar expresses concern about his broken left leg, but Tech insists that he can manage.

Omega, meanwhile, rappels down to the crashed cargo container. Elsewhere, Wrecker manages to impede the pursuing Imperial clone troopers by dislodging a rock in their path. A search and recovery squad composed of three clone troopers approaches the cargo container that Omega is in. Echo arrives just as the squad begins firing, and he jumps down to join her. A blaster bolt from one of the clone troopers' speeder bikes severs the cable.

Omega reveals to Echo her full pack of treasure, but Echo warns her about the clone troopers outside. Outside, the lead clone trooper reports their encounter with Echo to Captain Wilco, who dispatches a gunship to assist them. Despite his injuries, Tech manages to eliminate one of the clone troopers manning a gun emplacement. He then evades blaster fire from the remaining clone troopers.

After learning that Wrecker and Hunter are retreating to the eastern side, Captain Wilco redirects air support to that area. Hunter and Wrecker reach the Marauder while evading their Imperial pursuers. Once aboard, Hunter requests Tech's coordinates, which he transmits. They are confronted by three enemy V-wings, and Hunter sends Wrecker to man the rear guns.

Escaping Serenno

Tech becomes engaged in a physical altercation with one of the pursuing clone troopers behind a tree. Following a struggle, he manages to subdue the clone. The third remaining clone trooper attempts to check on his comrade CT-3278, but Tech shoots him down before he can man his tripod. Ultimately, this proves to be too much, and Tech collapses from his exertions.

While climbing up the cargo container, Omega loses her pack in the collapse and is upset because she overheard a conversation between Hunter and Echo who mentioned that they can't have a normal life with her around. Echo convinces her to abandon it. The two escape the cargo container before it falls over the edge.

Meanwhile, Romar assists Tech in getting up, and they spot the approaching gunship. Tech grabs a gun to shoot down the ship, while Romar attempts to pull Omega and Echo up. As debris falls, they are knocked down further, but Romar uses a stolen speeder bike to finally pull them back. The Marauder arrives, causing the final V-wing to crash into the cliff, and the Bad Batch is finally reunited. Romar allows Echo to keep the kaleidoscope and to remember what he said. Romar decides to remain behind and watches the clones fly away.


On the ship, Omega apologizes to Echo for her actions during the mission, explaining that she only wanted to repay the squad for taking her in. Echo reassures Omega that taking her in was the right decision, as they would otherwise still be serving the Empire. He affirms that they would do it all again.

Later at the Imperial shipyard, Captain Wilco reports to Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart that his men have recovered 85% of the war chest. Rampart dismisses this, and instead takes note of the mention of Clone Force 99 in Wilco's report, who were officially declared dead in the bombardment of Kamino. Wilco confirms that he sighted two members of the rogue clone unit.

Rampart further explains that the squad's survival would cause him to lose the favor of Governor Tarkin, and orders Wilco to file a falsified report. Unwilling to submit falsified information, Wilco refuses Rampart's order. In response, Rampart aims a blaster at Wilco, who attempts to wrestle the weapon away in vain before being shot and stumbling off the cliffside of the Imperial shipyard.


